
Natuzzi Group由Pasquale Natuzzi于1959年创立,现任董事长、首席执行官兼集团造型师。它设计、生产和销售沙发、扶手椅和客厅配件。Natuzzi是意大利最大的家具公司,2008年营业额为6.66亿欧元,在皮革室内装潢方面拥有8%的市场份额。1993年,Natuzzi集团成为唯一一家在华尔街上市的外国家具公司,集团90%的营业额来自意大利以外的123个国家,并在欧洲(59%)和美洲(31%)占有主要市场份额。客户服务和整个销售网络由位于Santeramo的意大利总部、位于High Point(美国北卡罗来纳州)的Natuzzi Americas以及位于中国、比利时、西班牙、英国和日本的Natuzzi本地子公司管理。在家具行业,Natuzzi公司是最大的研发投资者之一。Pasquale Natuzzi通过位于Colle Santeramo的风格中心亲自管理这一战略活动,该中心有120名专业人员致力于设计,研究全球趋势和选择材料。该集团在意大利和国外雇佣了6856人。生产通过意大利和国外(中国,巴西,罗马尼亚)的11家工厂进行垂直整合。原材料直接从一级市场采购,然后在公司的工厂进行加工,专业生产皮革,木材和金属框架,泡沫和成品。 By controlling 92% of raw materials and semi-finished products, the Group guaranteed ultimate quality at most competitive prices. Natuzzi Group’s products are hand-made by expert craftsmen committed to high quality standards. A constant effort, confirmed since 1995, throughout the ISO 9001 System of Quality certification, and reconfirmed in December 2001 when the Company received the ISO 14001 Certification for Environmental Control and furthermore in July 2003 with the Certification of the Integrated Management System Quality/environment ISO 9001/2000. The Group guarantees a high level service to its customers: delivery at retailer’s premises, anywhere in the world, products invoiced in the retailer’s currency, and complete on-line pre- and post-sales assistance. The Group directly carries out the research and development of its products; plans its new factories; and develops the management information systems and the extranet that allow customers, everywhere in the world, to directly track and manage their orders.


  • 设计客厅桌子
  • 玻璃茶几
  • 真皮组合沙发
  • 皮革沙发
  • 客厅桌子
  • 沙发上
  • 沙发
  • 传统风格的客厅桌子
  • 家具沙发
  • 木制客厅桌子