这一切都始于一场革命……AIRTEC的故事始于1975年,当时有一种革命性的组件,使气动和电磁阀承受高机械负载时变得更加强大,也更容易维护——AIRTEC - ring。一个小而漂亮的解决方案成为了公司未来定位的动力和方向。即使在今天,AIRTEC也在追求同样的目标:生产超出正常标准的高质量和技术雄心勃勃的产品。要实现这些目标,还有什么地方比德国南部腹地更合适呢?从一开始,德国就一直是生产基地。公司的所有者德克·c·达曼(Dirk C. Dammann)在这里找到了理想的条件和熟练的员工,将基本系列发展成成功和创新的产品。达曼至今仍在指导该公司。现在,他在德国的两个地点拥有超过110名员工的团队支持,从简单的气动控制到结合最新电子技术的客户特定解决方案,AIRTEC提供全面的产品系列。高度的灵活性使公司能够在不断变化的市场条件下迅速和有效地响应客户的要求。所有行业的客户——从标准机械和加工行业到机器人、高科技机床、航空航天和半导体行业——都信任AIRTEC的质量。我们所做的一切背后的基本理念是为用户提供高质量的产品——及时,没有并发症,以市场为导向的价格。 In order to work to the highest standards in every respect, a pervasive quality assurance system was introduced throughout the whole company. Our specialists are selectively provided with in-house and external training. In production too the standards set are high: the CNC machining centers are kept up to date at all times and have to prove their efficiency day after day in a gruelling round of inspections. No product leaves AIRTEC's premises without passing stringent quality tests. Not only do we rely on our own quality safeguards, but also on external assessments. That means we tested and optimised our procedures very early on. A sound and growing fund of expertise was essential for certification to DIN EN ISO 9001, which we have had since 1994 and which is continually audited by accredited companies.