
FDV集团成立于2002年,旨在联合多个市场照明设备品牌,旨在为行业公司建立一个标杆,并增强其在意大利和国际市场的影响力:从那时起,I Tre, Murano Due, Aureliano Toso Illuminazione dal 1938, Gallery Vetri d’arte e Alt Lucialternative, Luxit和Leucos,七个国际知名品牌,合作给光一种设计的形状。I Tre诞生于1975年,通过高质量的模型、技术照明性能和设计确认了其身份,使用了各种不同的材料,为光提供了新的技术解释。慕拉诺Due诞生于1982年,沿袭了慕拉诺玻璃制造的几个世纪的古老传统,将其与现代技术和新理念相结合。现代精致的设计和顶级的材料是这个品牌的强项。Aureliano Toso Illuminazione dal 1938生产的设备具有简单的线条和优秀的现代风格:伟大的玻璃制造传统的名字暗示了已经更新,创建一个具有竞争力的持久的品牌,以其伟大的传统为荣。Vetri d’arte画廊是尊重传统价值的研究成果,并添加了一种伟大的方式来诠释永恒的风格,赋予古典-现代品味新的价值。独特的优雅和珍贵的灯,由美丽的玻璃和精致的古色古香的工作,明确无误的独特风格。最后一个品牌是Alt Lucialternative, 1963年诞生于穆拉诺,是一个艺术玻璃制造商:这个品牌现在用吹制玻璃生产照明,并尝试新材料和技术。独特的设计、珍贵的材料、研究和创新精神是这个著名收藏中每一个新项目的基本特征。最后两笔收购的目标是建立该行业公司的标杆,并增强在意大利和国际市场的存在感。 FDV Group S.p.A. acquired Luxit Srl in 2007, which was born in 1967, named “Luxo Italiana”, as Italian branch of the norwegian Luxo. Luxit is an important brand, established in the international market, which was able to diversify its activity amongst design lamps and integrated lighting systems. The last buyout date at july 2008: Leucos SpA, born in 1962, offers an artistic combination of Old World glass techniques and modern engineering, Leucos has become a renowned leader of contemporary glass lighting designs. Its reputation for impressive style has strengthened the brand throughout the world, carving a niche in both the “residential” and “contract” markets. Both these brands are intended to keep their autonomy and name, still being part of the big group of FDV Group S.p.A.. The head office is in Salzano (Venice, Italy) and fill a surface of more than 16.000 mq. In 2006 FDV Group has been acquired by Alcedo SGR S.p.A. which enhanced its success; today the organizational structure of FDV Group is the result of precise strategic choices, which aim to new goals and find their origin in tradition, in the history and passion for glass and light. FDV Group, amalgamating the directional functions, commits its recognisability to the factors which characterize the brands individually, betting on the product quality, the research and innovation of design and constant attention to taste tendencies and market requests.


  • 照明:建筑商业照明
  • 照明:建筑装饰室内照明
  • 照明:建筑荧光室内照明
  • 照明:建筑荧光吊灯
  • 照明:装饰性蒸汽灯
  • 照明:隐藏式照明
  • 照明:任务照明