Business Profile

HARTMANN VALVES, a name – inseparable from the crude oil / natural gas industry in the Celle area

Werner Hartmann, Senior founded the company in 1946 in Burgdorf-Ehlershausen.

Today’s HARTMANN VALVES GmbH belongs to the leading manufacturers in the areas of ball valves, pigging valves, and well flanges. A worldwide presence in the crude oil, natural gas, geothermal, petrochemical, mining, food industry and power plant technology is our reference.

Construction, manufacture, production, and tests are performed exclusively at our factories in Celle and Ehlershausen.

We maintain an active dialog with our customers, fulfill special requests, and are known as a competent partner with our experience of many years

Challenge us!


The technical support started as a small engineering office in improvements to existing shut-off valves made by Brigitta Elwerath, today’s ExxonMobil. At the end of the 50s the first patents for ball valves were granted worldwide. This technical breakthrough built a reputation and lead to licensing agreements. Borsig in Berlin was a partner of HARTMANN VALVES for over 30 years, and produced and marketed ball valves worldwide up to nominal widths of 64”.

We entered the 90s with new concepts, and served markets directly. Large investments into the product development guaranteed our success. In 1998 we took over the rights of the former CM Celler Maschinenfabrik, and Wellhead was developed into a competitive product line. Today we enjoy the acceptance of our customers.

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