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- Offer Profile
- 在ADLINK努力推进技术e fields of test & measurement, applied computing and automation. We hope to provide superior quality and cost effective solution for our partners around the world.
Product Portfolio
Measurement & Automation

Data Acquisition (DAQ)
- Select from a wide range of ADLINK's PC-based data acquisition modules, including analog input, load cell sensor measurement, analog output, digital I/O, relay outputs, and timer/counter boards. ADLINK's data acquisition modules are designed for a wide range of applications and are available in a variety of form factors including USB, PCI, PCI Express, PXI, CompactPXI, PC/104+, and ISA. More than one hundred DAQ and DIO modules are offered. All ADLINK boards support NI® Labview™, MATLAB® Data Acquisition Toolbox™, Microsoft® Visual Basic®, and Microsoft® Visual C++®

DAQ Software & Utility
- ADLINK delivers robust software support for their comprehensive line of DAQ cards in a variety of form factors: PCI Express®, PCI, CompactPCI, and PXI. ADLINK offers driver and SDK support for mainstream Windows and Linux operating systems, and also support for third-party applications including Visual Studio, LabVIEW® and MATLAB®. In addition, ADLINK also provides ActiveX componentware for measurement and SCADA/HMI, and ready-to-run Data Logger software.

- PXI/PXIe is an ideal deployment platform for measurement and automated test systems, environments in which reliability is critical. In the development of a reliable PXI/PXIe platform, however, thermal issues demand maximum consideration. Priorities include: ensuring that airflow is sustained when passing over elements in need of cooling; minimizing the take-in of unwanted additional heat; successfully balancing maximization of exhaust port dimensions with safety considerations;, and optimizing the PQ curve of fan placement. Of equal concern is power supply disposition. Providing a dedicated heat dissipation path for the power supply enables an optimum thermal solution.

- The IEEE-488 standard, also known as GPIB, is a bus interface that connects instruments in a computer to an ATE system. ADLINK GPIB interface cards in PCI, PXI, and USB interfaces are delivered with complete software support, including a driver API that is fully binary compatible with NI-488.2* driver software. ADLINK's GPIB interface cards provide you with full compatibility with all your existing applications.

Bus Expansion
- Bus expansion is a technology that increases the number of slots of the same or different bus type for a host computer system. ADLINK bus expansion product provides variety of interface options, including PCI, PCI Express, PXI, and ExpressCard to increase bus slots and leverage the latest computing power of both desktop and server-grade computers for a variety of applications. The interoperability of different bus interface devices, such PCI, PXI and PCI Express, is also a great benefit for those facing complicated system integration tasks. ADLINK bus expansion products also provide complete hardware and software transparency, without the need for additional drivers or software.

Modular Instrument (Digitizer)
- ADLINK modular instruments provide the basic building blocks for a wide range of applications. From entry-level to high-end products, ADLINK provides a full suite of modular instruments with the best price/performance ratio to enable cost-effective development of your measurement applications. Four categories of instruments are available to fit your needs: high-speed digitizers, dynamic signal acquisition & analysis, switches, and arbitrary waveform generators. For each modular instrument, ADLINK provides driver support for different operating system, including Windows 7/VISTA/XP/2000 and Linux. ADLINK also provides drivers for LabVIEW™ and MATLAB to help you shorten developing time.

- ADLINK offers a variety of motion control solutions including different types of motion command interfaces and comprehensive and easy-to-use function libraries for industrial uses such as semiconductor, LED and LCD manufacturing, and laser cutting applications, or in other electrical manufacturing equipment. Machine manufacturers will be benefited from the precise positioning and advanced motion trajectory control technology provided by ADLINK.

Distributed I/O
- PCI Board
- U Series
- Daughter Board / DB Series
- Terminal Board
- Metal Type / M Series


Machine Vision
- A leading provider of machine vision systems, ADLINK offers complete solutions for machine vision applications with a versatile range of image acquisition options, including embedded vision systems, frame grabbers, and video capture cards

- PCI-7841/ cPCI-7841
- PCI-C588/PCIe-C588/C584
- C518/C514
- cPCI-3534/ 3538 Series
- cPCI-3544 Series
- cPCI-8994
Industrial Computers

- ADLINK provides a complete line of 3U and 6U CompactPCI platform and along with a diverse line of plug in boards and these CompactPCI products provide the most cost-effective high performance platforms for telecommunications, military , industrial automation.

- With the Computer-On-Module (COM) approach, all generic PC functions are readily available in an off-the-shelf core module. A custom designed carrier board complements the COM with additional functionality that is required for specific applications. The carrier board provides all the interface connectors for peripherals such storage, Ethernet, keyboard/mouse, and display.

Industrial Computers
- The M family of motherboards comprises a broad range of products. Customers can select from various Intel® processors, including the latest dual core processors.

- ADLINK大力推进s the advantages of the AdvancedTCA technology by providing complete platform solutions that offer high-density processing power, faster data throughput, and intelligent system management. Designed for next-generation telecom, datacom, and equipment manufacturers, ADLINK's AdvancedTCA platforms significantly reduce over-all development costs, come with extended operating lifecycles, and speed up critical time-to-market.

Rugged by Design
- Check out the most rugged COM offerings in the industry, SBCs in popular compact form factors for embedded applications, and rugged systems with field-proven reliability, durability, and performance

Industrial Grade SSD
- ADLINK industrial grade solid state drives (SSDs) are designed to provide high performance, low power consumption, high reliability and high capacity in 2.5", 1.8", and Half-Slim (MO-297) form factors. Optimized for high-throughput data transfers, ADLINK ASD SSDs are ideal for telecom server, defense, transportation and industrial applications.

Fanless Embedded Computer
- ADLINK's Matrix fanless embedded computers feature cable-free construction, wide operating temperature ranges, and extended MTBF of up to 250,000 hours, fulfilling the needs of automation users in harsh working environments. To meet industrial certifications for ruggedness in specific applications. The ADLINK Matrix line subjected to rigorous testing for verification. All ADLINK Matrix products are proven reliable and flexible platforms in any industrial application.
Industrial Mobile Computers

Industrial Mobile Handheld Device
- IMX, the product series of industrial-grade mobile handheld terminals, realizes the concepts of cloud computing and IoT by integrating devices - including information transmission and receiving equipment such as radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, infrared sensors, global positioning systems, and laser scanners, - with the Internet to ensure the transparent management of goods by facilitating their automatic identification, as well as information interconnection and sharing during production, logistics, and consumption processes.

Smart Panel
- Smart Panel is a System on Display. It is the core building block in a display integrated computing platform, such as Panel PC, POS, HMI, and so on.
Smart Panel combines a LCD panel, CPU board and touch-screen in a single compact package.