
成立于1970年,Robert E. Koski和John Allen共同创立了位于佛罗里达州萨拉索塔的太阳液压公司,为工业和移动市场开发和制造螺旋液压插装阀和歧管。1997年1月,230万股普通股在首次公开发行中售出。自上市以来,公司每个季度都支付股息。Sun Hydraulics是一家领先的高性能螺纹液压插装阀和歧管的设计师和制造商,这些阀和歧管控制力,速度和运动,作为流体动力系统的组成部分。我们在Sun所做的一切,从设计到制造,都只有一个目标:提供独特的设计和可靠的解决方案。我们的液压阀和封装歧管系统工作准确可靠,无论多么苛刻的应用。墨盒产品有多达5种尺寸(容量),能够处理流量高达400加仑每分钟,并在压力高达5000磅每平方英寸下操作。Sun Hydraulics的螺纹式液压插装阀具有独特的两件式浮动结构。这种设计允许弹筒内的工作部件相对于腔体内弹筒的固定位置自由移动,从而产生高水平的性能和高度的可靠性。Sun Hydraulics生产世界上最全面的标准螺纹式液压插装阀和歧管,也开发和制造定制歧管。 Our Culture Our workplace is as distinctive as our products, and provides just as many advantages. We have no job titles, no hierarchy, no formal job descriptions, organizational charts or departments. We have open offices, promoting open communication. Each member of our technologically skilled, cross trained workforce is trusted to take the initiative and invent new ways to serve you better. This results in innovative products and processes delivered by a motivated workforce. As engineers, idealists and entrepreneurs, we're always on the lookout for emerging market needs and creating innovative ways to fill them. Manufacturing Sun Hydraulics is a process intensive manufacturing company that extensively employs computer numerically controlled (CNC) machinery and robotics. Automation is utilized throughout manufacturing areas to ensure consistent product replication and to promote manufacturing efficiencies and workplace safety. Where commercial machinery is not available for specific manufacturing or assembly operations, Sun Hydraulics often designs and builds its own machinery to perform these tasks. The Company has the ability to manufacture all components of its products with the exception of raw materials, springs and seals. Global Operations Sun Hydraulics has operations in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Korea, China and India. There are three United States facilities, two in Sarasota, Florida and one in Lenexa, Kansas. The two Florida facilities are the primary locations for cartridge manufacturing. One of the Florida facilities and the Kansas facility manufacture standard and custom manifolds. The Coventry, England and Erkelenz, Germany operations act as European distributors of Sun's products and also manufacture manifolds. The operation in France is a technical sales and support office. The Korean operation distributes Sun products and manufactures manifolds for the local market. Sun’s China operation in Shanghai is a joint venture. The China plant incorporates Sun cartridge valves into manifolds designed and manufactured in China. The operation in India is a technical sales and support office in Bangalore. Market The global market for non-aerospace hydraulic valves is approximately $3 ½ billion (US$). The segment Sun Hydraulics participates in, screw-in hydraulic cartridge valves manifolds and integrated packages, is believed to represent approximately $1.3 billion. Sun Hydraulics believes that the screw-in hydraulic cartridge valve, manifold and integrated package market will continue to grow at a faster rate than, and at the expense of, the overall hydraulic valve market because of the myriad benefits associated with screw-in cartridge valves. Fluid Power Industry Sun Hydraulics is a member of the National Fluid Power Association and the British Fluid Power Association. Fluid power is one of the methods of transmitting power and controlling motion, along with mechanical and electrical technologies. A typical hydraulic system contains a pump to generate pressure, actuators to convert pressure into force, and valves and manifolds to control force, speed, and motion.


  • 液压插装阀:检查插装阀
  • 液压插装阀:电路保护盒
  • 液压插装阀:线圈
  • 液压插装阀:耐腐蚀插装阀
  • 液压插装阀:平衡插装阀
  • 液压插装阀:定向插装阀
  • 液压插装阀:电比例插装阀
  • 液压插装阀:流量控制插装
  • 液压插装阀:流量分配器
  • 液压插装阀:负载平衡插装阀
  • 液压插装阀:负载控制阀
  • 液压插装阀:逻辑元件插装阀
  • 液压插装阀:先导控制-方向插装
  • 液压插装阀:先导控制-流量控制
  • 液压插装阀:先导控制-释放插装
  • 液压插装阀:先导打开止回阀
  • 液压插装阀:减少插装
  • 液压插装阀:减少/释放插装
  • 液压插装阀:安全阀-检查后的插装
  • 液压插装阀:减压插装阀
  • 液压插装阀:顺序插装
  • 液压插装阀:梭式插装阀
  • 液压插装阀:插入式穿梭阀
  • 液压插装阀:电磁阀操作的插装
  • 液压阀组
  • 液压歧管:管路安装歧管
  • 液压歧管:马达安装歧管
  • 液压歧管:夹心歧管
  • 液压歧管:底板歧管
  • 液压管
  • 液压阀:插装式控制阀
  • 液压阀:定制液压阀
  • 液压阀:方向控制阀
  • 液压阀:电流体控制阀
  • 液压阀:电液阀
  • 液压阀:分流阀、合流阀
  • 液压阀:四通阀
  • 液压阀:高压阀
  • 液压阀:单块阀
  • 液压阀:先导式压力释放阀
  • 液压阀:压力控制阀
  • 液压阀:比例阀
  • 液压阀:溢流阀
  • 液压阀:安全阀
  • 液压阀:关闭阀
  • 液压阀:电磁阀
  • 液压阀:特种阀门
  • 液压阀:关闭阀
  • 液压阀:双通液压阀
  • 气动阀:单块阀
  • 气动阀:关闭阀