
豪沃斯是唯一一家能够提供建筑解决方案的大型家具制造商:落地墙、架空地板、照明、技术;和家具解决方案:系统,座位,存储,木箱货物。我们重视客户。我们相信每个客户都是独一无二的。我们密切倾听他们的需求,并与我们的经销商合作,创造伟大的空间。带着激情,我们将我们的能量、知识和人才结合在一起,每天制造超越客户期望的产品和服务。我们成员的值。我们相信,被授权、参与并专注于共同愿景的人们具有无限的潜力。霍沃斯由来自世界各地的人组成,给了我们丰富的经验、文化背景、人才的深度和人的潜力。我们珍视的完整性。 We believe that honesty and candor are the foundation for integrity and trust. We build mutually beneficial relationships with our customers, architects, designers, dealers, members, and suppliers. We value continuous learning We believe that knowledge empowers, and learning leads to change and growth of individuals and organizations. In our drive for continuous improvement, we encourage our members to take risks, look for smarter ways to work, seek new ideas, reduce waste, and use resources wisely. We value results. We design, market, manufacture, and deliver products and services to meet the most stringent design and quality standards—those of our customers. We value our world. We think beyond our business to our communities. We cultivate hope for our future by investing in people, education, and a sustainable world. In our small way, we will help make the world a better place for people to work and live.