The main aim of this joint project is to explore and develop the advanced technology needed for a high performance low-cost RoboChair which enables the elderly and disabled to gain necessary mobility to live independently and improve their quality of life in the society. This RoboChair should have a user-friendly man-machine interface and the ability of avoiding collision and planning a path. It will be equipped with a new vision system and a wireless communication system so that its carer or relative can monitor and tele-operate it when necessary.
该项目由皇家学会(Royal Society)和中国科学院(Chartral Science of Science of Science of Science of Science of Condary Academy)捐款,33,330英镑,即“智能机器人:改善老年人和残疾人的生活质量”,2004年1月5日 - 30/4/2007