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  • 提供个人资料
  • Robotiq为协作机器人提供插件 +播放组件,即使您没有任何机器人的背景,这些机器人也易于使用。
Product Portfolio
  • 插头 +播放components for collaborative robots

  • Robotiq为协作机器人提供插件 +播放组件,即使您没有任何机器人的背景,这些机器人也易于使用。
      • 插头 +播放Components

      • 您最喜欢的抓手刚好变得更好!我们保持外形并改善内部组件。结果?更强大的手,有效载荷增加和更好的保修。

        插头 +播放and easy to program
        Built for industrial applications and harsh environments

          • 2F-85 and 2F-140 Grippers

            • 插头 +播放on collaborative robots
            • Eliminate changeovers & reduce tooling costs
            • 选择不同尺寸和形状的部分
            • Automate all your applications with one gripper
            • 在几分钟内编程您的申请



            • Quality Testing
            • 机器管理
            • 集会
            • Pick & Place

            Gripper Features

            Built for collaborative robots

            • Two wide stroke options: 85 mm and 140 mm
            • 获得专利的手指设计可以使内部和外部平行握把以及独特的握把模式

            Simple to program

            • 所有自适应抓手型号的易于使用的软件接口
            • Built-in grip and dimension validation
            • 自动零件检测和位置反馈


            • 强大的,工厂经验的硬件
            • 高捏力和有效载荷
          • Hand-E自适应抓手

          • 您最喜欢的抓手刚好变得更好!我们保持外形并改善内部组件。结果?更强大的手,有效载荷增加和更好的保修。

            • 合作机器人的抓手
            • 插头 +播放and easy to program
            • 高精度和宽阔的中风
            • 精确装配任务的理想选择
            • Built for industrial applications and harsh environments


            Hand-E’s high accuracy and 50 mm parallel stroke make it perfect for precision assembly tasks, while its sealed design ensures reliability in the toughest manufacturing conditions—including CNC machining. Hand-E’s design adheres to ISO/TS 15066 standard best practices, with maximum force, rounded edges, self-locking functionalities, and other features making it the gripper for collaborative robots.

            • Quality Testing
            • 集会
            • Pick & Place
            • 机器管理

            Hand-E features

            Built for collaborative robots

            • 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
            • Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
            • Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding

            Easy to program

            • Intuitive interface for quick onboarding and use
            • No training required
            • Automatic part detection, position feedback, and part validation


            • Precise and durable
            • 高力量和有效载荷
            • 承受恶劣的制造条件
          • Wrist Camera

            • Easiest vision hardware and software made for Universal Robots
            • 在结构化或非结构化环境中找到不同的部分
            • Adapt quickly to workplane and task changeovers
            • Create a visual model based on the CAD file of any part
            • Barcode and 2D code reading
            • 具有任何专业知识级别



            • 机器管理
            • 集会
            • Pick & Place

            Wrist Camera Features

            • Slim, compact aluminum body with sealed hardware for industrial needs.
            • Seamless integration with the Universal Robots wrist.
            • Programming software that runs directly on the teach pendant.
            • 三种灵活的多对象教学方法。
            • 使用其CAD模型教零件。
            • 自动和手动调节ustment of lighting, focus, exposition, and more.
            • Customizable color validation.
            • Add traceability to your assembly line with the barcode and 2D code reading function
            • 安装Robotiq标签以找到具有视觉偏移功能的设备,托盘或夹具
            • 多语言软件(Eng,FR,ES,DE,ZH,JP)。
          • FT 300-S力扭矩传感器

            • 新:IP65等级
            • 简单的方式编程复杂任务
            • Unlock force-sensitive applications
            • 提高机器人细胞的可靠性和灵活性
            • Master force control in no time


            通过自动化市场上最先进的力敏感应用程序来改变您的生产过程。编程复杂的机器人运动在几分钟内 - 无需机器人专业知识。结果是强大而柔性的机器人单元。

            • Pick & Place
            • 机器管理
            • 精加工
            • Quality Testing
            • 集会

            FT 300-S功能

            • IP65 Rating
            • 旨在与通用机器人CB系列兼容
            • Includes Force Copilot intuitive programming interface
            • 基于重心的可调节工具重量
            • 传感器值重置
            • Hand-guided robot movement
            • 精确的对象放置
            • 结盟
            • 索引
            • Insertion
            • Complex trajectories
            • 每个轴的恒定力和刚度
            • Takes precise, repeatable, and high-resolution measurements
            • Stiff metal composition ensures high accuracy
          • 三指自适应机器人抓手

          • The 3-Finger Gripper is the best option for maximum versatility and flexibility. It picks up any object of any shape.


            The 3-Finger Adaptive Gripper is ideal for advanced manufacturing and robotic research. It adapts to the object’s shape for a solid grip, so you can focus on the task and not the grasping.

            • Quality Testing
            • 机器管理
            • 集会
            • Pick & Place

            Gripper Features

            • 4 grip types
              Wide Mode
              Basic Mode
            • Control fingers separately
            • 插头 +播放
              Install and program your robot in a few minutes with our Gripper URCap
          • Vacuum Grippers

            • 插头 +播放
            • Easy programming
            • 快速安装
            • Full customization
            • 低噪声
            • 高效易于自动化
            • 快速响应时间


            Robotiq Vacuum Grippers can handle a wide range of applications and are ideal for picking up uneven and even workpieces made of different materials, such as cardboard, glass, sheet metal (dry) and plastic. Because of the customizable bracket and unique air nodes, Robotiq Vacuum Grippers provide manufacturers full control over their Gripper to make sure it’s a perfect fit for their applications.

            • Pick & Place
            • 集会
            • 机器管理


            • Epick
              No air supply
            • AirPick
              Powerful vacuum flow
            • Built for collaborative robot
              Easy programming
              No training required
              Seamless integration with the Robotiq Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
            • 为工业需求而设计
              Low maintenance
              Payload up to cobot capacity
        • 应用套件

            • 打磨套件

              • Reduce programming time from hours to minutes
              • 自动打磨任务以简单的方式
              • 通用机器人的唯一硬件和软件打磨解决方案
              • Increase quality and productivity
              • 减少工人伤害

              Kit includes:

              • Orbital Tool
              • 括号
              • 打磨媒体
              • 完成副驾驶
              • 快速入门指南
              • 空气控制配件
            • CNC机器调整套件

            • Here is a good sign of a productive machining process: chips are flying off! Robotiq uses its best off-the-shelf components to bring you an optimized kit for CNC machine tending applications.

              • 带有角度支架(90°)的双手动握手
              • Fingertips starter kit, including a fingertip extender for larger parts
              • 机器抚养副驾驶software, including Force Copilot and Contact Offset
              • Robotiq Wrist Camera (optional), including the new Visual Offset function
              • 关于如何最好地使用套件的电子学习课程

              Loading and unloading a CNC machine with a collaborative robot

              eLearning Program

              The extensive eLearning program includes:

              • An introduction to robotic machine tending
              • How to choose your first target cell to guarantee your success
              • Building your complete robotic cell using the lean robotics methodology
              • Off-the-production-line cell preparation
              • 安装指南和最佳实践
              • 项目管理工具,模板,案例研究等等
            • 外部工具饰面套件

            • 通过将Hand-E的强抓地力和IP 67等级结合到完成Copilot强大的软件工具的情况下,可以简单地完成任务。确保机器人通过持续的速度和力通过操作,在整个零件表面上提供完美的表面。

              • Save hours of programming
              • 补偿外部工具磨损
              • Program on an intuitive interface
              • 具有任何专业知识级别
              • Automate one of the toughest, dirtiest jobs

              About the Kit

              • Hand-E自适应抓手
                IP 67
                插头 +播放and easy to program
              • 完成副驾驶
            • Surface Finishing Kit

              • Automate one of the toughest, dirtiest jobs
              • Save hours of programming
              • Increase quality and productivity
              • 与世界领先的整理工具联系

              Kit includes:

              • 完成副驾驶
              • 括号
              • 空气控制配件
            • Bin Picking kit

            • Robotiq.pickit。

              Aligned with our core value of democratizing automation, the Bin Picking Kit sets a clear path for locating, picking, handling and placing flat and cylindrical parts. It’s not just about the combination of great products, it’s also about the extensive knowledge we make available to you.

              尝试用“ Robotiq触摸”的垃圾箱挑选。

              Kit includes:

              • Epick
              • 扩展套件
              • Pickit M-HD camera
              • 机器抚养副驾驶