• 提供个人资料
  • Autonomous Vehicle Technologies



  • 智能,自动运输车辆的创新指导和导航解决方案

  • 我们的产品组合包括Kingpin™通用车辆控制器,Monitrav™车队管理系统以及一系列导航解决方案,包括最先进的地标/自然功能导航。

      • Converting your manual vehicles to automated vehicles

      • 我们最先进的技术可用于:

        • Automate your own manual vehicles
        • Provide navigation systems for AGVs
        • 使用现有的AGV替换“虚拟线”技术替换您的线条技术
          • 导航系统

          • 我们已经开发了三个导航系统,以提供最适合自动车辆运行的不同环境的解决方案。

              • BEACON
                The World's Highest Accuracy Target Positioning System

              • 基于目标的激光导航的精确度 - 非常适合大区域



                To identify these reflective targets Beacon uses a rotating, slightly fanned, laser beam that covers a full 360-degree area (or a combination of scanners if mounted lower).

                By measuring the distance and angle to these targets from the laser scanner, it is possible to determine a vehicle’s precise location at any time during a given process or journey.

              • SCENE

              • 基于相机或激光扫描仪的“固定”基础设施环境的灵活解决方案,易于适用于所有车辆



                This makes Scene one of the most versatile, adaptable guidance systems available.

              • 蒸气线

              • 通过虚拟线和标签导航

                The traditional line following AGV is a robot which follows a pre-defined path controlled by a feedback mechanism. The path can be visible, like a coloured line on the floor, or a magnetic material or wire buried in the floor.

                These systems have significant drawbacks as a physical line needs to be applied either to the surface of the floor (which is unsightly and subject to damage when other vehicles cross them) or buried in the floor which is expensive and less flexible if the path has to be changed.

                At Guidance Automation we have developed a unique solution;蒸气线, which requires no physical lines to be applied to the floor of your facility.

            • Vehicle Control & Route Management

                • Scalable traffic management system for material handling applications

                • kingpiN™ supports all vehicle drive configurations and forms the central component of a scalable Guidance Navigation, and Control solution.

                  A smart controller specifically designed and built for robotic vehicle applications. A built-in pedigree that accelerates robotic vehicle development without compromising the user’s ability to stay in control of vehicle functionality.


                  Kingpin™可以使用可选的机载和外部导航器 /本地化解决方案来提供位置,该解决方案可以通过以下方式确定车辆的位置

                  • Natural feature/contour
                  • 反射器星座
                  • 基于表面的参考标记,例如RFID,线条,条形码
                  • GPS/GNSS
                  • 惯性导航

                  Used in vehicle applications including: Mobile conveyors, Tow tractors, Pedestrian tugs, submarine AGV, Pallet trucks, Fork lift Trucks, Floor Cleaning Machines, Autonomous Mobile Pick Carts/Robots, Surface printing vehicles.


                  Reduced development cost, reduced time to market, access to proven state of the art guidance and navigation technologies.
                • Scalable traffic management system for material handling applications

                • 总是在快速轨道上,总是准时,总是在那里。



                  电脑模拟模式使用户能够确定optimal autonomous transport strategy and number of vehicles required to achieve desired throughputs before commitment to major investment.

                  Monitrav™分析:重新运行相同的路线,无论运营需求和交通状况如何,都会导致效率低下,不必要的队列,损失的时间和收入以及对资源的最佳利用。Smart Analytics实时监控条件,以获取连续和动态的车队时间表和路由优化
                  MONITRAV™动态舰队路由:real time, dynamic routing to ensure your loads are picked and fast tracked to the correct location in the most efficient way. Multi vehicle type fleets supported
                  moNitrav™ real time scheduling:最佳吞吐量和优先级注入的动态作业分配,最后一分钟或按需订单,取消工作和重新布置
                  • For simple repeated vehicle schedules that follow a repeated pattern.
                  • 允许用户定义的对路由和点播调用的更改。
                  • Vehicle, routes, tasks and schedules are defined in moNitrav™. A generated file is then downloaded to vehicle memory for independent vehicle operation, e.g. Fixed path (route to A to B to C to D etc.).
                  • Vehicle/s can operate without wireless connectivity.
              • Autonomous Mobile Robots for Piece Picking Applications

              • 自动移动机器人(AMRS)帮助您更聪明地工作
                Our collaborative AMRs can easily be deployed to enhance existing operations without disruption or reconfiguration and contribute an immediate and significant improvement in throughput efficiency and error reduction.

                • 减少时间操作人员花费驾驶/步行
                • 减少选择/放置错误
                • 使用智能任务订购/路由选择优化吞吐量
                • FOCUS operatives on VALUE-ADD work
                • 适应波动的需求/季节性高峰
                • 无需改变您的工作环境

                  • AMRCORE-100

                  • 行业预先提供的自动移动机器人入门套件。
                  • troNic

                  • 通用自动移动机器人旨在支持广泛的应用。定制上衣适合应用程序。
                  • 印加

                  • Conveyor-topped AMR capable of loading boxes, totes, or similar onto briNgbot or to/from conveyor systems.
                  • briNgbot

                  • Pick-assist AMR used for tasks such as transporting from Pick-to-Light to packing stations.