
FLUID-PRESS成立于1971年,源于Tagliavento三兄弟共同的想法。公司迅速建立起来,并继续为第三方设计和制造液压阀。FLUID-PRESS一直位于阿尔比尼亚,这是世界公认的意大利工程行业的工业神经中心。公司现拥有两个生产厂房,总占地面积5000平方米。第一个是完全致力于制造的零部件,有仓储设施的原材料,车床和数控工作站。在这些前提下,我们使用具有目前市场上最好商标的先进机械。第二个生产基地有一个仓库,里面堆满了零部件和成品。这里是FLUID-PRESS阀门组装、测试和发送给客户的地方。我们的使命是为移动和固定领域的液压系统开发和制造卓越的产品。FLUID-PRESS的理念是质量和最大的灵活性。 We aim to manufacture products designed to meet the specific requirements of every type of customer; therefore, the need to continually strengthen design and development plays an ever important role for us. Another company aim is to create and sustain that special rapport constructed among people who work together, to ensure that different professional experiences form an efficient and long-lasting bond. We believe in teamwork. Determined to be your first choice, past and present. This is our challenge. QUALITY FLUID-PRESS is ISO 9000 certified since 1998. We are absolutely determined to achieve this certification; our precise objective was to assure the quality of our production processes and services are continuously maintained. R&D Thanks to our constant quest for innovative solutions, we have always been a valid partner for the hydraulic engineering market, staying close to our customer’s requirements.


  • 液压阀元件
  • 液压阀:换向阀
  • 液压阀:分压器、合流器
  • 液压阀:软管切断阀
  • 液压阀:针阀
  • 液压阀:过中心阀
  • 液压阀:先导式减压阀
  • 液压阀:按下安全阀
  • 液压阀:压力补偿阀
  • 液压阀:压力控制阀
  • 液压阀:溢流阀
  • 液压阀:限流阀止回阀
  • 液压阀:安全阀
  • 液压阀:顺序阀