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  • Offer Profile
  • K-Team Corporation is a Swiss company that develops, manufactures and markets high quality mobile robots for use in advanced education and research. The Khepera and Koala are now a standard for academic research, while the K-Junior robot is designed for teachers and hobbyists. The KoreBot II based on the KoreBot advanced miniature single board controller is a perfect solution for Automation and custom robotics developments.
Product Portfolio
  • Mobile Robots

  • Koala 2.5

  • Introduction to Koala Koala is a mid-size robot designed for real-world applications. Bigger than Khepera, more powerful, and capable of carrying larger accessories, Koala has the functionality necessary for use in practical applications (like navigation, mapping, artificial intelligent,…), rides on 6 wheels for indoor or outdoor all-terrain operation, with a sports stylish bodywork for attractive demonstrations.

    易于使用,考拉基地机器人可以计划d using the GNU C environment or remote controlled using the K-Team serial protocol. We deliver a complete library, so the user can focus on the algorithm. The library is open and can be modified, allowing a high customization for the customer.

    To facilitate the programming of the robot, we support several development environments, from standard cross-C developments to more sophisticated tools like LabVIEW® , MATLAB® or SysQuake. Please note however that this software is just a suggestion and not at all needed to use the robot. Any other programming environment capable of communicating over a serial port can also be used. The communication protocol implemented on Koala is described in the user manual.
    Sensor Modules
    • Pan Tilt Vision
    • Ultrasonic
    • KoreIOLE
    • KoreMotorLE

    CPU Modules:
    • Koa-PicoITX
    • KoreBot II
    • PC 104 (discontinued)

    I/O Modules:
    • Radio Modem
    Power Modules:
    • Battery Pack
    • External battery charger
    • Remote Operation
    • GNU C/C++
    • High Reflective Paper
      • Koala 2.5

      • Koala and its modules have the following very interesting features:
        • Compact (30 x 30 cm)
        • Indoor or outdoor use
        • Powerful Embedded Computing Power running on Linux Ubuntu
        • Easy to use by the connection to very standard and well known tools or using the existing Library
        • High mdularity in order to fit to a large number of needs. Compatible with any USB, Ethernet or Serial devices.
        • Multiple sensor arrays
        • Swappable battery pack, docking ready
        • High quality and high accuracy DC motors and gearbox
        • Various fixation points for extensions
  • Kilobot

  • Kilobot is a low-cost, easy-to-use robotic system for advancing development of “swarms” of robots that can be programmed to perform useful functions by coordinating interactions among many individuals. These swarms are inspired by social insects, such as ant colonies, that can efficiently search for and find food sources in large complex environments, collectively transport large objects, and coordinate the building of nests and bridges in such environments.

    Following this inspiration from nature, robot swarms might one day tunnel through rubble to find survivors, monitor the environment and remove contaminants, assist dwindling bee populations in pollinating crops, and self-assemble to form support structures in collapsed buildings. The Kilobot is designed to provide scientists with a physical testbed for advancing the understanding of collective behavior and realizing its potential to deliver solutions for a wide range of challenges.
      • Kilobot

        • Low cost
        • Small, only 33mm of diameter
        • Fine motor controlling (255 differents power levels)
        • The Kilobot can communicate with neighbors up to 7 cm.
        • Neighbor-to-neighbor distance sensing
        • Ambient light sensing
        • RGB led
        • Rechargable and amovible battery
        • Easy to manipulate, with the Kilobot controller you can program and control hundreds of Kilobot at one time.
  • Khepera III

  • Khepera III provides features never seen before on a mini-robot
    The new generation of Khepera is still able to move on a tabletop but it is also designed to move on your lab floor. Rough floor surfaces, carpets, and even doorsteps are not a problem for the Khepera III. It is the perfect solution for real world swarm robotics experiments.
    The new Khepera comes from now on with the Korebot 2 board included. With its extension bus any KoreBot extension can be plugged on top of the robot. The bus specification is fully open and available to enable custom extension developments for users.

    Khepera III Architecture
    Khepera III体系结构提供了前女友ceptional modularity. As any K-Team robot, the Khepera III is using an extension bus system for nearly unlimited configurations.
    The robot base can be used with or without a KoreBot II board. Using the KoreBot II, it features a standard embedded Linux Operating System for quick and easy autonomous application development. Without the KoreBot II, the robot can be remotely operated, as the previous Kheperas, it is easily interfaced with any Personal Computer. Remote operation programs can be written with Matlab, LabView, or with any programming language supporting serial port communication.
    机器人基地包括一系列9红外Sensors for obstacle detection as well as 5 Ultrasonic Sensors for long range object detection. It also proposes an optional front pair of ground Infrared Sensors for line following and table edge detection. The robot motor blocks are Swiss made quality mechanical parts, using very high quality DC motors for efficiency and accuracy. The swappable battery pack system provides an unique solution for almost continuous experiments, as an empty battery can be replaced in a couple of seconds.
    Trough the KoreBot II, the robot is also able to host standard Compact Flash extension cards, supporting WiFi, Bluetooth, extra storage space, and many others.
    • Gripper
    • Battery Pack
    • KoreBot II
    • KoreIOLE
    • KoreIO

    • KoreUSBCam
    • KoreWirelessCam
    • Laser Range Finder
    • Indoor global positioning
      system (Stargazer)
    • External charger
    • KoreConnect
    • Bluetooth USB dongle

    • C Compiler
    • V-REP
    • Player/Stage

      • Khepera III

      • The Khepera III is the new standard tool for robotic experiments and demonstrations such as:
        • Navigation
        • Artificial Intelligence
        • Multi-Agents System
        • Control
        • Collective Behavior
        • Real-Time Programming
        • Advanced Electronics Demonstration
  • K-Junior V2

  • After 3 generations of Khepera and Koala robots, today we introduce you to the new generation: K-Junior. Research and teaching tool, with functionalities similar to larger robots, K-Junior allows real world testing of algorithms developed in simulation for trajectory planning, obstacle avoidance, pre-processing of sensory information and hypotheses on behaviour processing, among others. A large number of extension modules make it adaptable to a wide range of experiments.
    Discover the latest progress in mobile robotics.
    Sensor and Articulation
    • Gripper
    • Linear Camera
    • UltraSonic Sensor
    • Wireless Color Camera
    IO Modules
    • General I/O
    • LCD Display
    • Bluetooth USB dongle

    Program Modules
    • Ext. Program
    • ICD Interface
    • ICD PIC Programmer
    • C Compiler

    2 Pack are available. The standard pack with one robot is the basis. The educational pack is provided with 2 robots, several extensions and the educational tutorial with teacher and student parts. A software describing the robot layout and allowing to experiment with the robot and its extensions is also included in that pack. You can also order each extension separately.
    • Standard Robot Pack

    • The K-Junior is the perfect robot to discover deeply the robotics. It comes with many features and sensors allowing you to be comfortable with today's robotic. The K-Junior can be purchased individually or in a didactic pack including all the material needed to create a course on robotics.
      The K-Junior is so complete and powerful that it can be a low cost research robot!

      It takes the three K-Team standards which made the success of K-Team overs years : Smart, Simple and the Swiss quality.

      Standard pack content:
      • K-Junior Robot
        Fully assembled and programmed with examples of basic behaviours like obstacle avoidance, line following, TV remote control and a dance demonstration.
      • USB Cable
        To charge your robot simply connect to the serial port of your PC.
      • CD with K-Junior User's Manual
        A clear manual to make your first steps with K-Junior.
      • Felt-pen
        This standard felt-pen allows to plot the trajectory of the robot by setting it in the slot in the center of K-Junior.
      • Screw driver
        For mode selection.
    • Super Educational Pack

    • K-Junior V2 is a small ready to use autonomous programmable robot ideal for teaching a wide range of experiments in Science & Technology, including subjects like Electronics, Mechanics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, etc. for students aged 7 – 77 from all over the world. Includes:

      • 2 K-Junior V2 Robots - fully assembled and programmed with example of basic behaviours like obstacle avoidance, line following, TV remote control and dance demonstration.
      • General I/O board - allows interfacing your own electronics.
      • Ultra Sonic Sensor - provides a much longer detection range than the default K-Junior V2 infrared sensors
      • Linear Camera – it reads one line of 102 pixels in 256 level of grey
      • LCD Screen – it provides a user interface to build interactive control program with your robot without PC
      • USB Cable - to charge your robot simply connect to the serial port of your PC
      • External Charger – to charge your robot without PC
      • Remote control - standard RC5 compatible remote for the K-Junior V2 robot
      • Bluetooth dongle – for wireless communication from your PC
      • ...

      • OS for C programming – source code for autonomous applications
      • CCS C Compiler – Advanced C programming
      • Multimedia Teaching Software - interactive environment for your robotic cause (click image below to see main features)
  • Boards

  • The KoreBot II

      • Designed for mobile robotics, KoreBot II fits the needs of OEM developers of handheld devices: at the size of a credit card, KoreBot II is a powerful embedded platform based on the gumstix Verdex PRO with an XScale processor. KoreBot II extends the same type of functionality and performance found in the latest generation consumer PDA devices to the industrial market.
        Ready-to-run, extremely compact, but flexible for expansion and customization for customer application needs, KoreBot II provides the starting point for new designs and comes complete with all the hardware and software needed to start development including its Linux operating system.

        Expansion Modules
        • KoreIO
        • KoreIOLE
        • KoreUSBCam
        • KoreAudio (discontinued)

        • KoreMotorLE
        • KoreWifi
        • KoreBase
        • Laser Range Finder (LRF)
        • KoreConnect

  • Simulation software

  • V-REP

      • A powerful 3D robot simulator, which features several versatile calculation modules (inverse kinematics, Physics/dynamics, collision detections, minimum distance calculations, path planning, etc.), a distributed control architecture (unlimited number of control scripts, threaded or non threaded), and several extension mechanisms (plug-ins, custom client application, etc.).It offers a multitude of functionalities that can be easily integrated and combined through an exhaustive API and script functionality. V-REP comes in 5 different versions, with different licensing options for most versions.

        V-REP is the perfect tool for fast prototyping and verification, remote monitoring, fast algorithm development, robotics related education, and simulation of factory automation systems. A V-REP plug-in was specifically developed to allow an intuitive, easy and realistic Khepera robot simulation.

        A new powerful mechanism was developed to allow easy access to V-REP API functions from external applications (e.g. robots): the remote API. It can be bound with Python, Java, Matlab and Urbi.
        The software is available for PC, Mac and Linux platforms.
  • Services

  • With more than 10 years of expertise in mobile robotics, K-Team is one of the oldest company in the industry. Building up know-how in electronic design, mechanical enginering, and embedded software, K-Team is able to design, develop and manufacture custom robots or custom robotic systems for your specific needs.
    K-Team has been developping and integrating the technology required for mobile robots since 1995. We have the required structure to transform any project into a product, ready for the market and in a minimum timeframe.