In the increasing measure enterprises need a clear and above all real time steered information about processes and goods. These must be formed faster, more efficiently, more perfectly and cheaper than up to now. More and more branches like healthcare, supply companies, facility management, pharma, automotive have recognized already the advantages of the M2M/Iot technology and use this for their advantage and differ therefore from their competitors at home and abroad.
这个任务成为一个挑战。有机农民came with the desire to find a way to tell which chicken laid how many eggs. Before working out a solution, it was first necessary to understand how chickens "work" when laying eggs. Is it random egg-laying - no matter where or when - or does a chicken have a certain methodology? Here was the information from the organic farmer very important.
Chickens usually lay their eggs in nests. These nests are prepared by the organic farmer and placed in the best possible place (dry with straw, etc.) and an important point was thus clarified. The organic farmer also wanted to ensure that the chickens could roam freely at all times, as free range farming requires.
Transponder on the legFinally, the organic farmer requested that the chicken should not be harmed by the technology used. First is the correct attachement of the transponder to the appropriate chicken, i. H. each chicken gets an RFID transponder (with a unique number). This data is stored in a database. In addition, data on the chicken can be stored, e.g. B. birthday, race, origin etc. A transponder was used here, which is attached to the legs of the chickens (similar to a pigeon ring). This ensured uniqueness without harming the chicken.
The basic requirement was prepared and now it was time for the nests.
Each nest has an RFID readerThe nests were prepared so that there was a hole in the middle. The downward sloping nest ensured that the egg always rolled towards the hole. Below the hole was a small spring-loaded flap that gave down as soon as the egg arrived. At this moment, a switch activates the reader, which reads the chicken in the nest (or the transponder).
A coming and going thanks to RFIDThe chickens came and went throughout the day and by the evening the organic farmer knew which chicken had laid how many eggs (or none). Of course, these readings only make sense if you carry them out over a longer period of time in order to obtain well-founded information. Another challenge was the desire to keep the chickens safe in the barn at night. It may be hard to believe, but there are still a large number of predators that hunt chickens at night.
With the already existing tag on the legs of the chickens, you can control a flap with RFID, which monitors the entry of the chickens and locks a flap at a desired time. According to the wishes and requirements of the customer, RadioForce has developed a tailor-made solution that is unique in agriculture to date. The next challenge will definitely come and we are already looking forward to it!
Animal breeding of the future today!Happy and healthy chickens in their natural environment. So chicken breeding should be operated taking into account a species-appropriate attitude.
RFID technology meets animal husbandry. Technology used sensibly with a win-win situation for EVERYONE!
The special feature of this project was the linking of a manual process of storage and retrieval with a modern and transparent system solution. With a number of around 1,300 to 1,500 racks, warehouse management did not appear to be a major challenge. However, the downstream production process was considerably more complex than originally thought.
The solution required the seamless monitoring of racks throughout the production process (including the galvanic processes).
As with any process in which individual racks are to be recorded in order to be able to fulfill a clear assignment in the course of the process, the racks must be given an individual identification. This is achieved with unique numbers of the RFID transponders (tags).
Component recognition in vehicle production - optimization with RFID. Another complex problem in the automotive industry that required a smart solution.
The taskA component in the vehicle MUST be verifiably built/installed in the vehicle. In this case it was the ASÖ (towing eye). According to legal requirements, this must be installed in the vehicle when it leaves the factory.
This check was currently carried out according to the 4-eyes principle. The installation was documented twice in writing on a control document. Nevertheless, it happened again and again that vehicles left the factory WITHOUT the ASÖ. In addition, a 4-eyes principle is complicated and expensive these days. A solution was therefore sought that would automatically check and electronically document without human intervention. This is where RFID technology comes into play.
Vehicle tracking in car dealership parking garage - location detection at floor level with RFID
Daily vehicle search withintensive time wastingdue to lack of location information.
The taskThe customer wanted a "rough" location information from RadioForce. KISS (keep it short and simple) was the motto. This means that the customer only wanted to know on which floor, underground car park or service point a specific vehicle is parked. Perfectly sufficient to reduce search times by around 85-90%. A win for all employees, the customer and ultimately the company.
Solution development:This project began with the discussion of the problem and subsequent inspection of the different locations and corresponding initial evaluation of the reading points. Both entry and exit of the vehicle must be registered. This vehicle information is previously stored in a database with its individual ID. Thus, the tag (transponder) fulfills the uniqueness that is important to identifyEVERY INDIVIDUALvehicle.
Always the same problem: The "on site" project has just been completed, you come back to the company and realize that you didn't bring tools, machines or other valuable equipment back with you.
Wouldn't it be great to take a simple quick inventory before leaving the location in order to then take one or the other almost forgotten "part" with you and save yourself time, work and above all money?
A booth builder approached us with this problem. Tools and other equipment are regularly left lying around after a job. A new purchase is always associated with effort and money.
1. Does the helicopter crew have everything they need for this mission?
2. Once withdrawn, such a bet costs a mid-range five-digit sum!
So you want to make sure you have everything you need on board. No time for a complex and time-consuming inventory before the start. How do you make sure everything is "on board".
Actually a simple question. However, the answer is far more complicated than one might think. The automotive industry is one of the industries that uses by far the latest technologies. Both in the vehicle itself and in the production of your vehicles.
During the development of a vehicle, almost all components are tested in a test vehicle for the first time. Due to the development, there are always parts that do not correspond to the wishes of the automobile manufacturer. In order to be able to make an analysis, the manufacturer needs the right data for the installed parts.
To date, the parts have been provided with a label on which the version and quality status of the part is provided on a barcode. The manufacturer has to read this barcode in order to then receive the corresponding data.
GPS tracker family including SIM card (EUROPA coverage) and WEB platform.
First COMPLETE GPS tracker solution with all required components (GPS tracker, SIM card (Europe) with variable tariffs and WEB portal (personalized) to quickly monitor goods, assets or other objects in real time.
A GPS tracker uses the GPS The tracker family also offers special functions tailored to the applications (animal tracking, anti-theft protection, speeding or simple position information).
Various alarms allow routes to be better planned, redirected or shortened. Direct interactive influence on the operational process (optimal use of time and money).
Extremely simple installation. Can also be installed by non-professionals. Preconfigured packages can also be called up.
Optimal solution for the fleet of all company sizes.
The most important basic equipment of the Smart City / IOT concept. Real-time visibility control.
As a dynamic technology M2M / IoT provides the ability to keep changing data "up to date". The fact that each RFID tag or sensor own UID owns (Unique Identification No.) makes it unique and hence impossible confusion. Errors are avoided and optimizes the quality of the process.
Exceptional size-to-performance ratio
Exceptional size-to-performance ratio
Advanced technology
Exceptional size-to-performance ratio
Product description
The mobile workhorse
The RFO WP4 SL is relied on every day in mobile-intensive applications such as asset tracking, meter reading, and mobile ticketing across a variety of industries such as field service, courier, retail, warehousing and manufacturing – and the list continues to grow.
It's more than a data capture device. It's a cellphone and an intelligent workstation too, allowing your mobile workers to call customers, upload route maps, and send data back to office headquarters.
Product description
Light and handy
The RadioForce RFO WR100 is a light wristband reader (only 100 gr) that allows to read & write UHF tags; easy to wear, with 3 configurable buttons, buzzer and 2 LEDs.
Always connected
The device can read up to 90 cm distance with battery life that supports 10.000 reading or 14 h in idle mode.
The RFO WR100 can communicate in real time by Bluetooth/GPRS or perform the logging of data collected up to 5.000 tags.
Area of application
Product description
Simple and fast!
The AGX Speedy150 is a data collector compliant with UHF RFID ISO 18000-6C/EPC C1G2 standards.
The AGX Speedy150 has an integrated antenna suited for short to medium range applications and, thanks to the Bluetooth® communication interface, it is a perfect UHF RFID add-on for any Bluetooth® enabled host such as a PC, a smartphone, a PDA or a tablet. The reader is compatible with Windows XP/7, Windows CE/Mobile, Android, iPhone and iPad.
HID Mode for simple keyboard emulation
The HID version supports native keyboard emulation allowing to interact directly with legacy application, office automation SW or any other generic solution requiring manual input.
Manage assets safe
Examples of such assets are vehicles, containers, office inventory or tools. The goal of mobile solutions for asset management is to make assets available and, if necessary, to ensure the efficient use thereof.
For this reason, an asset management system includes locating the assets, their use and ensure their maintenance. From our daily life we know how much time we spend with the search for personal belongings. This problem is far more complex in companies, which depend on many different assets and often the basis of a common use.
员工寻找时浪费了很多时间ssets thus increased process costs arising e.g. if the right containers are not available, causing part can not be transported to the line and production for the assembly. Another example is improperly maintained tools that cause harm or even can lead to accidents.