  • 提供个人资料
  • 由马克·卡特科斯基(Mark Cutkosky)指导的遗传和灵巧的操纵实验室探索了机器人技术的各个方面,用于制造和自主仿生系统,应用分析,模拟和实验,以设计和控制机器人手,触觉传感器,触觉传感器和力量反馈式钢铁的设计和控制用于人类计算机的相互作用。在制造业中,工作重点是用于快速原型制作的设计工具。其他应用程序包括带有嵌入式传感器,执行器和控制器的小型,具有生物学启发的机器人。
  • Stickybot

  • Stickybot是我们假设使用干粘合剂在垂直表面上的迁移率的假设的实施例。要点是我们需要可控的粘附。基本成分是:
    • 符合以厘米,毫米和千分尺尺度符合的分层合规性,
    • 各向异性干粘合剂材料和结构,因此我们可以通过控制剪切力来控制粘附
    • 分布式主动力控制与合规性和各向异性一起起作用,以实现稳定性。
    Stickybot III
    Stickybot III是Stickybot平台的第三次迭代。它有四个腿,每条腿有四个自由度,包括在手腕上驱动,超越了第一个平台的垂直攀爬。每个电动机都有本地基于微处理器的伺服控制器。脚是可拆卸的,以便我们互换各种攀岩技术。Stickybot III目前可以以5厘米/秒的速度爬升。机器人的鼻子长度为36厘米,尾巴增加了40厘米。
    • Reliable platform with low down-time.
    • 更多的运动动态自由,以允许新的攀岩研究。
    • 可互换的脚。
    • 在手腕上驱动,以扩展仅垂直攀爬。
  • 当前项目

    • 粘合剂攀爬

    • 用可控的,干燥的粘合剂攀爬垂直表面。研究包括继续开发Stickybotiii以及新的粘合剂和制造方法。
    • 移动操作

    • 具有触觉感应的有选择性地兼容,发挥不足的手。研究包括用压力,剪切和动态触觉传感器的人造皮肤的手和掌握分析和开发。
    • MR兼容工具

    • 光纤嵌入用于MRI干预措施的活检针中,以提供对弯曲偏转和尖端力的实时测量。纤维传输能量以形成内存合金(NITI)执行器进行主动转向。
    • 可穿戴触觉:

    • feedback for altering dynamic motions such as jogging or walking, to reduce the chance of injury or delay the progression of osteoarthritis. Projects include dynamic gait analysis and the development of wearable sensors and feedback devices.
    • 人类安全和以人为本的机器人技术

    • developing design tools and methods to mitigate impact damage during unintended human-robot interactions. Projects include collaboration with Prof. Oussama Khatib in the Computer Science Department on the Stanford Safety Robot, incorporation of capacitive skin sensors into robotic platforms for collision detection and post impact behaviors.
    • 可调合规性和阻尼

    • 设计基于具有电矫正刚度和阻尼特性的电活性聚合物致动器的结构,可用于动态系统。项目包括通过电边界条件控制阻尼,以及通过设计几何学和电活激活控制刚度,以及对无人机的应用。
    • 栖息:

    • Bio-inspired maneuvers, landing gear and attachment mechanisms enable a small unmanned air vehicle to land and perch on vertical and sloped surfaces
  • Pearching: UAVs that can land and perch on walls using adhesion technology derived from RiSE

  • A flock of small, unmanned air vehicles flies quietly into a city, maneuvering among the buildings. They communicate as they search for places to land, not on streets or flat rooftops but on the sides of buildings and under the eaves, where they can cling, bat or insect-like, in safety and obscurity. Upon identifying landing sites, each flier turns toward a wall, executes an intentional stall and, as it begins to fall, attaches itself using feet equipped with miniature spines that engage small asperities on the surface. Using its propeller in combination with its limbs, the flier can creep along the wall and reorient for a better view. With opposed pairs of spines, the flier clings tenaciously to resist gusts of wind and ride out inclement weather. The fliers stay attached for hours or days, consuming little power and emitting no sound as they monitor the area. When finished, they launch themselves with a jump and become airborne again, ready for their next mission. (fromPerching Whitepaper
    • Perching UAV

    • 有时候,最好的降落地点是在墙上...
    • 扔掉滑翔机的着陆和栖息

    • 泡沫核心滑翔机被扔在粗糙的混凝土墙上。超声波传感器以〜5m的距离启动螺距机动。着陆是在速度部分向前和部分垂直时发生的,在1-3 m/s之间。尽管在相当平静的条件下,但取得了30/40次投掷的成功。为了使表面参与和抓紧,我们使用非线性悬架和从Spinybot的特殊适应刺脚趾
    • Control

    • 我们基于狗仔队开源控制器的控制权。到目前为止,我们已经通过小型杂技平面实现了稳定的盘旋。下一步是在栖息后控制的升降机...
  • 触觉

  • 有关手臂和手的触觉传感的各种项目
    • IFOS/NIH SBIR关于心脏病学应用的光纤触觉感测

    • 使用光纤传感器进行消融导管的力和纹理传感。

      Background : Cardiac Arrhythmias
      Cardiac arrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythms that can be develop throughout life. The heart rhythm can be abnormal either because it may be beating too slowly, too rapidly or becomes irregular. Arrhythmias are in the top 10 causes for hospital attendances.

      Radiofrequency catheter ablation is a technique used to treat arrhythmia, an abnormal heart rhythm created by a disturbance in the heart's electrical system. Most catheter ablations utilize radiofrequency energy to heat the tip of a special catheter. Catheter ablation destroys or disrupts parts of the electrical pathways causing the arrhythmias. RF energy produces small, homogeneous, necrotic lesions approximately 5-7 mm in diameter and 3-5 mm in depth. Although catheter ablation has revolutionized treatment for arrhythmias and has become first-line therapy for some electro physiologists, the optimum protocol for energy delivery has not yet been determined recently [格林伯格,海恩斯]。心房颤动是大约220万美国人发现的一种疾病。据估计,2006年在美国进行了30,000至35,000个用于房颤的导管消融。

      Need for Contact Force/Tactile Sensing
      众所周知,消融尖端的接触压力(或力)是决定病变大小的关键因素之一[Haines,Muller]。这种接触压力对于冷冻消融中病变的形成也至关重要(冷却消融)[Weiss#1]。如果接触压力太低,则消融将花费太长以燃烧目标组织,而如果压力太高,则会有穿孔风险[埃里克]。A large survey of 8745 patients who had undergone catheter ablation reported a complication rate of 6%, and 20% of the complications were cardiac tamponade which is caused by a perforation of the heart [好的]。This rate takes the largest portion of the most significant complications. In case the ablation catheter perforates the heart, the blood may escape out of the heart. If enough blood becomes trapped in a rigid fibrous coat called pericardium which encloses the heart, the blood can compress the heart and prevent it from pumping normally. This is called “cardiac tamponade” [HRC]。任何心脏内导管都有血管穿孔的风险[波士顿]。
    • MRI兼容的触觉

    • Force and deflection sensing for MRI-compatible biopsy needles using fiber optic sensors

      导管的操纵,针头和其他minimally invasive devices to reach tumors and other targets is the initial step of nearly all MRI-guided interventions. To date, most research on MRI targeting has focused on using MR to image the target, and to plan the trajectory of interventional devices.

    • 触觉for Gait Retraining

    • 使用触觉和其他实时反馈方式的项目来告知和培训主题,以了解医疗应用的新型步行策略。

      We are using haptic feedback, through vibration and skin stretch, along with visual and auditory feedback, to assist in training new walking strategies. The work is aimed at healthy subjects and osteoarthritis patients, in order to reduce joint loads and to prevent or treat osteoarthritis.

      We use multimodal haptic feedback to train 4DOFs gaits. The 4DOFs are foot progression angle and knee angle (implemented with vibration motors), trunk angle (implemented with skin stretch device)

    • 皮肤伸展

    • 在这个项目中,我们正在研究轻量轻,低功率的设备,这些设备通过刺激表面慢速作用(SAII)机械感受器来增强振动。对于不受限制的无线显示器,皮肤拉伸特别吸引人,因为它不需要太多功率。运动和速度可能很低。在先前的研究中已经显示,机械感受器对皮肤应变变化的反应迅速,准确地反应,并且人类比前臂毛皮上的正常力对切向力更敏感。但是,与其他触觉显示相比,专注于皮肤伸展的设备的关注相对较少。
    • Portable Skin Stretch Device

  • 海底钻机:水下机器人技术

  • BDML正在与挪威钻探公司海床钻机合作开发水下多功能手。将需要此手在自主水下钻机中执行各种任务。主要目的是负担监控钻机的海平面人员,以应对意外情况;例如卸下弯曲/折断的钻孔,移动杂散的液压电缆,或者在修复/重新装置过程中定位物体。
