  • 提供个人资料
  • Epson Factory Automation, a pioneer in robotics and full-service provider from manufacturing to sales, including support. Since the launch of our robots in 1980, we have been among the leading providers in the sphere of automation.

Product Portfolio
  • Epson Robots

  • 现代自动化解决方案必须满足一些简单的要求:尽可能快,尽可能快,尽可能廉价。Epson为您提供各种独特的高速和高精度工业机器人。
      • New Epson Robots

          • 新的Epson N系列

          • Compact like no other 6 axis robot. Maximum efficiency over the smallest footprint. Extremely manoeuvrable due to inwardly orientated second axis.

            Design: Vertical articulated arm
            Load capacity: 2,5 kg
            范围:P点* 450毫米
            可重复性: + / - 0.02毫米

            High output, low space requirement

            The new Epson N series 6 axis robot can reach every point of its work cell with ease – even where it's really cramped. The reason: a revolutionary kinematic geometry with a completely new folding arm.

            The new N series covers an action field for which you would normally require a 6 axis robot with a significantly longer arm length.

            Extremely manoeuvrable due to inwardly orientated second axis

            A classic 6 axis robot works in an external orientation: The arm must fully extend for reorientation. This costs space and time.

            在新的Epson N系列中,第二轴向内定向,从而向下移动旋转中心。这意味着第二轴轴可以穿过零位置。更直言不讳:第二轴从一侧到另一侧。到目前为止,这种对占地面积的可操作性是闻所未闻的,并导致了高效的工作流程。

          • The new intelligent dual arm robot from Epson

          • 来自Epson的双臂机器人几乎可以使用基于人类生理学和广泛的积分传感器(例如相机,力传感器和加速度计)的臂几何形状来执行不同的任务。即使迄今为止很难自动化的任务现在也可以由机器人进行。

        • 蜘蛛机器人 - 爱普生机器人革命

        • Thanks to its unique construction, the Epson Spider robot is not only extremely compact and incredibly fast. It also uses the maximum working range of its arm lengths 100% without the otherwise usual dead zone of classical SCARA robots!

          Extremely compact, flexible, and ideal for narrow production cells

          The Epson Spider is a new species of SCARA robots. These 4-axis robots designed like a human arm work on horizontal planes and are ideal for fast pick-and-place applications and assembly processes.
          Apart from that, the Spider combines all advantages of the high-performance Epson SCARA robots. Among them are outstanding cycle times and joining properties, high insertion forces and rigidities, superb repeatability and an excellent deadload–payload ratio.

          It is the first and only SCARA robot with a perfectly cylindrical envelope. Thanks to that, the impressively productive spider can reach all positions of its area of activity (100%) and also convinces with short cycle times

            • Epson Spider RS3

            • 圆柱工作空间

              Payload: 1/3 kg

            • Epson Spider RS4

            • More Arm Strength

              Payload: 1/4 kg

              Epson Spider RS4比其小兄弟RS3具有更多的“手臂力量”和更广泛的操作范围。结果,Epson Spider RS4能够承载较重的负载,并且最适合具有较大信封的应用。

              The Epson Spider is a new species of SCARA robots. These 4-axis robots designed like a human arm work on horizontal planes and are ideal for fast pick-and-place applications and assembly processes.
              Apart from that, the Spider combines all advantages of the high-performance Epson SCARA robots. Among them are outstanding cycle times and joining properties, high insertion forces and rigidities, superb repeatability and an excellent deadload–payload ratio.

              It is the first and only SCARA robot with a perfectly cylindrical envelope. Thanks to that, the impressively productive spider can reach all positions of its area of activity (100%) and also convinces with short cycle times.

          • SCARA Robots

          • The next generation SCARA Robots

            Look no further for your next SCARA robot as Epson Robots give you more Power of Choice than ever before. With 300 models available in sizes from 175 – 1.000mm in reach and payloads of up to 20KG, washdown models and cleanroom models, chances are that Epson has the model and configuration you need for your application.

              • Epson SCARA G1

              • Our mini — compact power

                Reach: 175 /225 mm

                The solution for tasks in most confined spaces:Epson G1系列 - 作为微型手持,转移单元或高性能馈线,用于较大的机器人。专为工作中的一百毫米而设计,例如电子制造或精确机械工艺。由于其高强度铝设计和同时紧凑而强大而导致的超轻。

              • Epson SCARA G3

              • It's all about the curve

                Payload: 1/3 kg
                覆盖率:250/300 / 350毫米

                所有组装工作中的高百分比是在同一手臂位置进行的。因此,Epson Scara-G3配有左弯曲的第一臂(正弦)或右弯曲的第一臂(余弦)。专利的臂几何形状可以大大减少运动周期时间,因为在大多数情况下,耗时的旋转旋转以改变手臂位置是过时的。G3也可以带有直臂。这些设备特别适合在密闭空间中使用,因为它们在医学工程和自动组件制造中很常见。

              • Epson SCARA G6

              • 新效率水平

                Reach: 450 /550/ 650 mm

                The new design of the G6 series offers maximum work envelope at very compact dimensions. The robots can carry out tasks with an arm length of e.g. 550 mm when usually 600 mm would be required. The G6 series is the ideal solution for applications in which high speed at maximum precision is required — such as the production of mechanical and electrical parts, pick-and-place applications, equipping with small parts, dosing and feeding.

              • Epson SCARA G10

              • Fast and strong

                Payload: 5/10 kg
                触及:650 /850毫米

                超快速度和更高的有效载荷?G10系列的Epson Scara机器人的组合可以完美地处理,这是由于高度刚度高。G10在各个含义上都是快速的 - 用于组装和配置以及使用多部门处理。他们使用所有优点,特别是在诸如重型零件,包装和托盘以及装载和卸载之类的应用中。由于没有管子,因此设计非常紧凑。

              • Epson Scara G20

              • Long arm with high strength

                Reach: 850 /1000 mm


            • 控制器

                • Epson RC180

                • 根据指示作品

                  可以使用爱普生RC180同样对SCARA无袖长衫ts and 6-axis robots. Moreover, the option units designed as a modular system provide further interfaces and technology modules.

                  With a base area only slightly larger than an A4-sheet, the RC180 is incredibly small and yet extremely powerful. The small smart one of extremely good value was mainly designed for slave network operation. It is particularly flexible since the compact slave controller can be used for SCARA as well as for 6-axis robots.

                • Epson RC700-A

                • 广泛应用的开放控制概念

                  Compact, powerful and as flexible as you need to meet your demands, the new RC700-A controller is a universal prodigy, just as capable as a stand-alone or part of an integrated system. If it's extended to create a multi-manipulator controller, the RC700-A can control several robots and various peripherals in a complex system.

                  The RC700-A controller can be expanded with a variety of image processing systems to meet your requirements. It's also designed for the new generation of robots featuring Epson's QMEMS sensor technology.
                • Epson RC90

                • RC90: A world of possibilities, in a tiny space

                  The RC90 is one of the the most compact and lightweight controllers of its performance class on the market. Small, smart and very good value, it was primarily designed for slave network operation. Serial interface RS-232C, 26/14 standard I/O and an Ethernet port are already installed. Also, expansion cards for communication with external devices and integration into fieldbus networks can flexibly expand your system according to your requirements, at a very low cost.

              • 爱普生视觉系统

              • 与眼神交流的机器人
                Communication in milliseconds between robots and image processing is the basic principle of Epson image processing systems. You can connect the Epson Smart Vision software to stationary or mobile cameras or – in Version 6.0 – with frame grabber cards that contain additional functionalities.


                Thanks to the joint programming environment with the Epson RC+ development interface , no time is wasted when connecting robot and vision system. Through simple commands and the intuitive interface with graphic objects, tasks that require flexible automation are solved with simple parameterization.

                Features & advantages

                • Communication in milliseconds between robot and image processing
                • Reduction of development time through integration into the RC+ development environment
                • 易于舒适的拖放编程,没有其他复杂的编辑器
                • 由于斑点分析,几何和极地搜索等各种工具,即使在不同的照明条件下检测零件也是如此。

                  • 软件Epson Vision指南7.0

                  • Create vision sequences with a few clicks of a mouse. Epson vision guide 7.0 supports high resolution cameras.


                    The Epson vision Guide 7.0 for the Epson universal controller RC700-A assure with already proven - and new features:

                    • Simulation图像处理
                    • Catch-on-flyrecording and evaluation during the robot motion at high speeds
                    • Defect inspectionfor checking specifications and samples
                    • 支持对于高分辨率摄像机(2 MP/ 5 MP)和颜色相机

                    高性能图像处理系统 - 与您的应用程序匹配

                    Epson紧凑型视觉(CV1) -这种紧凑的系统特别适合不总是使用计算机进行图像处理的客户。

                    EPSON COMPACT VISION (CV2) --对于诸如较短的周期时间和极高的相机分辨率(超过1.3 MP)之类的要求。

                    EPSON PC VISION (PV1) --This solution is suitable for customers who require very short cycle times and extremely high camera resolution (more than 1.3 MP) for their application.

                      • Epson compact vision (CV1)

                      • 灵活而紧凑,没有PC

                        • Ideal for customers who do not always use a computer for image processing.
                        • 结合多达8个标准或高分辨率USB摄像机,永久性或移动装置。
                        • 以各种焦距的对象进行集成或偏移镜头。
                        • Outstanding price/performance ratio.
                      • Epson compact vision (CV2)

                      • High processor speed, without PC

                        • No computer is required to process images.
                        • 对于诸如较短的周期时间和极高的相机分辨率(超过1.3 MP)之类的要求。
                        • Combine with up to 4 GigE cameras and 2 USB cameras, mobile or stationary.
                        • 选择通过Giga-Ethern高速通信et.
                        • 两个变体:CV2-S和CV2-H,特别高速。
                      • Exceptionally powerful, PC-supported

                        • 需要提供计算机进行图像处理。
                        • For requirements such as cycle times and an extremely high camera resolution (more than 1.3 MP).
                        • 最多可与8台Gige摄像机,移动或固定相机结合使用。
                        • 通过GigaEthernet进行高速通信的选项。