
Blå车站是一个家族企业。我们位于瑞典东南海岸的Åhus,这里曾经是一个缝纫工厂,这里的海洋和我们一样躁动不安。当我们在1986年春天搬进来的时候,我们在建筑的一个角落里放了一些家具原型。一开始,在我们的制作开始运行之前,我们用艺术展览和爵士音乐会填补了空荡荡的回音室。这很有趣,这个地方成了我们的“车站”——我们认为这是一个非常合适的名字。因为在车站,总是有事情在发生——不断的变化。我们名字的后半部分被给出了。Blå Station的创始人、家具设计师Börge Lindau在图纸上使用了签名BLÅ——B和L是他姓和名的首字母,Å代表他定居的地方Åhus。我们被一种欲望所驱使,把我们喜欢的家具投入生产,在我们看来,这些家具应该在市场上占有一席之地。好奇心是我们的燃料,我们不断地寻找,不是寻找已知和确定的东西,而是寻找那些意想不到的、尚未被发现的东西。 Motivated by the pleasure of what we are doing, we continue to develop new products. But for us, it isn´t enough that a product has never been shown before. For it to be considered new, it must be able to demonstrate a new attitude towards shape, function, material or the industrial production process. New furniture should be better at something and offer an alternative to what is already available. Our thoughts are focused on the interiors that sourrund us – how they are built and how they work. How do we interact in the public space? Has today´s society added new demands? Has our way of socializing changed? There are many questions that inspire us to think differently. At Blå Station, we´ve taken a stand and made our choices based on emotions and our consciences. We follow our seven criteria for sustainable development and furthermore, have chosen to produce everything in Sweden. We have made this choice in order to ensure each link in the chain of production follows our criteria. To meet today´s demands and desires, we belive it is necessary to have and open and innovative mind, a child´s curiosity as well as a heart that rejects shortcuts and apathy. To Be and To Do. ToBeDo!


  • 设计家具:扶手椅
  • 设计家具:椅子
  • 设计家具:沙发
  • 设计客厅餐桌
  • 客厅的桌子
  • 沙发