
就像最小电子音乐的深度和深情的脉搏一样,Kymo地板系列创造了有节奏的结构,它们作为房间和空间中的3D元素与环境相互作用。忠于音乐中的混合和采样文化,我们鼓励每个人都采用自己的风格,并通过自定义尺寸,形状,颜色或设计来创建独特的Kymo地板服装。它每天都会发生。我们听。我们学习。我们看。我们谈谈。我们收集。我们创造了。继续创建。 All the time. This is our philosophy. The more we see, listen, and collect, the more we can make something that is special, that is unique. The more we see of the world from a different perspective, the more ambitious we get. And the more we come together, the more we want to leave a mark in today's world. The mark of something that is innovative, genuine, and simply great. This is kymo. GO ON. AND CREATE.


  • 地板:地毯
  • 地板:地板
  • 客厅家具