Business Profile

Long-standing experience in industrial automation:

For 30 years, Jetter AG has been deeply involved with automation technology. We provide control solutions for a great variety of applications in mechanical and plant engineering, as well as in mobile automation (mobile machines and commercial vehicles). Control solutions by Jetter AG excel by their seamless integration of motion technology and an extremely powerful programming language. Only one system and one programming language are needed to efficiently complete all automation tasks - from digital input to path control.

Control solutions for mobile machinery:

For 10 years, Jetter AG has been deeply involved with mobile automation. We provide control solutions for a great variety of mobile machinery. The company considers itself as a partner of the machine and vehicle manufacturing industry. Many years of experience in industrial automation and close cooperation with market and industry leaders enable us to offer innovative system solutions to the mobile automation industry, as well. Our powerful and rugged systems can also be produced in small batches customized to the customers' needs. Powerful programming and visualization software support the user for maximum efficiency.

Your Benefits:

客户受益于分辨ase in productivity, from savings in time and costs, as well as from solutions optimally tailored to the customer's requirements. Jetter AG is a reliable partner for implementing innovations and optimizing processes. Besides standard products, the company offers customer-specific application and R&D services.


Jetter AG was founded in 1980 by today's CEO Martin Jetter, who had it be listed at the stock exchange in 1999. The company is managed by the Martin Jetter (chairman, CEO), Andreas Kraut (CTO and Sales) and Günter Eckert (CFO and Production).

Corporate Philosophy and Ethics:

Joint client-oriented effort by all members of staff is crucial to a company's success. A Corporate Philosophy is a great help in reaching this goal, as it points the way and provides the framework for positive action. Please find below the principles of our actions. Further information on basic values can be found in our Corporate Philosophy (pdf file).

1. We cultivate honest and trusting cooperation for strong partnerships.
2. Willingness to change is an important factor for our success.
3. If there are problems, we look for solutions, not for someone to blame.
4. We take responsibility for others, both in and outside our company.
5. We are careful to treat environmental resources with a responsible attitude.
6. We are an ethical company: everything that we do should withstand public scrutiny.