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  • Offer Profile
  • RoboGames是Olympics of Robots- we invite the best minds from around the world to compete in over50 different events: combat robots, fire-fighters, LEGO bots, hockey bots, walking humanoids, soccer bots, sumo bots, and even androids that do kung-fu. Some robots are autonomous, some are remote controlled - but they're all cool! As an open event, anyone can compete - this means you.
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  • Watch our videos to see how cool RoboGames is! No matter what your favorite robot sport is, the best bots in the world come to San Francisco every year. The stands are filled with people watching 220 pound robots shoot flames and smash into each other and androids cart-wheeling down the soccer field.
      • "Last Rites" delivers a lethal hit against "VD6" for a knockout in a heavyweight combat prelim round.
        -Dave Schumaker
      • Team USA hopes for a gold in soccer.
        -Sam Coniglio
      • Nick Donaldson of England ("the Michael Phelps of robots")
        accepts another medal.
        -Sam Coniglio
      • Nemo Gould's cat robot shows its teeth.
        -Sam Coniglio
      • A chess-playing robot tries for the win while an adoring fan watches.
        -Dave Schumaker
      • Under the hood of a custom combat robot.
        -Scott Beale
      • “愤怒的Asp”加热东西了”VD5" early in a middle-weight match.
        -Dave Schumaker
      • Boxing robots smash each other.
        -Sam Coniglio
      • Kids show interest in the sumo robots.
        -Ariel Zambelich
      • Everyone's favorite robot enjoys the games, while kids chase him for an autograph.
        -Alan Musselman
      • Multi-medal winner Tony Pratkanis watches his fire fighting robot.
        -Ariel Zambelich
      • Gold medal winner "iLush," a bartending robot, can mix you up a wide variety of tasty cocktails.
        -Alan Musselman