导航 :EXPO21XX>流体21xx>H08:液压管和组件>Hänchenhydraulik
  • 提供个人资料
  • 大量的系列气缸和当前的年代tate of the art make hydraulics the "first-choice technology". The precision and quality typical of Hänchen in the most extensive standard programme in the market, the possibility of avoiding expensive special designs through modified series cylinders, and now the whole range of mechatronic services such as conception, project planning, software consultancy, integration in an overarching control system through to commissioning on site impressively show that standard products can indeed meet the most-demanding requirements and individual task assignments.
  • 液压缸

    • 液压缸

    • 治疗液压缸的最好方法:Hänchen质量

    • 带有接近传感器的液压缸

    • 液压圆柱体,具有感应接近传感器或电感接近开关

    • Ratio-Test® Test-Cylinder

    • 测试缸,伺服缸和测试缸,带位置测量系统

    • 比率-CLAMP®夹具装置

    • Clamping device Ratio-Clamp® hydraulic clamp from Hänchen


      夹具液压具有高达450 kN的保留力,将活塞杆保持在该特定时刻的任何位置。不必为无限的时间沙沙作响(没有额外的能量)来沙沙作响。夹具设备比率®由德国技术检查机构(Tüv)批准。特定溶液的开发(较大的杆直径,中间尺寸,更大的夹紧力...)也对Hänchen专家提出了问题
    • 工业减震器

    • 您在生产中需要的最后一件事是生产中断,机器损坏和维护成本增加。只要在整个减速距离上均匀的质量减速和线性时,才能将质量纳入何处,只有在移动质量的减速和线性时,才能最小化此类风险。只有在满足此要求时,该解决方案才能称为最佳解决方案。Hänchen工业冲击吸收器满足了这一要求!

      The Hänchen industrial shock absorber compared to standard absorber elements show’s this clearly: The Hänchen industrial shock absorber (4) decelerates the mass across the whole deceleration distance at a constant braking force. It absorbs the mass gently and decelerates uniformly across the whole stroke. This results in a constant, linear characteristic curve and reduces the stress on the machine to a minimum.
    • 压力增强剂

    • Hydraulic pressure intensifier

      Without doubt, hydraulic solutions can be said to operate with immense forces. Whoever occasionally needs even more force and therefore doesn't want to reconfigure the complete hydraulic system accordingly can now save themselves the bother by opting to install a hydraulic pressure intensifier.
    • 安装零件

    • 安装零件,组装实用程序,配件

      内部,外部 - 一切都在那里:直到最后一个螺丝。关于Hänchen液压缸和工业冲击吸收器的特殊功能是,用户原则上不再需要考虑如何适合购买的液压缸。有了赞成Hänchen液压缸的决定,安装零件或采购困难的详尽而昂贵的发展被降级到过去。
    • Air Filter

    • 当然,液压缸的功能当然不会受到损害。

      For non-applied hydraulic cylinder spaces or oil tanks the danger exists that inflowing air may enable foreign bodies to enter the interior of hydraulic systems. These are indeed capable of causing major damage. This can be prevented by using Hänchen air filters. Air filters from the Hänchen range of products are one of the typical Hänchen developments, which in the meantime form the basis of the general Hänchen quality standards. They are suitable for the filtering of flowing air and gas and can be used up to maximum temperatures of 100 °C.
    • 特殊气缸

    • 特殊产品,特殊开发,特殊气缸

    • 比率 - 驱动®系统解决方案

    • 高性能线性驱动器,一种受控的电解驱动器 - 使您移动的方式!
      • 您想实施特定的运动和速度配置文件吗?
      • 您想移至任何给定的位置或高度,然后一次又一次地做吗?