Business Profile
Based on Capacitive Digital Technology
Since the foundation in 1969, the Eilersen companies in Denmark and Switzerland have been dedicated to the development, manufacture and supply of high quality shockproof industrial sensors based on a capacitive measurement principle for the measurement of force and weight.
This extensive know-how is patented worldwide and invested in the current range of digital sensors for industrial applications. The capacitive technology features a number of advantages compared to other technologies used in sensors for measuring force and weight.
The digital sensors feature high specifications, high reliability, simple mechanical and electrical installation and minimal maintenance for the use in tough and demanding industrial environments. The sensors are available with Profibus DP, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP, Modbus ASCII/RTU, RS485/422, RS232, 4-20 mA and 0-10 VDC interfaces, and can be supplied in OIML and ATEX certified versions.
The Eilersen customers are found among leading industrial companies and the dedication to technology, quality, and service has led to a very high level of customer loyalty. The industrial sensors are supplied worldwide through a growing distribution network.
The Eilersen companies have a sound financial basis and exercises environmental and social responsibility. Furthermore, the company offers an equal opportunity and non-discrimination policy and benefits from very stable and dedicated employees.