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- Offer Profile
- LANG Technik is one of the world's leading manufacturers of 5-axis workholding and machine tool automation systems. Besides the patented Stamping Technology LANG offers numerous centring vices for any milling application. The product line is complemented by a matching zero-point clamping system and various automation systems. The perfect, combined package of workholding, zero-point clamping and automation, along with the stamping technology, helps the customers maximise their manufacturing processes and optimise manufacturing capacities.
箴duct Portfolio
Workholding and Automation – from one source! We leave a mark in your manufacturing

Stamping Technology
- Patented form-closure technology providing highest holding power for 5-face machining worldwide
The Stamping Technology, also called pre-stamping, is a patented technology where the workpiece is stamped outside of the machine tool with up to 20 tons of hydraulic pressure, before being clamped in the Makro-Grip 5-Axis Vice with a form-closure effect. Clamping scenarios that require high holding power, but where the danger of workpiece deformation exists, can be mastered with the stamping process. For 5-sided machining, where optimal accessibility has to be achieved, stamping technology in connection with the Makro-Grip 5-Axis Vice is almost predestined and the very best the market has to offer.
Stamping units are available for work benches and on a trolley.
There are two different sizes (clamping ranges of up to 245 mm and 355 mm) and two different stamping jaw types:
1. Standard stamping jaws for material up to 35 HRC
2. High-End stamping jaws for material up to 45 HRC
At a glance:
- Patented form-closure technology
- External stamping of workpieces with up to 20t hydraulic pressure
- Stamping of materials up to 45 HRC
- Minimal prparator work required
- Tremendous material savings due to minimal clamping edge requirements

Stamping Unit
- Scope of delivery:
- Stamping vice
- Stamping jaws with 3 mm parallels
- Pneumatic-hydraulic power multiplier (1-360 bar)
- Gauging blocks to measure war of stamping jaws
- Pneumatic switch for hand or foot operation
- Scaled workpiece endstop
- 箴tection shield

Mobile stamping unit
- With the mobile stamping unit you stay flexible! You stamp the parts at the indended use area. Stamping can be conducted comfortably by hand operation. Alternatively stamping can be conducted by foot operation. Hence both hands can be used for handling heavy workpieces in an ergonomical manner.
The mobile stamping unit and the mobile dual stamping unit are available with extended stamping vices only!
Scope of delivery:
- Stamping vice
- Stamping jaws with 3 mm parallels
- Steel plate 596 x 496 mm
- Handy and rugged trolley
- Pneumatic-hydraulic power multiplier (1-360 bar)
- Pneumatic switch for operation by hand or foot
- Gauging locks to measure wear of stamping jaws
- Scaled workpiece endstop
- 箴tection shield

Mobile dual stamping unit
- 移动双冲压单元是完全安装for stamping workpieces with excess width and clamping them in 2 centring vices subsequently. The steel sub-plate features marking bores (distance 25mm) in order to individually adjust the distance between both stamping vices. The marking bores are set according to the pitch of the Quick-Point grid plates and the Makro-Grip multiple clamping vice.
Scope of delivery:
- 2 stamping vices
- Stamping jaws with 3mm parallels
- Steel plate 596 x 496 mm
- Handy and rugged trolley
- Pneumatic-hydraulic power multiplier (1-360 bar)
- Pneumatic switch for operation by hand of foot
- Gauging blocks to measure wear of stamping jaws
- Scaled workpiece endstop
- 2 protection shields
- Makro-Grip - The very best in 5-axis milling
From raw material to finished product - A fitting solution for all challenging clamping tasks. Unbeatable in 5-sided manufacturing. With its compact build, the 5-Axis Vice has ideal workpiece accessibility. In addition, this clamping package is completed with (multiple) clamping systems for profile and round parts (Avanti, Profile Clamping Vice, Ino-Grip chuck), along with the Vario Precision Vice for the machining of the 6th side.
At a glance:
- Best accessibility for 5-face-machining
- Exceptional holding power with lowest clamping forces due to the patented stamping technology
- High repeat accuracy for inserting workpieces without any endstops
- Easy and flexible handling due to lightweight vices
- Integrated zero-point interface

5-Axis Vice
- Makro-Grip 5-Axis Vice - Compact and unmatched holding power for the 5-face-machining of blanks and unfinished parts
At a glance:
- Best accessibility for 5-face machining
- Exceptional holding power with lowest clamping forces due to the patented stamping technology
- High repeat accuracy for inserting workpieces without any endstops
- Easy and flexible handling due to lightweight vices
- Integrated Quick-Point zero-point clamping
- Available with three different jaw widths: 46 mm, 77 mm, 125 mm

Dual Clamping Vice
- Makro-Grip Dual-Clamping Vice - Retrofitting kit for 5-Axis Vices
With the Makro-Grip retrofitting kit you can convert your existing Makro-Grip 5-Axis Vice into a Dual-Clamping Vice within just a few moments. The Makro-Grip Dual-Clamping Vice is perfectly qualified for batch production. The floating assembly of movable jaws allows safe clamping of workpieces with different lengths up to 2 mm difference (saw cut allowance). To increase the work area between the workpieces (which allows for a larger diameter tool size to be used) we now offer a wider centre jaw for the 77 mm and 125 mm vices.

Universal Vice Avanti
- Makro-Grip Avanti - The universal vice with great handling characteristics and unbeatable add-on jaw prices!
At a glance:
- Enormous set-up time savings thanks to quick jaw exchange system
- High repeat accuracy of clamping set-ups due to patented jaw exchange system
- Reasonable purchasing price of add-on jaws
- Base jaws can be mounted to regular Makro-Grip 5-Axis Vices as well
- Complete volume of add-on jaw can be used for profile clamping

Precision Vice Vario
- Makro-Grip Precision Vice Vario - The convenient and highly precise clamping solution with the well-proven Vario-Tec system
The 100.000 times sold Vario-Tec pin jaw technology - exclusively for LANG centring vices!
压缩一个别针吹出ir row by row at high accuracy (±0,01 mm). Pins not needed are simply pushed back by hand. 45° and 90° angles are set up within seconds.
At a glance:
- Ideal for challenging machining of the 6th face
- No parallels or endstops needed
- Easy repeatability of clamping set-ups
- High centring and repeat accuracy
- No swarf clogging at the jaws

Ino-Grip 3-Jaw Chuck
- Ino-Grip Compact 3-Jaw Chuck - The automatable chuck for milling round parts
At a glance:
- Wear-resisted coated aluminium base body
- Hand-operated scroll chuck
- Integrated adaptation for LANG automation systems
- Equipped with clamping studs Ø20 mm for Quick-Point 96 zero-point clamping system
- Clamping range of 5 - 160 mm
- Optimized geometry for ideal accessibility
- Clamping force of 1,8 t (at max. 70 Nm torque)
- Available jaw types: Soft block jaws, hardened gripping jaws
Zero-Point Clamping System
- Quick-Point Zero-Point Clamping System
The modular mechanical Quick-Point zero-point clamping system can be retrofitted to almost all machine tables, making it a perfect solution for time saving change-over of vices, fixtures and workpieces. Whether vertical or horizontal machining, whether single or multi clamping plates, there is a model that fits your needs. One of the lowest systems world-wide (27 mm) and high positioning repeatability make it one of the best in its class.
At a glance:
- Enormous reduction in set-up times
- Extremely flexible because of individual alignment on the machine table
- One of the lowest zero-point clamping systems on the market (27 mm)
- High process reliability with a repeatability of 5 µm and clamping forces of 6.000 kg
- Easy mounting of clamping studs in workpieces, fixtures and other clamping systems

- Quick-Tower - Zero-Point clamping system for horizontal machining centres
A stable and low-vibration cast body is our solution for the adaptation of clamping devices in horizontal machining centres. Due to multiple clamping possibilities the running time of machining centres can be increased dramatically with the Quick-Tower, which is compatible with all of our workholding devices. Workpieces in clamping devices can be rotated quickly and precisely by 90 degrees, whereby one can now finish 5 sides instead of 3. Our low-weight clamping devices are perfectly fitted for a quick set-up/ shutdown in the Quick-Tower. Our Quick-Tower cast bodies are available in two sizes (668 mm or 860 mm height). They have a precise machined surface with plane parallelism of ± 0,02 mm on total height and are mounted to the machine tool table via 12 Quick-Point clamping studs (standard) or a individual mounting pattern.

- 箴ducts:
- Quick-Point Plates
- Quick-Point Adapter Plates
- Quick-Point Multi Clamping System
- Quick-Point Support Plates
- Quick-Point Tri-Top
- Quick-Point Twin Base
- Quick-Point Automation Base Tower
- Quick-Point Automation Support Pallet
- Quick-Point Zero-Point Pallet
- Simple and attractive introduction to automation!
To utilise the highest machine capacity and guarantee an improvement on spindle runtime, it is imperative to have a reasonable degree of automation adapted to your manufacturing processes. Our flexible automation solutions cover the need for single piece production to large batches and can be retrofitted to almost all machine tools. Simple and uncomplicated controls combined with a quick return on investment makes this attractive for small companies and those just starting out in automation.
At a glance:
- Can be attached to almost all machining centres
- 前装机床可能的
- Small space requirements, flexible positioning towards machine tool
- No additional medium inside of the machine tool necessary
- Simple and user-friendly functional principle
- Favourable purchase pricing, quick amortisation

RoboTrex 96 Automation System
- Just like to proven RoboTrex 52 automation system, the new RoboTrex 96 operates the machining centre from an automation trolley, which serves as a storage medium for the vises. Depending on the part size, the trolley can store up to 16 vices. RoboTrex is optionally available with up to four trolleys, which means that the storage capacity can be increased to up to 64 vices. The heart of the system is the patented vertical positioning of the vices: it ensures maximum space utilisation and guarantees best accessibility. The external pre-loading of the automation trolleys allows RoboTrex Automation to be re-equipped within seconds. This ensures that no unnecessary downtimes of the machining centre are caused.
At a glance:
- Modern articulated robot with handling gripper for workpieces up to 30 kg
- Automation trolleys with patented vice storage
- 2 different types of trolley: Capacity of 15 vices (max. part size: 205 x 205 x 90 mm), Capacity of 16 vices (max. part size: 205 x 150 x 150 mm)
- Automatic entry system for automation trolleys
- Self-explanatory control via touch panel enables easy operation of the automation system
- External preliminary set of the shop trolley possible, no need for interrupting machining cycles
- The patented, edgewise mounting of the vices ensures maximum utilisation of space. The perfect accessibility to the clamping device allows exchanging workpieces, without taking the vice out.
- Optionally the RoboTrex 96 system is available with 4 automation trolleys. Thereby the storage capacity increases to 60/64 vices depending on the part size
- The control of the zero-point clamping system can be done pneumatically either by the gripper's interface or through the machine tool

RoboTrex 52 Automation System
- RoboTrex 52自动处理系统的运作the machining centre from an automation trolley, which serves as a storage medium for the vices. Depending on the part size, the trolley can store up to 42 vices. RoboTrex 52 is optionally available with up to four trolleys, which means that the storage capacity can be increased to up to 168 vices. The heart of the system is the patented vertical positioning of the vices: it ensures maximum space utilisation and guarantees best accessibility. The external pre-loading of the automation trolleys allows RoboTrex 52 Automation to be re-equipped within seconds. This ensures that no unnecessary downtimes of the machining centre are caused.
At a glance:
- Modern articulated robot with handling gripper for workpieces up to 12 kg
- Automation trolleys with patented vise storage
- 2 different types of trolley: Capacity of 30 vices (max. part size: 120 x 120 x 100 mm), Capacity of 42 vices (max. part size: 120 x 100 x 70 mm)
- Automatic entry system for automation trolleys
- Self-explanatory control via touch panel enables easy operation of the automation system
- External preliminary set of the shop trolley possible, no need for interrupting machining cycles
- The patented, edgewise mounting of the vices ensures maximum utilization of space. The perfect accessibility to the clamping device allows exchanging workpieces, without taking the vice out.
- Optionally the RoboTrex 52 system is available with 4 automation trolleys. Thereby the storage capacity increases to 120/168 vises depending on the part size
- The control of the zero-point clamping system can be done either pneumatically through the machine tool or mechanically through the robot

Makro-Grip Mobile Storage Unit
- Space-saving stocking solution for vices, pallets and fixtures. Your vices anf fictures are always in reach!
At a glance:
- Non-corrosive galvanised sheet steel
- Powder coated coolant collecting tray with integrated drain screw
- Ideal for transport on Euro pallets (footprint: 1200x800mm)
- Convenient handle for pushing and pulling the unit
- Easy moving of the storage unit with rubberised casters
Cleaning Fan
- The Clean-Tec Cleaning Fan cleans the machine interior after machining processes, removing chips and coolant without the operator having to open the machine tool door. As a final step in the machining process, the fan is called up via the machine program and selected from the tool magazine. Its blades are opened and closed by controlling the speed of the machine tool spindle.
No swarf and cooland outside the machine tool
Energy Savings
Expensive compressed air not needed
Unmanned Cleaning
Especially essential in the automated production