
Pleora是全球为数不多的专门从事通过以太网网络传输视频和相关数据的接口和软件的公司之一。我们是唯一一家提供完整的端到端解决方案的公司,包括视频源、监视器和处理设备的接口硬件和IP包;以及一个全面的SDK和视频服务器API。我们通过开创这项技术并共同创立GigE vision®标准,帮助机器视觉行业发生了革命。GigE Vision标准现在几乎是所有需要高性能、未压缩视频传输的部门的全球需求协议——从用于图像引导手术的c臂应用和军用车辆的LSA系统,到高速公路上的自动收费系统和平板电视屏幕像素质量检查。Pleora一直努力工作,通过继续推动技术标准和不断推出首次上市的产品,赢得了其技术领先的声誉。这与我们的合作方式和高度专业化的专业知识相结合,为公司带来了持续的增长和繁荣。我们能说什么呢?我们真的很喜欢我们所做的,而且我们做得很好。我们与世界各地的制造商和系统集成商合作,我们可以自豪地说,我们的产品已经在数万种不同的应用中得到了现场验证。 Some of the key milestones that have led us to this point include: 2000: George Chamberlain and Alain Rivard establish Pleora Technologies Inc. with the objective of delivering video-over-Ethernet for performance applications that require real-time analysis. 2002: Pleora opens its doors to customers with the unveiling of its first product, the iPORT™ PT1000CL IP engine, which allows for the networking of Camera Link cameras. 2003: Pleora co-founds the standardization of video and image delivery over Gigabit Ethernet by bringing together a diverse group of global camera, software, and frame grabber companies. These standardization efforts result in the establishment of the GigE Vision standard. 2003: Pleora enters into its first collaboration with a camera company and its iPORT technology is integrated into the first-ever Gigabit Ethernet camera. 2006: Pleora’s iPORT IP engine completes its first NASA shuttle mission. Mounted at the end of the space shuttle's 50-foot robotic arm, the crew visually inspects the shuttle's heat tiles for signs of damage before returning to Earth. 2007: Frost & Sullivan honor Pleora with the “Product Innovation in Machine Vision” award the iPORT family of IP engines. 2008: Pleora receives first patent for a Massively Reduced Instruction Set Processor. This novel technology, used in the iPORT and EtherCast products, allows for significantly lower power consumption and costs, as well as a smaller footprint. 2010: Pleora demonstrates GigE Vision delivery over 10 Gigabit Ethernet and begins field trials with lead customers.