导航 :EXPO21XX>机器人21xx>H24:水下机器人研究>埃塞克斯大学
  • Offer Profile
  • 机器人集团是英国装备最完善,最连接的团体之一。它拥有机器人竞技场,这是一个100m2实验室,具有600万天花板的机器人,用于长期实验的动力地板以及单个和多个机器人的最先进的3D运动跟踪。

    Robotics research at the University of Essex focuses on autonomous mobile robotics, and addresses a wide range of research questions.




    Industrial applications of robotics (e.g. material handling, field robotics, human-machine interaction)


Product Portfolio
    • Human Centred Robotics (HCR)Human Centred Robotics (HCR) concerns with the development of various kinds of embedded systems and intelligent robots that will be used in environments coexisting with humans. These systems and robots are mobile, autonomous, interactive and intelligent, and will be useful assistants / companions for people in different ages, situations, activities and environments in order to improve the quality of life.

      The Essex HCR research group is aiming at:
      • Promote the integration of research, design and strategy to deliver cutting-edge science and technology, which are stimulating and challenging.
      • Focus on the challenge of future intelligent systems and robots, namely safe operation and flexible human-robot interaction.
      • Create a promising research work environment, with a clear vision, talented researchers and fascinating projects so that we could remain creative, well-motivated and full of imagination all the time.


    • 娱乐机器人技术 - 由Gumstix PC和PIC提供动力的机器人鱼

    • 在自然界中,鱼在演变后具有惊人的游泳能力。众所周知,金枪鱼以高速和高效率游泳,派克闪烁着加速,鳗鱼可以巧妙地游泳到一个狭窄的孔中。令人惊叹的游泳能力激发了我们提高水生人造机器人系统的性能,即机器人鱼。起伏的运动提供了机器人鱼的主要能量,而不是用于船舶或水下车辆的常规旋转螺旋桨。对真正鱼类的观察结果表明,这种推进比基于螺旋桨的推进更无声,有效和可操纵。我们项目的目的是设计和建造能够反应环境并向充电站导航的自动型机器人鱼类。换句话说,它们应该具有诸如杀鱼行为,自主航行能力,类似卡通般的外观等特征,在现实世界中不存在。


    • Personal and Service Robotics

    • 在该项目中,我们的研究重点是使用语音对话作为主要交流工具,在公共环境中的服务机器人与人们之间的互动。由于人类声音交流的性质,还必须实施“肢体语言”阅读系统 - 服务机器人能够告诉人说话的情感以及在接触过程中可能发生的任何手势的能力。声音交流方法需要各种技术,例如语音识别,自然语言处理,对话算法和语音综合。由于机器人可能在嘈杂的环境中起作用,因此需要开发一组声音过滤算法,以及用于识别语音中音素的模式识别系统。可以在系统中使用非专有模式识别系统,例如神经网络,以生成说话者独立识别系统。

      这个项目是由EPSRC和the London Aquarium Limited, £48,000.
    • 智能轮椅-Robochair

    • The current commercial wheelchairs have very limited functions and can not fully meet the need of the disabled and elderly whose autonomy and independence are seriously affected by decline in the function motor and cognitive performance. At the same time, robotic technology is currently going through a major revolution because of cheap and fast computers and minimised sensors that are available. We are now moving closer than ever to the deployment of intelligent wheelchairs that can assist the elderly and disabled in their daily living activities.

      The main aim of this joint project is to explore and develop the advanced technology needed for a high performance low-cost RoboChair which enables the elderly and disabled to gain necessary mobility to live independently and improve their quality of life in the society. This RoboChair should have a user-friendly man-machine interface and the ability of avoiding collision and planning a path. It will be equipped with a new vision system and a wireless communication system so that its carer or relative can monitor and tele-operate it when necessary.


      该项目由皇家学会(Royal Society)和中国科学院(Chartral Science of Science of Science of Science of Science of Condary Academy)捐款,33,330英镑,即“智能机器人:改善老年人和残疾人的生活质量”,2004年1月5日 - 30/4/2007

    • 大脑致命的控制

    • 大脑致命的控制is a joint EPSRC project carried out at Essex University and Oxford University. This project aims to develop a novel adaptive and asynchronous brain-computer interface (BCI) system for brain-actuated control of intelligent systems and robots. Recent advances in science and technology have shed light on the possibility of fusing human's brain with intelligent machines to carry out challenging tasks that the state of the art autonomous machines cannot undertake. BCI is one of the key technologies to make this possible. A BCI system detects and analyses brain waves, e.g., electroencephalography (EEG) signals, in order to understand a user's mental states, and then translates the mental states into commands for communicating with and controlling computers, robots, and other systems.

      Based on our previous research in BCI and related areas, we believe that it is now very timely to develop adaptive and asynchronous BCI systems that not only have the advantages of using asynchronous protocols, such as high information transfer rate and natural operation mode, but also benefit from adaptive learning so as to improve the system's accuracy and robustness. Apart from adaptive learning, in order to achieve high accuracy and robustness, this proposed program will investigate novel effective indicators for onset detection and optimal timing schemes for asynchronous mental state classification, discover or invent new feature spaces on which it would be easier to classify EEG patterns, and develop new methods for increasing the number of control commands mapped from a limited number of mental states. The methods developed will be assessed through extensive experimentation with real-time brain-actuated control of an intelligent wheelchair and other devices.

      该项目由EPSRC,EP/D030552/1,£261,939,03/01/2006 - 02/01/2009资助。
    • 基础架构的热情
    • Autonomous mobile robots

    • 埃塞克斯机器人竞技场

    • 埃塞克斯大学(University of Essex)的机器人竞技场于2004年开业,是英国主要的移动机器人研究设施之一。

