  • 提供个人资料
  • Rovi由三名工程师创立,是慕尼黑技术大学(TUM)的衍生产品。我们的共同愿景是创建改善我们日常生活的机器人。简单且低成本却足够聪明的机器人可以接管沉闷,肮脏和危险的任务。

    我们的愿景是使每个人都可以使用智能机器人 - 帮助我们在办公室和家里进行制造业。传感器是将机器人“脱离笼子”的关键技术,但是当前的传感器系统既复杂又昂贵。

    Visevi Robotics提供了世界上第一个用于机器人武器和握手的完全基于相机的传感器系统。我们的专利解决方案依赖于图像处理软件,并具有丰富的感觉反馈。
Product Portfolio
  • Visegrip

  • 看,发现和把握:一个聪明的扣人心弦的系统tem for versatile and sensitive grasping.

      • Intelligent gripping system

      • A gripping system providing the sense of touch
      • 您的好处

      • 多才多艺的
        Recognizes and grasps a large variety of different objects in unstructured environments


        Allows an easy setup due to a tight integration of the camera, software and gripper

      • 我们的技术解决方案

      • 我们的智能夹具解决方案集成了两个灰度/彩色摄像头,一个工业2 jaw抓手,以及带有标准安装座的紧凑型包装中的通用手指。手指配备了一层橡胶泡沫,以支持基于相机的触觉感应。

        The core of our sensing technology is an image processing software, which derives physical sensor signals from the observation of the rubber foam's deformation during contact. Hence, the sensor functionality is shifted from complex and dedicated hardware modules into our intelligent sensor software. This sensor software provides rich feedback about the grasping process, including tactile/pressure profile, grasping force, gripper opening, object position/count, object shape, object deformation and detailed grasping statistics. Using this data, our multi-goal grasp controller enables intelligent and flexible grasping of varying objects.

        Our patented sensor principle allows you to simply replace or adapt the gripper's fingers. This is due to the fact that no wiring is needed in the fingers, since the rubber foam is completely passive and without any integrated electronics.
    • Visepick

    • 基于摄像机的选择和放置解决方案for the reliable handling of objects in unstructured environments.

        • 基于摄像机的选择和放置解决方案

        • Reliable picking in unstructured environments
        • 您的好处

        • 多才多艺的object recognition

          Employs a stereo depth camera system and avoids expensive feeding systems.

          Monitors the gripping process to ensure an accurate and secure grip.

          Easy plug and play
        • Features

        • 硬件将军
          Payload Depending on your robot model (e.g. for Igus Robolink-D: 300-2500g)
          Flange Available for various robot models

          Hardware Camera
          Depth Technology Active IR Stereo (Global Shutter)
          深度视野(FOV)85.2°x 58°x 94°(+/- 3°)(水平×垂直×对角线)
          深度流输出分辨率高达1280 x 720
      • ViseTac

      • Feeling by seeing! Camera-based tactile sensors providing the sense of touch.


        Passive Element
        No electronics/wiring
        Virtual sensor图像处理中的触觉信号


        • Sensitive element (rubber foam bar), with mounts for common grippers
        • USB3 camera
        • Sensor software with ROS integration
        • Bootable USB stick
        • Web-based interface
          • 基于摄像机的触觉传感器

          • 触觉传感器提供压力或接触型,类似于我们对皮肤的感觉。他们提供有关抓握过程的丰富反馈,因此对于自适应和敏感的抓握过程至关重要。我们的基于相机的解决方案仅需要一种被动和可变形的材料,这会在压力上变形。我们的图像处理软件从观察到的变形中得出触觉信号。
          • Exemplary application: gripper fingers

          • Our camera-based tactile sensors are easily attachable to gripper fingers, since they do not require any wiring.
          • 不同的形状和尺寸

          • Since the sensing element is passive and deformable, it can be adapted to any shape and size.
        • Technology

            • Visevi Robotics提供了世界上第一个用于机器人武器和握手的完全基于相机的传感器系统。我们的专利解决方案依赖于图像处理软件,并具有丰富的感觉反馈。
            • 低成本的被动元件替代了电子传感器,以取代关节位置,力/扭矩和触觉数据。使用视觉标记确定位置,而力传感依赖于可变形元件,例如橡胶泡沫。摄像机遥远地观察这些元素。物理测量是由我们的软件从图像中计算得出的。
            • Visevi’s sensor software greatly simplifies the mechanics, hardware design and wiring of robot arms – and thus enables their use in low-cost automation, service robotics and consumer applications. The robot is continuously auto-calibrated, enabling the use of low-cost structural parts even for precise manipulation tasks.
          • 用例

          • 以下显示了使用我们的传感系统为机器人的一些模范用例和应用程序。请随时告诉我们您的申请!我们将快速评估我们的技术可以解决您的自动化问题!
              • 桌面机器人臂

              • 我们的基于相机的传感技术可以轻巧,低成本和移动机器人臂。他们适合任何办公桌或工作台,以协助人工工人。通过集成的计算机视觉,它们很容易适应,并且可以检测对象。
              • 多功能敏感的抓握

              • 将您的掌握应用程序提升到一个新的水平!处理不同形状,刚性和材料的物体,具有单一的多功能和自我适应抓手。有了我们的触觉传感器,您就会获得有关握把物体和握住状态的丰富反馈。
              • 订单选择

              • Commission small parts such as screws, fittings or plastic part in exact quanities for packagaing or for subsequent worksteps. The robot can do this step even right on the workbench using our versatile grasping system, or any another manipulator.

              • Process monitoring

              • 通过添加我们的基于软件的传感器来监视自动化系统的状态。数据和统计信息在现场或云中处理,并在任何Web浏览器上显示。
              • 柔性包装

              • 机器或人工提供的包装零件或组件。我们的基于摄像头的系统灵活地定位新零件,挑选它们并将其放置在一个免费的位置。