

威尔逊·沃尔顿国际公司由两位著名的海洋腐蚀控制先驱——英国的托尼·威尔逊和美国的罗伯特·沃尔顿于1959年创立。他们一起在全球所有主要航运中心建立了销售/服务办事处网络。40多年来,公司通过创新研究、设计和不断开发更新更好的产品,为远洋船舶提供更可靠的腐蚀控制,一直处于行业领先地位。1982年,我们推出了第一个计算机控制外加电流阴极保护(ICCP)系统,广受好评的AQUAMATIC II。1984年,我们在德克萨斯州休斯顿开设了一家铸造厂,生产锌和铝牺牲阳极。2000年,这家铸造厂生产了180万磅。除了160万磅铝阳极。用于船舶,海上和工业行业的锌阳极。1995年,公司在弗吉尼亚州的诺福克开设了一个额外的销售/服务办公室,以处理该地区大量的船舶维修。1999年,为处理最近获得的服务合同,在西海岸设立了一个类似的办事处。 In 1996 we unveiled the first network-based intelligent AQUAMATIC III ICCP System to replace the stand-alone computerized systems of the past. It was an immediate success and is now in use on ocean vessels all over the world. In 1997 we designed the AQUAMATIC III Workboat ICCP System, recognizing the need for a similar yet economical system for smaller vessels, such as tugs, ferries, fishing boats, pilot boats, patrol boats, supply boats and dinner boats. In 1999 we designed the AQUAMATIC III ipLOGGER which will automatically record and upload all ICCP system readings to the ship's computer, for e-mail transmission to WWI and/or owner's office for analysis. In 2000 we introduced the CLEARFLO Marine Growth Prevention System (MGPS) for anti-fouling and anti-corrosion of seachests and seawater circulation systems