
SIMPO公司是一家生产商业集团,是塞尔维亚最大和最成功的公司之一。SIMPO的主要活动领域是家具生产、食品和饮料工业、贸易和运输。SIMPO是国内家具生产的绝对领导者,也是欧洲这一地区的领先公司之一。它是一个著名的家具生产商,出口到欧盟,近东和亚洲,以及美国,加拿大和澳大利亚。SIMPO的竞争力是基于其产品的最先进的技术,精美的美学和设计,最高的质量和最大的功能。公司前身是1963年在弗兰涅成立的“Sima Pogacarevic”家具厂,当时有371名工人,只生产两种家具。1967年,在一个不成功的开始四年后,随着公司现任总裁德拉甘·托米奇先生领导的新管理层的到来,工厂已经走上了不断上升的道路。从那时起,即使在20世纪最后十年塞尔维亚经济最严重的危机时期,SIMPO的蓬勃发展也没有中断。目前,SIMPO是一家集生产、贸易和服务于一体的股份制公司,拥有近7000名员工和80多家中小型工厂和企业。公司在全国拥有80家直销店和百货商店。 Strategic principle according to which SIMPO has been developed is the rounding-up of the production process from the production of the wooden construction materials and materials for reproduction to the final production of furniture, by which our company is unique in Europe. All the equipment and technology are adapted to the technological and ecological criteria of the EU. In addition, SIMPO has entered the program of agribusiness, food and beverage industry by the middle of the last decade of 20th century, with its factories with state-of-the-art technologies for confectionery programs, milk chocolate and organic food. Our outstanding brand within this field is ROSA, the natural oligomineral water of exquisite quality and pureness, bottled in full accordance with the EU and WHO standards. In the field of trade and retail, Company owns SI-MARKET chain of supermarkets, with over 170 outlets, as well as its own companies and representative offices abroad, which carry out foreign trade. SIMPO also possesses a transport and freight-forwarding enterprise. Its motor pool is the largest in the country, with the renowned brands of freight vehicles and trucks. SIMPO owns one exclusive hotel in Vranje, several catering objects, and a tourist agency. SIMPO is in the publishing business too. Its living magazine KUCA STIL is among top-quality ones of that kind, standing apart by its content, design and circulation. Besides company’s Interior Design Center, there is SIMPO Line firm specialized in interior design and furnishing, operating by the “turnkey” principle. SIMPO Line has done interior designs and furnishing of many hotels, business centers, banks, offices and residential buildings from the Mediterranean Region to the North Sea. Hotel “Intercontinental” Belgrade and the “Sava” Congress Center Belgrade are some of them.


  • 儿童家具
  • 孩子的床上
  • 儿童床的边桌和床头柜
  • 儿童书柜
  • 孩子们的书桌
  • 儿童储物柜
  • 现代卧室套房
  • 现代客厅家具
  • 设计家具:床
  • 设计家具:餐椅
  • 设计家具:餐桌
  • 餐厅家具
  • 餐厅家具:设计餐桌
  • 餐厅家具:餐桌
  • 餐厅家具:实心,国内和异国情调的木桌
  • 餐厅家具:木桌
  • 餐厅设置在现代风格
  • 餐厅是现代风格的
  • 餐厅设置
  • 真皮组合沙发
  • 皮革沙发
  • 客厅家具
  • 客厅座位:椅子和扶手椅
  • 客厅座位:休息室
  • 客厅座位:沙发
  • 客厅座位:凳子
  • 客厅座位:软垫椅
  • 金属餐具
  • 现代餐厅家具
  • 现代风格的卧室套房
  • 沙发
  • 沙发床
  • 传统风格卧室套间
  • 家具沙发
  • 木床
  • 木制餐具