  • Offer Profile
  • 一眼诺玛尔行业:

    • Founded in 1990
    • Owner and managing director: Mr Bernd Neumaier
    • 大约90名员工
    • Two business sectors: Sheet metal processing & System engineering
    • 25年工业钣金加工经验
    • 自2000年以来的机电季发系统的开发和生产
    • 林德材料处理的系统合作伙伴
    • 公司区域20,000平方米(距目前正在开发的现有公司站点旁边有20,000平方米)
    • Certified company
    • Comprehensive sheet metal warehouse
    • Own truck fleet
  • Load train Factory Train

  • 用于内部材料流的最安全,最有效的解决方案

      • 加载火车工厂火车 - 每次操作的右负载火车

      • The load train Factory Train comprises of four different types of chassis. The payloads for all four series are between 1,000 and 2,000 kg. The FT800 series can even load up to 3,000 kg. The four series of load train Factory Train covers all imaginable areas of operation. This means maximum benefit for you as the customer and end user. From simple applications in the indoor area via complex outdoor use to automated procedures and processes.
          • 加载火车FT400-简单高效

            • Load train for straightforward use
            • 没有提升功能
            • 轻松加载 /卸载叉车或托盘堆栈器
          • Load train FT500 - compact and agile

            • 用于室内使用的装载火车
            • Optional SE tyres for outdoor use
            • 敏捷和短载火车系统
            • 高方向稳定性,尤其是在S曲面上
          • Load train FT600 - For automated applications

            • 自动化流程的加载火车
            • 负载载体中的集成起重单元
            • 自动加载/卸载的高定位精度
          • 负载火车FT800-室外区域舒适

            • 用于室外和室内使用的装载火车
            • 带卷补偿的摆动轴
            • 高弹簧挠度和地面间隙
            • Lifting heights up to 200mm
            • 有效载荷最多可能3,000公斤
        • Technology & Equipment – Load train Factory Train for safe and efficient intralogistics

        • 借助创新和复杂的技术,Load Train Factory Train提供了未来的且具有成本效益的内在学。驾驶和操作负载列车是为员工设计的符合人体工程学的。许多安全功能已经集成到基本设备中。由于持久的设计,运营时间计数器和维护说明以及远程诊断的可能性,服务和维护成本尽可能低。
            • 电子转向

            • 电子控制转向,以最大程度地定向稳定性(“虚拟轨道”:轨道上的驾驶)。
            • 降低速度

            • 自动降速转弯,直到完整的火车朝向前方。没有“鞭打效应”。
            • 对角驱动器

            • Full turn of all steering axles in the same direction allows a diagonal drive of the load train ("Crabbing") for one easy lane change.
            • 单独控制的举重功能

            • Time and energy efficient operation through individually controllable lifting functions centrally on the tractor or directly on the modules.
            • 暂停

            • 悬架和反弹连接可为货物提供高度保护,免受颠簸和打击,并允许安静的操作。
            • CAN-Bus control

            • 自动识别连接到负载列车的负载载体
            • Lowering clearance and tow tractor locking

            • 安全加载 /卸载。只有在施加了拖曳拖拉机手刹时才能降低负载载体。当装载载体处于降低位置时,拖车拖拉机会自动停止移动。
            • 维护和服务

            • 操作小时柜台和带有指定服务间隔的维护灯提供了长时间的运行时间。
            • 完全无油的系统

            • 纯电气操作和完全无油的系统可确保高效,能源效率并避免因油损失造成的污染(泄漏)。
            • 天气保护系统

            • 防风和防雨天气保护系统(选项)防止天气的最大保护。手动或电动操作。
            • 电子制动系统

            • 通过具有ABS功能的电子单轮制动系统对整个负载列车的安全制动和平稳减速。
            • TüvSüd的报告

            • 该报告证明了道路的道理,是豁免使用“装载火车工厂火车”(例如道路越过或公共道路上短途距离)的基本条件。
          • 自动负载列车和整体自动化解决方案

          • The automated load train Factory Train FT600 has been specially developed for automated logistics processes. The FT600 load train offers the same advantages as the manually operated load trains of the Factory Train range. The highlight: The lifting function is integrated in the FT600 series in the load carriers. This enables high positioning accuracy and height flexible loading and unloading at the source and destination.
              • Load carriers with telescopic forks

              • 带有带有可自动扩展的望远镜叉的负载载体;可以自动拾取和交付带有滚筒的手推车等有安全 /缩回的滑动负载载体,也可以捡起托盘。

                • 单侧加载 /卸载
                • 自动扩展的望远镜叉
                • 手推车 /托盘的自动集合
              • Load carriers with conveyor belt

              • 带有传送带载体;可以直接从电动滚轮输送机或传递到驱动的滚轮输送机上接收负载载体。可以通过集成在负载载体中的起重齿轮自动调整接送高度。

                • 双面加载 /卸载
                • 自动转移到驱动的辊输送机
                • 可能收集几个负载
              • 工厂航天飞机FS-紧凑的无人驾驶运输系统

              • 紧凑,敏捷和高效。无人驾驶工厂的航天飞机在使用中使用了多功能,并与负载火车工厂的火车结合使用,形成了现代和自动化的内部材料的完美组合。因此,负载火车工厂的火车是手动和自动的,可以处理更长的运输距离。例如,来自生产和汇编大厅的仓库。然后,无人驾驶运输班车接管了单个组件和生产站的短距离。在这里,班车可以在使用地点使用加载列车“骑”,然后在使用位置“涌出”,或者在负载列车到达工作地点时加载 /卸载负载载体。


            • 叉车技术

                • 旋转驾驶员工作站

                • 最大安全性,身体缓解和高处理能力


                    • 更好的视图和安全性

                    • With the rotating driver's workstation the driver can turn his entire workstation and has a free view in his reverse-drive direction of travel. The risk of accidents is reduced to a minimum and the driver can react quickly and safely in the event of dangerous situations. By slightly turning his head he also has a safe view of the load he is transporting.
                    • 高用户友好

                    • The operation of the rotating driver's workstation is simple and intuitive. The entire workstation including seat with operating unit, steering wheel and pedals is brought into the desired position with a simple hand movement. Turning the seat when changing the direction of travel is not necessary. The driver can drive backwards and forwards in rotated seat position - with optimum circumferential visibility.
                    • 60% physical relief & increase of handling capacity

                    • 随着旋转驾驶员的工作站,整个工作站不仅是驾驶员。因此,驾驶员的肌肉骨骼系统得到了缓解,疲劳的迹象和健康风险降低了。对专业协会贸易和商品分销(BGHW)的研究表明,旋转的驾驶员工作站可减少驾驶员的身体压力。60%。

                      More rapid manoeuvring and safe load handling is possible due to better circumferential visibility and the physical relief of the driver. Consequence: increasing work efficiency and handling capacity.

                  • Panoramic seat

                  • 最大安全性,身体缓解和高处理能力

                    Whether forward and backward - with the 45° angled seat, the driver always has the best view in the direction of travel and of the load. With the optionally available panoramic seat for the forklift, the complete driver’s seat including pedals is turned to the right at a 45° angle. The difference from the previously available rotatable driver workstation is the rigid seat position at a 45° angle. The advantages are obvious: The driver always has the best view in his direction of travel and the best view of the hazardous area. The risk of accident is reduced to a minimum. The driver also always has the same seat position whether he drives forward or reverses. Thus, he must not familiarise anew and user-friendliness is very high. Due to the side seat position, there is plenty of space for the driver and a good amount of leg room.

                      • 身体缓解和安全负荷处理

                      • The physical strain on the driver reduces enormously, particularly in many reverse movements. By turning their head slightly, the driver can both view their direction of travel and keep an eye on the load. The driver keeps a good overview of the immediate hazard zone and can safely move the forklift. It is no longer necessary to turn the upper body. The spine and back muscles are relieved of significant stress. This prevents long-term, permanent damage while driving and downtimes due to illness.
                      • 优点概述:叉车的全景座椅

                        • Best view in the direction of travel and of the load, both during forward and reverse movements.
                        • 在许多反向运动中,驱动器的身体压力减少。
                        • 驾驶员始终具有相同的座位位置,并且很快在座椅上变得舒适。
                        • 根据驾驶员的人体工程学需求,转向单元的各种设置选项。
                        • 易于进出,因为转向单元很容易转动。
                      • 转向单元的各种设置选项

                      • The driver can set up his work place ergonomically according to his needs. The steering unit can be turned around the steering column by 120° and set to 21 different intermediate angles. Height adjustment is also possible. This increases comfort for the driver, which increases work productivity.
                    • Rotating cabin for heavy forklift trucks

                    • 最佳周向可见性和安全性

                      由于整个驾驶员机舱向左旋转高达90°,向右旋转65°,并在左侧进行了180°的额外回忆,驾驶员始终在旅行方向上有最佳的视野 - 即使逆转。Linde重型叉车系列1401的旋转小屋在材料处理方面具有相当大的优势,例如旋转的驾驶员的叉车工作站,尤其是大量笨重的负载。

                        • 身体上的救济

                        • 巨大的调整可能性增加了驾驶员的舒适性,同时减轻了身体压力。对专业协会贸易和商品分销(BGHW)的研究表明,旋转机舱可减少驾驶员的身体压力高达60%。
                        • 增加处理能力

                        • 随着旋转机舱的扩展视力区域不仅增加了安全性,而且还大大增加了处理能力。在较大的盲载的情况下,这是相当明显的,驾驶员必须改变旅行和逆转方向。
                        • 强大的结构和高度用户友好

                        • 强大的结构可确保长期使用寿命,并最大程度地减少维护和维修的成本。旋转机舱的简单直观操作使驾驶员可以快速训练和安全处理。
                      • 重型叉车的高架小屋

                      • Best view in the case of bulky loads


                          • 最佳周向可见性和安全性

                          • 高架舱的行进速度为0.24 m/sec。并可以在10秒内移出,至最大高度。5.5 m(驾驶员客舱的顶部边缘)。驾驶员的眼睛高度约为地面5.2 m。因此,对于拥有一切视线的驾驶员而言,这是完美的视野。
                          • High handling capacity

                          • 重力中心,凸起的座椅位置和连接的反向驾驶摄像头的组合可确保良好的负载和周围环境。事故风险在同一时间同时提高处理能力的同时最小化。
                          • 一目了然

                            • 身体缓解→驾驶员的高度满意度和由于疾病而减少的下降时间
                            • 更好的视图→运输大量负载时的良好视图
                            • 安全性提高→减少危险情况和工作事故
                            • Rapid load handling → Increase of handling capacity
                            • 简单操作→安全处理的直观操作
                            • 强大的施工→长期使用寿命和维护和维修成本较低