
DRAENERT设计和生产顶级品质的设计师家具的传统超过40年。该系列的主要重点是具有专利扩展机制的餐桌和咖啡桌,以及形式和风格相匹配的椅子。该品牌成立于1968年,四十年来一直是艺术和设计师家具的代表,传统工艺,质量和一流的工艺,独家和专有技术。产品的美学定位于经典现代主义的国际形式语言。DRAENERT是一个以独特的方式看待自己的品牌:国际风格搭配强烈的区域意识。通过基本家具和艺术的互动,培养了与收藏品的智力关系。同时,这里还有传奇的艺术收藏,著名的建筑师为其设计了模型。它们被许多国际博物馆收藏,例如伦敦的维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆和纽约的大都会艺术博物馆。这种与艺术的密切关系使该公司对新车型的开发具有远见。由于椅子的巨大销售成功,专有的室内装潢制造商DRAENERT SWISS AG在瑞士成立。 The future strategy lies in the development, as well as production of full programmes in the seating furniture area. In addition, the company is known as stone specialist with a huge stone collection. 200 natural stone types from all over the world in an own stone park invite to viewing and fascinate new customers every day. The company, in the mean time managed by the second owner generation, Dr. Patric Draenert, exports currently to almost 50 countries. The cooperation with well-known designers like Werner Aisslinger and Prof. Wulf Schneider gave DRAENERT several awards up to the red dot "Best of the best". In the autumn 2007, a new chapter in the company history was opened by the cooperation with Poggenpohl - the most famous and renowned kitchen brand in the world. The trend of joining kitchen and living/dining area is taken account of by the so-called Dining Desk.


  • 家具设计:餐椅
  • 家具设计:餐桌
  • 餐厅家具:咖啡桌
  • 餐厅家具:餐桌设计
  • 餐厅家具:餐桌
  • 餐厅家具:玻璃桌
  • 餐厅家具:临时桌子
  • 客厅咖啡桌
  • 客厅台灯桌
  • 客厅临时餐桌