导航 :EXPO21XX>自制21xx>H01:客厅家具> Calligaris
  • 提供个人资料
  • Calligaris集团通过对木材的热情进入。这家家庭经营的公司设计由安东尼奥·卡利加里斯(Antonio Calligaris)于1923年创立,生产和分发椅子,桌子,床,沙发,储藏单元和家具配件。Calligaris每天都要谨慎,热情和创造力,使其成为意大利设计的最佳设计,以可访问的价格制造高质量的设计产品。
  • Dining

  • Our distinctive table designs and dynamic extension systems have the ability to transform a simple table into a striking piece of design. The clean lines, contemporary designs and versatility of our tables mean that they fit into any home environment. The Airport table showcases our style and ingenuity at its best. its clean lines and the contrast between the slender top and sturdy legs, creates a unique centre piece for the dining room.
      • 椅子

      • 坐是一个风格的问题。有些人喜欢木材,其他塑料,金属或皮革。
      • 凳子

      • 固定,旋转,彩色,高科技,塑料,皮革或衬垫,凳子是诸如厨房之类的密闭空间的绝妙解决方案,可为整个家庭腾出空间。
      • 固定桌

      • available in a variety of shapes and materials, fixed tables by Calligaris are ideal for any room in the house. rectangular, oval, square and round shapes create elegant silhouettes. research and design is engrained in every table, making them functional as well as compatible, with an abundance of colours and materials available. We have put all of our expertise into our table designs, leaving you only the pleasure of choosing what you like most from our expansive range.
      • Extendable tables

      • 准备好什么是我们如何定义我们的扩展tables. Adaptability is key to the modern way of life, and Calligaris’ extending tables are created with that philosophy in mind. Effortless, the extendable table mechanism allows for six additional seats. flawless in design, the extension leaf connections are seamless, creating a smooth and beautiful surface.
      • 控制台表

      • Console may look like a simple table, but with its unique extendable functions it has the capacity to become a full size table or desk. Depending on the space you require
      • 节省空间

      • 打开它们,它们是舒适的椅子和由现代设计和创新材料制成的奇妙桌子,将它们关闭,几乎消失了,为其他用途留下了自由空间。
    • Living

    • 客厅也许是最适合其居住者需求的地区,从更正式的房间到共享空间。随着开放式生活的增加,客厅已成为每项活动的全部环境。这并不意味着客厅不能具有明确的角色。相反,当代客厅设法整合了使其独特且实用的家具。优雅的触感与日常物体混合;软材料为房间增添了温暖,细节互相补充。
        • 沙发

        • Soft, structured, modular, classic, contemporary...
        • 扶手椅休息室

        • 扶手椅是一个躲避,是一个个人空间,可以从中观察和欣赏生活的潮起潮落。独特的形式,功能和颜色有助于塑造和形成放置它们的空间。
        • 咖啡和端桌

        • 咖啡桌看起来像是简单的家具,但是在Calligaris,我们知道它们对房间整体外观的影响。无论是仅仅是为了添加新的表面,优雅的感觉还是现代的转折。咖啡桌可以帮助完成任何客厅
        • Living furniture

        • Beautifully crafted with clean lines and elegant finishes. Our furniture gives a contemporary look to any home. Available in a variety of colours and materials. our collection offers homeowners versatile furnishings. Which are designed to become an integral part of any living room.
        • Tv-stands

        • 借助Calligaris,组织电视区域,使电缆消失并为每个小工具找到空间很简单。我们的家具通过隐藏杂物,使您可以坐下来放松,从而有助于保持清晰的区域。
      • Sleeping

      • 关闭后面的卧室门可以让您进入一个为特定目的而精心选择的世界:让您感到宾至如归。我们收藏中的床是从希望提供幸福感的愿望来发展的,以反映那些袖手旁观的人的个性和品味。为了实现这一目标,该系列包括具有现代形状的织物和皮革床,以及各种颜色,可满足各种口味。我们的床也有一个“容器”版本,为储存毯子和枕头提供了额外的空间,这些空间易于访问
        • 在职的

        • 在职的in a pleasant, well-decorated and well lit environment helps you to concentrate and perform to the best of your ability. Our solutions for workspaces take into account functionality and aesthetics. in addition to tables and consoles with clean, elegant lines, and chairs that add a touch of creativity to the environment, we also offer a selection of shelves and accessories help keep your papers, documents and stationery in perfect order. Lighting completes our offering, allowing you to use space to meet everyone’s needs. Together these elements allow warmth and imagination to enter the workplace.
            • 内政椅

            • Ergonomics, functionality and aesthetics are in alignment. Our office chairs are beautiful and comfortable. Meeting all functional requirements. Able to fit in any corner of the home.
            • 内政部桌

            • 美丽的家。非常适合办公室。我们桌子的线条在国内和专业环境中看起来都不错。轻松适应任何新鲜的现代外观
            • Home office storage

            • 家里的SSACE越来越多地为工作。无论是研究,无论是客厅还是走廊的角落,我们都提供具有优雅和最新设计的智能解决方案,可以与您的房屋风格完美融合。一个实用的控制台表靠在墙上是计算机的理想选择,但是如果需要,可以快速将其转换为桌子供会。虽然存储单元为文档提供空间,并为较小的物品绘制一个额外的架子,因此您需要的一切都触手可及。
          • 灯光

              • 悬架灯

              • 悬挂在真空中的埃斯特尔花朵或明确定义的雕塑。我们的灯照亮了餐桌。强调其表面,并将其个性投射到房间
              • 台灯

              • 多才多艺,精致,有趣或丰富多彩。我们的台灯引起人们对它们照明的表面的注意。
              • Floor lamps

              • 经典或技术先进。我们的落地灯装饰并创建了灯光,从而产生了丰富的令人回味的氛围。