Hercules®密封产品提供完整系列的液压和气动气缸修复密封,气缸修复密封套件,更换气缸和气缸组件的移动和工业应用。Hercules为各种重型设备行业提供密封产品,如:建筑,倾倒和垃圾,天然气和石油,农业,伐木,材料处理和工业工厂应用。更换气缸修复密封,气缸密封套件,液压更换气缸和气缸组件的知名名称如卡特彼勒®,凯斯®,约翰迪尔®,小松®,日立®,沃尔沃®等。赫拉克勒斯还提供了一系列定制制造的印章,这是可用于下一次交付。Hercules®密封产品公司成立于1962年,是一家通过ISO 9001认证的分销商。大力神密封产品是液压和气动密封,密封套件和缸所有重型设备品牌的分销商。优质的更换发动机和变速器垫圈套件也可用于受欢迎的越野和船舶应用。该公司自1962年开始营业,并从美国和加拿大国内战略运营。我们的配送仓库超过100,000平方英尺,包含35,000个单独的部件。大力神在1996年获得ISO 9002认证,1999年获得ISO 9001认证。 The company's main focus is to minimize down time to high dollar, revenue generating equipment by offering most orders next day. Hercules is also a growing force in OEM and special aftermarket kits for major cylinder manufacturers. Hercules target markets include hydraulic equipment in dump truck, refuse collection, construction (both on and off road) material handling (lift trucks), farming, logging, and industrial plant applications. Replacement seals, seal kits and hydraulic cylinders are stocked for well known names such as Caterpillar, J.I. Case, John Deere, Komatsu, Nissan, Toyota, and many others. Hercules sells the highest quality inch and metric sized seals produced by the world's leading manufacturers and is also an authorized distributor of hydraulic cylinders manufactured by Parker, Commercial, Custom Hoists, and Hyco. Hercules publishes the largest single source catalog of individual seals, replacement parts, and technical information in the industry. Products in Canada are sold in Montreal, Toronto and Alberta through Hercules Sealing Products Canada, a wholly owned subsidiary.
- 液压部分、密封件及附件
- 液压密封
- 液压密封包
- 液压密封,寸
- 液压密封、规
- 气动密封
- 气动密封,寸
- 气动密封、规