Company Profile

1999 Company foundation

2000 Portable PC Standard Software EyeVision

2002 Software was ported onto SmartCameras

2004 Software was ported to VisionBox and SONY’s XCI-SX1

2005年战略alliance with Vision Components

2006 EYESPECTOR was presented on the VisionShow in Stuttgart

2007 EyeSensor new product series

2008 3D smart camera system for easy 3D inspection

2009 Introduction of the ES800 vision sensor

2010 EyeVision UR (Unified Release) software introduced

One software for all hardware components: vision sensors, smart cameras, embedded systems, PC systems.

2011 EyeVision is available on LINUX platform

2013 EyeVision runs on ARM CPU of the EyeCheck smart cameras

Completely revised EyeVision toolset

2014 EyeVision Remote: Support of embedded platforms with ARM and Linux OS

PlugIn and PlugIn store are available for the user

2015 Automate the World

New platform for customer systems based on EyeVision 3.0 and the embedded hardware platforms

Matching in the point cloud

2015 Multiple Scanner Support

Automation Technology, Wenglor MEL, LMI

2016 Thermal-Inspection for passiv and active thermal imaging

Impulse and Lockin Thermal Imaging

Silicon Software Framegrabber Support

2017 Chromasens 3D Sensor Support
2018 The high-speed LineScan Camera

Smart 3D Profile Inspection

2019 FocalSpec 3D Sensor Support for critical surfaces

Euresys Board Support

Hyperspectral Support in EyeVision

Hyper Cube Support

Easy-to-use Smart Profile Inspector

Mitsubishi Line Scan Camera for CoaXpress Support