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  • Offer Profile
  • The Foundation for Your Innovation

    Wind River® delivers the technology and expertise that not only enables the deployment of safe, secure, and reliable intelligent systems, but also harnesses the intelligence in those systems to drive innovation and business transformation.

Product Portfolio
  • IOT Porfolio


      • Wind River has been pioneering ways to make machines intelligent for more than 30 years. We're now using that experience to help companies across industries and around the world harness the data generated by those machines for transformative improvements.

        The IoT Challenge

        The benefits of intelligent, connected devices are clear. Gaining greater insight into and control of these machines offers nearly unlimited ways for businesses and society to benefit.

        But to take advantage of these revolutionary opportunities, businesses can no longer protect devices by simply isolating them from the greater world of the Internet.

        Our Expertise

        Building safe and secure systems is the hallmark of Wind River. For the past 30 years we've been ensuring that safety-critical systems, for everything from industrial plants and electrical substations to jet airliners and commuter trains, absolutely work without fail.

        We're now harnessing our decades of field experience to deploy advanced technologies such as software agents and microkernels to more fully integrate our ultra-reliable operating systems into the Internet of Things.

      • GATEWAYS

      • No one knows embedded devices better than Wind River. We're now applying our knowledge to help translate and manage machine data for travel across networks and into cloud systems.

        The IoT Challenge

        Intelligent devices and systems are nothing new. They've been used in the manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, healthcare, transportation, and other industries for decades.

        The challenge for IoT is that many of these devices are not connected to the Internet and are cloistered in specialized systems with unique communications protocols.

        Our Expertise

        Because of our expert understanding of intelligent machines and systems, we are uniquely qualified to help manage diverse devices and translate all kinds of data for travel across networks and into analytical cloud systems, where businesses and other organizations can gain insights for operational efficiencies and transformative improvements.

      • NETWORKS

      • Wind River leads the industry in building real-time operating systems that perform without delays or failure. We're now bringing our expertise to help networks support IoT with seamless connectivity and flawless reliability.

        The IoT Challenge

        "Good enough" is not good enough for the Internet of Things. The best-effort networks of today will need to provide fail-safe connectivity to run the devices, machines, and systems powering the critical digital infrastructure that businesses and society will depend on.

        At the same time, all kinds of networks will need to be far more flexible and adaptable to keep up with the often unpredictable and dynamic demands of the real world.

        Our Expertise

        As with embedded devices at the edge of the network, networking devices themselves need far greater intelligence, flexibility, and reliability to evolve communications infrastructures to support the highly dynamic needs of sensors and devices that are connecting the physical and digital worlds.

        Wind River technologies are used by virtually every networking equipment maker in the industry. We are now tapping this experience and harnessing our knowledge of extremely reliable real-time operating systems to build networks with "six nines" (99.9999%) always-on reliability and peerless high performance.

      • CLOUDS

      • Wind River has been helping top companies from across industries and around the globe harness critical information from their embedded devices. We are now using our experience to build better ways to create embedded clouds.

        The IoT Challenge

        Clouds hold the key to extracting insights, operational improvements, and transformative advancement from the Internet of Things. They provide the necessary on-demand, immensely expandable computing capacity necessary for storing, processing, and analyzing the rapidly increasing streams of data flowing from the physical and digital worlds.

        But cloud computing systems face significant security and performance challenges for supporting the real-time and safety-critical needs of many industrial, transportation, medical, and public infrastructure systems.

        Our Expertise

        The embedded cloud brings the performance, security, real-time management, and analytical capabilities necessary for extracting, combining, and analyzing device information to support real-time decisions and systems controls.


      • The Internet of Things is the ultimate system of systems. Using physical hardware to test such an interconnection of devices, gateways, networks, and cloud computing environments is daunting, if not impossible.
        Enter Wind River Simics®.

        The IoT Challenge

        IoT poses an extreme design challenge for software engineers: vast complexity, byzantine interconnections, and extensive systems residing outside of controlled IT environments. Failure or degraded performance of any one part will hamper this network of networks from delivering its full potential.

        Our Expertise

        Simics simulates devices and systems—from the smallest to the most complex—so you can adopt new development techniques that are simply not possible with physical hardware.

        西米奇和hardwar释放软件e teams to explore new approaches to building pioneering technologies, products, and systems for harnessing IoT.

    • IOT Technologies

        • VxWORKS

        • The Industry’s Leading Operating System for Embedded Devices

          VxWorks®, the industry’s leading real-time operating system, provides a family of products that deliver all the scalability, safety, security, and virtualization capabilities you need to meet today’s development challenges for building intelligent, connected systems.

        • 风河系统公司LINUX

        • The Best of Both Worlds

          Wind River® Linux combines the assurance and reliability that comes with our 30 years of embedded industry leadership with the flexibility and freedom of open source software.

        • Wind River Rocket

        • Help your Internet of Things (IoT) projects take off with Wind River® Rocket™, a free embedded operating system specifically designed to quickly and easily build small, intelligent devices. Projects with Rocket are dramatically simplified by our new cloud-based development environment, Wind River Helix™ App Cloud. Find out more at the Rocket Developer Zone.
        • Wind River Pulsar Linux

        • Wind River® Pulsar™ Linux is a small, high-performance, secure, and manageable Linux distribution designed to simplify and speed your embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) development projects. Best of all, it is available at no additional cost on hardware boards from our trusted partners.

        • Connect Your Edge Devices to the Cloud

          Wind River® Intelligent Device Platform XT is a customizable middleware development environment that provides security, connectivity, rich networking options, and device management. It simplifies the development, integration, and deployment of gateways for the Internet of Things.


        • Carrier Grade for Your Virtual Networks

          Wind River® Titanium Server™ is the industry's first fully integrated and feature-complete network virtualization software platform, providing ultrareliability and exceptional performance efficiencies for telecommunications networks.

        • Wind River Helix App Cloud

        • 风河系统公司®螺旋™应用程序Cloud is a new kind of software development platform that removes the traditional complexities of building applications for embedded devices and systems.

          To help start your embedded projects, App Cloud comes with Wind River Rocket™ and Wind River Pulsar™ Linux, two embedded operating systems specifically designed for building small, high-performance devices for the Internet of Things.

        • Wind River Helix Lab Cloud

        • Wind River® Helix™ Lab Cloud is an instantly accessible software lab that improves team collaboration and makes Internet of Things (IoT) development easier for everyone.
        • Wind River Helix Device Cloud

        • The Answer to Your Device Lifecycle Management Challenges

          Wind River® Helix™ Device Cloud is a device management platform for the Internet of Things (IoT) that helps organizations greatly reduce the complexities of building and operating large-scale device deployments.


        • Simulate Anything, Chip to System

          Wind River® Simics® provides the access, automation, and collaboration tools required for Agile development practices.