对于你的任务,机器人技术提供你在一个屋檐下的一切... ...有动力和合格的员工。积极、灵活和高素质的员工是我们共同成功的基础。持续的进一步培训是需要的机器人技术,是一个合格的团队在我们的部门. ...的先决条件宽敞的调试。设备齐全的调试大厅是调试合格的基础。大型自动化系统可以完全组装和测试在机器人技术. ...现代办公建筑。我们提供舒适的环境和现代化的工作设备,为成功的项目规划奠定基础。拥有最新媒体设施的会议和培训室保证了相应的成功. ... perfectly equipped laser robot assembly. To guarantee high-value laser robot assembly, we made some relevant investments which ensure the continued high level of quality and record and monitor all important performance data. OUR SERVICES AT A GLANCE ROBOT-TECHNOLOGY is a competent partner for automation. Besides actual product development, we have our own design, project planning and commissioning teams. The mechanical components, such as the building of plants and the production of robots, are done by us in-house. We have our own specialist teams especially for robot programming and SPS control.
- 自动去毛刺机
- 自动研磨机
- 激光切割系统
- 激光切割系统
- 激光贴标系统
- 激光焊接系统
- 激光焊接系统
- 用于制造的激光系统
- 用于测量和控制的激光系统
- 用于汽车工业的激光系统
- 用于一般工业应用的激光系统
- 塑料注塑模具
- 焊接电池
- 焊接单位:焊接线