• Offer Profile
  • 哈马马松has been working with the Photon for more than 50 years. We have established ourselves as the top company of photoelectron conversion technologies in the world. However, we have yet to fully grasp the nature of the Photon and its potential. The more you study, the more you realize how little you know about the Photon and its applications. That is why we continue to move ahead vigorously with basic research and apply what we learn to photonics.
Product Portfolio
  • Optical sensors

      • Photodiodes

      • 我们的光电二极管覆盖了广泛的光谱范围,从近红外和紫外线波长到高能区域。光电二极管有金属,陶瓷和塑料包装以及模块类型。也可以使用自定义设计。

        • Si photodiodes
        • Si photodiode arrays
        • Si photodiode arrays with amplifier
        • InGaAs photodiodes
        • InGaAs photodiode arrays
        • Photodiode modules
        • Photosensor amplifiers
        • Optics modules
        • 平衡探测器
        • Charge amplifiers
      • 雪崩光电二极管(APD)

      • APDs are photodiodes with internal gain produced by the application of a reverse voltage. They have a higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) than PIN photodiodes, as well as fast time response, low dark current, and high sensitivity. Spectral response range is typically within 200 - 1150 nm.

        • Si apds
        • InGaAs APDs
        • SI APD数组
        • APD modules
      • 照片IC

      • The photo IC is an intelligent optical sensor with diverse functions and integrates a photodiode with signal processing IC in the same package.

        • 照片ICfor rangefinders
        • LIDAR的前端IC光电传感器
        • 颜色传感器
        • Illuminance sensors
        • 施密特触发电路照片IC
        • 光调制照片IC
        • 照片ICfor optical link
        • 照片ICdevices for encoders
        • 光学开关的照片IC
        • 照片ICfor laser beam synchronous detection
      • Multi-Pixel Photon Counters (MPPCs/SiPM)

      • Our Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC), also known as silicon photomultiplier (SiPM), is a solid state photomultiplier comprised of a high density matrix of Geiger-mode-operated avalanche photodiodes also known as SPAD (single-photon avalanche photodiode). These SPADs have high internal gain which enable single photon detection. The Hamamatsu SiPM features low dark count, high photon detection efficiency, excellent timing resolution, low bias voltage operation, ruggedness, resistance to excess light, and immunity to magnetic fields. They are well-suited to single photon counting and other ultra-low light applications.

        • MPPC(SIPMS)/MPPC数组
        • MPPC模块
        • Single-pixel photon counting modules
        • MPPC power supplies & driver circuits
      • 光电层管(PMTS)

      • PMTs suitable for applications that require high speed, low noise, and high gain. Our PMTs include bare tubes, assemblies, and modules offering a wide selection of photosensitive areas and spectral responses.

        • Photomultiplier tube (Tube alone)
        • 光电塑料管组件
        • Photomultiplier tube modules
        • 微PMT
        • 光电倍增管配件
        • Photon detection units
        • Hybrid photodetectors (HPDs)
      • 光管

      • 光管are photodetectors that feature high sensitivity, superior temperature stability, wide dynamic range, large photosensitive area, and low-voltage operation. They are widely utilized in applications such as chemical and medical analysis and laser measurement.
      • Image sensors

      • 我们提供200多个标准线性和区域图像传感器,涵盖短波长红外(SWIR),附近(NIR),可见(VIS),紫外线(UV)和X射线区域。从高速,高灵敏度对广泛动态范围的广泛选择中,我们的图像传感器适用于不同的应用,包括使用光谱仪,工业成像,例如机器视觉摄像机,显微镜和距离测量值的光谱分析。我们还提供支持电子设备,例如用于传感器评估的易于使用的驱动器电路和OEM驱动器模块。自定义可用于特定的应用程序和要求。
      • Spectrometers / Spectrum sensors

        • Mini-spectrometers: Mini-spectrometers are compact and low cost spectrometers (polychromators). We offer over 20 different types of mini-spectrometers covering the spectral range from UV to NIR. Suitable for applications such as environmental measurement, color measurement, quality control in production lines, and information devices.
        • MEMS-FPI频谱传感器: Ultra-compact sensors that house an InGaAs PIN photodiode and a Fabry-Perot Interferometer (MEMS-FPI) tunable filter that can vary its transmission wavelength depending on the applied voltage.
        • Raman spectroscopy: Our modules include all the essential components needed to perform Raman measurements, such as excitation laser diode, polychromatic dispersion device, and optical and control circuit systems.
      • Infrared detectors

      • Sensors and modules for infrared light detection:

        • InGaAs photodiodes
        • InGaAs photodiode arrays
        • InGaAs APDs
        • Thermopile detectors
        • InAs photovoltaic detectors
        • InAsSb photovoltaic detectors
        • InSb photoconductive detectors
        • INSB光伏检测器
        • 两个颜色探测器
        • 光子阻力探测器
        • Infrared detector modules with preamplifier
        • 红外光电二极管模块
      • UV和火焰传感器

        • 放电 /火焰传感器uvtron
        • 紫外电表
        • 照片ICassemblies for flame detection
        • Thermopile detectors
        • InAsSb photovoltaic detectors
      • X-ray sensors

      • Sensors and modules for x-ray detection.

        • Si photodiodes
        • Si photodiode arrays
        • Si photodiode arrays with amplifier
        • X-ray flat panel sensors
        • x射线图像传感器
        • X-ray TDI cameras
        • X射线线扫描相机
        • Scintillator plates
      • Radiation sensors

      • Sensors and modules for radiation detection.
      • Electron & ion sensors

        • Fast decay phosphors
        • Electron multipliers (EMs)
        • 微通道板(MCP)
        • 电子束检测的光电二极管
      • 距离和位置传感器

      • Sensors used for distance measurement and position detection. Suitable for many applications, such as LiDAR.

        • LiDAR sensors
        • 照片ICfor rangefinders
        • Distance image sensors
        • Position-sensitive detectors (PSDs)
        • Profile sensors
      • 特定于应用的传感器

      • Sensor modules and assemblies for specific applications.

        • Transmitter/receiver modules for VICS
        • 太阳传感器
        • 编码器模块
        • 照片ICassemblies for flame detection
    • Optical components

        • 光学块

        • 包含光学组件的紧凑单元,例如带通滤波器和二分性镜。专为使用PM​​T模块和高灵敏度摄像机的低光级测量设计而设计。可以组合成不同的配置。可以通过将这些块与光源和检测器相结合来构建完整的系统。例如,可以通过组合激光,光学块和显微镜物镜镜头来构建低成本荧光或共聚焦显微镜。
        • Scan blocks

        • 将Galvano扫描仪与远程f-Theta(F-Theta)透镜相结合的光学块,该镜头设计用于可见范围内的激光束扫描。直径21.5毫米。可以通过将此块耦合到其他光学块来制成完整的测量系统,例如激光扫描荧光,反射或共聚焦显微镜。可以通过将扫描块连接到商业显微镜的C型安装端口来观察高放大图像。
        • Fiber optic plates (FOP)

        • 光学设备由一束微米大小的光纤组成。用作镜头来传输光线或高效率和低失真的图像。与普通的光学镜头不同,不需要聚焦距离。设计和建造紧凑的光学设备时的理想选择。
        • FAC镜头

        • FAC镜头对半导体激光的散开光线分解成狭窄的光束,其辐射角为几毫米数(MRAD)或更少,以便有效使用光线。
        • 准直毛细管镜片

        • Capillary lenses collimate x-rays using total reflection. They consist of a bundle of numerous hollow glass capillaries formed into a cylindrical shape with one end gently tapered.
        • Capillary plates

        • Circular or square glass plates ranging from 0.4 to several dozen millimeters thick with fine glass tubing (capillaries) regularly arranged in a two-dimensional array. Each capillary hole can be from a few microns to several hundred microns in diameter. These plates have excellent linearity and high precision while offering selectable directivity, making them suitable for flow control and particle sorting.
        • 流细胞

        • Quartz glass flow cells and cuvettes manufactured using our experience and established glass processing technology. We also provide custom-made products.
        • LCOS-SLM (Optical Phase Modulator)

        • LCOS-SLM是自由调节光相的反射空间光相调节器。激光或其他辐照光通过液晶进行相调节并反射。波前的形状可以自由控制。光的波前控制可以应用于光束光刻,像差校正等。
        • Image splitting optics

        • Image splitting optics provide one pair of dual wavelength images to cameras.

          • The W-VIEW GEMINI-2C is an image splitting optics which provides one pair of dual wavelength images separated by a dichroic mirror onto two cameras.
          • The W-VIEW GEMINI is an image splitting optics which provides one pair of dual wavelength images separated by a dichroic mirror onto a single camera.
        • MEMS mirrors

        • 电磁驱动的镜子结合了我们独特的微电力系统(MEMS)技术。它们提供了宽阔的光学挠度角,高镜反射率和低功耗。
        • SERS substrates

        • The surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrate enhances the Raman scattering light from molecules, making high-sensitivity Raman spectroscopic analysis possible. ?
        • 电离辅助基板Diuthame

        • 哈马马松offers ionization-assisting substrates called DIUTHAME that support ionization in mass spectrometry in place of matrix that is currently used for MALDI (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization) and also eliminate the cumbersome sample pretreatment process.
      • 相机

          • CMOS cameras

          • A leader in the scientific CMOS camera revolution, Hamamatsu has a camera to fit almost any budget or application.

            • 由传感器向上构建的逆戟鲸融合平衡了相机功能的复杂细微差别,以在所有灯光级别提供美丽的图像和强大的数据,尤其是在艰难的弱光条件下。
            • The ORCA-spark is a high-sensitivity digital CMOS camera using a 2.3 megapixel CMOS sensor.
            • 第二代CMOS相机sCMOS传感器designed for scientific research use. The ORCA-Flash4.0 LT+ is designed to be the new workhorse digital camera to bring high end performance to every imaging project. (Peak QE: 82 %)
            • 具有SCMOS传感器的数字CMOS摄像头设计用于科学研究。与Orca-Flash4.0相比,它提高了分辨率和灵敏度(尤其是在NIR地区)。(峰值82%)
          • CCD cameras

          • The CCD cameras capture optical signals with high-sensitive.

            • 宽光谱敏感(UV-NIR)后固定的CCD数码相机,在157nm时为84%QE。
            • Wide spectral sensitive (UV to NIR) back-thinned CCD digital camera. Peltier cooling reduces dark current, and it allows to have long exposure.
          • EM-CCD cameras

          • EM-CCDs revolutionized low-light imaging with on-chip amplification. Even with advances in CMOS, EM-CCD cameras with large pixels and back-thinned sensitivity are the best choice for extremely low-light, low-background applications. Refined over numerous generations for superior usability, these cameras offer fine control of camera features and image quality.

            • 电子将CCD摄像头乘以反固体型EM-CCD。重冷却(-100℃)高灵敏相机实现了512×512像素的读数为70帧的速度第二。
            • 电子将CCD摄像头乘以反固体型EM-CCD。The heavy cooled (-80 ℃) high sensitive camera realizes 1024×1024 pixel read out speed of 18.5 frames second.
          • InGaAs cameras

          • InGaAs cameras bridge the gap between NIR wavelengths in the 950-1700 nm range, where silicon detectors are no longer sensitive. Our products capture images with QVGA to VGA resolution and our extensive experience with InGaAs sensors allows us to offer cameras with exquisite image contrast and quality.

            • 带检测的红外敏感INGAAS摄像机范围从950nm到1700nm。It supports standard video output USB 3.0.
            • Infrared sensitive InGaAs camera with detection range from 950nm to 1500nm. Low dark current with -70 °C peltier cooling.
            • 带检测的红外敏感INGAAS摄像机范围从950nm到1700nm。它支持标准视频输出(EIA)和USB 3.0。

          • TDI camera

          • High-speed imaging of moving samples is a challenging even in bright conditions, but our TDI cameras turn linear movement of the sample into an advantage by coordinating signal accumulation in the sensor with sample movement. These cameras are also well-suited for low-light scanning applications that are too dim to for a line scan sensor.

            • TDI (Time Delay Integration) camera with 2048 horizontal pixel. It realizes high speed and high sensitivity simultaneously and is good for variety of applications including in-line use.
          • 董事会级别的CMOS摄像机

          • 虽然我们的董事会级别CMOS摄像机使用与我们的CMOS摄像机相同的传感器进行研究,但它们的简化功能以成本效益的价格提供了高速,低噪声和高分辨率。
          • Board-level TDI cameras

          • 从我们快速,低噪声的TDI传感器到优化传感器性能的高级相机工程功能,这些板级摄像机使您可以在下一个OEM项目中利用数十年的内部设计和制造体验。
          • X射线线扫描相机

          • X射线线扫描相机produce high-sensitivity, high-resolution, X-ray transmission images of moving objects transported on a conveyor belt or similar apparatus. A variety of options are available.
          • X-ray TDI cameras

          • 相机useful for in-line imaging applications requiring high-speed operation with high sensitivity. While conventional line sensor cameras suffer from low brightness under high-resolution imaging, X-ray TDI cameras improve the image brightness, resulting in enhanced images. Most appropriate for imaging linearly moving objects or where the aspect ratio is significantly asymmetric. Vertical X-ray TDI cameras that can be installed in narrow spaces are also available.
          • X-ray CMOS cameras

          • X-ray CMOS cameras are suitable for micro object by achieving high resolution image.
          • X-ray CCD camera

          • X射线CCD摄像头适用于高灵敏X射线检测。
          • X-ray I.I. camera unit & X-ray I.I.

          • X-ray camera units those contain an X-ray image intensifier and a CCD camera.
          • 高分辨率X射线成像系统

          • High-resolution imaging system designed for X-ray beam alignment. Suitable for use in larger synchrotron radiation facilities.
          • 成像软件

          • Software provides the interface to access all our carefully engineered camera features, from simply setting exposure to orchestrating complex triggering for multidimensional experiments. Not only are our cameras supported by most imaging platforms, we also offer software development tools for Windows, Linux, MATLAB and LabVIEW.
        • Light & radiation sources

            • LEDs

            • Our LEDs range from red to mid-infrared, a variety of wavelengths enabled by crystal growth and process technology that supports compound semiconductor materials. LEDs are mainly used in combination with photosensors, and offer a lower cost and longer service life compared to laser diodes. High quality and reliability are ensured by strictly controlled assembly and inspection processes.
            • UV-LED light sources

            • Light sources available in a variety of intensities, cooling methods, and shapes. Suitable for a diverse range of applications, including UV adhesive curing and UV ink drying.

              • UV-LED light source (Linear irradiation)
              • 点辐射紫外线领导的光源
                由于使用365或385 nm紫外线的光源替换灯而导致的昂贵停机时间。
            • 我们的灯提供了很高的稳定性和寿命长。轻度测量技术用于许多应用,包括化学分析,医学诊断测试,环境监测和学术研究领域。

              • Xenon&Mercury-Xenon灯
              • Xenon flash lamps
              • Deuterium lamps
              • Deuterium lamps for photoionization
              • Hollow cathode lamp
            • Lamp modules & units

            • Our lamp modules and lamp units are assembled with a matching power supply and other functions making them suitable for a wide range of user applications.

              • 氙气闪光灯模块
              • Spot light sources
              • 射频(RF)电排放类型准分子灯
              • Compact D2 lamp modules
              • H2D2 light source units
              • VUV光源单元
            • Microfocus X-ray sources

            • Microfocus X-ray sources specifically developed for 2D and 3D nondestructive testing. A small focal point prevents blurring of x-ray images and delivers a sharp, enlarged image.
            • 极端紫外线(EUV)和软X射线源

            • Energetiq的无电Z-PINCH™技术具有出色的空间稳定性和稳定的可重复功率输出。
            • Laser-Driven Light Sources

            • Energetiq has developed a revolutionary single-lightsource technology called the LDLS™ Laser-Driven Light Source that enables extreme highbrightness over a broad spectral range, from 170nm through visible and beyond.
            • Laser-Driven Tunable Light Sources

            • 激光驱动的可调光源(LDTLS™)是一种基于经过验证的激光驱动光源(LDLS™)技术的紧凑,完全集成且高度稳定的可调宽带光源。
          • 激光

              • 半导体激光器

                  • CW laser diodes (CWLD)

                  • These LDs are designed to be driven in continuous wave (CW). Output power is from mW to a few W.
                  • Pulsed laser diodes (PLD)

                  • 这些摩门教的特性高脉冲的峰值功率ration. Various types are available with different peak output power and emission widths. These LDs can be used for distance measurements such as laser radar, hazard monitoring in security applications, etc.
                  • 超级发光二极管(SLD)

                  • SLDS将激光二极管的高亮度与LED的低相干性结合在一起。适用于光学应用测量和医学成像。
                  • Photonic crystal surface emitting laser diodes (PCSEL)

                  • 具有光子晶体结构的表面发射半导体激光器。它具有圆形,低发光的光束图案和狭窄的光谱线宽。
                  • 纤维输出激光二极管

                  • Fiber-coupled laser diodes are built using high power laser diodes in compact, hermetically sealed packages.
                  • Quantum cascade lasers (QCL)

                  • Quantum cascade lasers are semiconductor lasers that offer peak emission in the mid-IR range (4 μm to 10 μm). These devices are an excellent light source for mid-IR applications, such as molecular gas analysis and absorption spectroscopy.
                  • High-power laser diode bar modules

                  • 鉴于其排放区域排列为线性阵列,LD杆模块与适当的冷却设备相结合时,可实现高性能,高输出功率和高可靠性。
                  • 直接二极管激光器(DDL)

                  • DDL is a laser source that irradiates a focused laser beam from a high power LD module directly onto a target. It is suitable for various purposes such as welding, quenching, brazing, and annealing. The advantages of this laser diode are the small size and low consumption of electricity compared to conventional solid state lasers or CO2 lasers.
                • Applied products of semiconductor lasers

                    • LD heating light sources (LD-HEATER)

                    • 我们紧凑,精致的点对手包括温度监视器,纤维输出半导体激光器(LD)单元和驱动器单元。适用于各种类型的光学加热处理工作,例如塑料焊接,焊接和退火。
                    • LD辐照光源(SPOLD)

                    • LD irradiation light source (SPOLD) is the lightweight & compact spot laser light source suitable for mounting into equipment.
                    • SPOLD盖了n process monitor

                    • The bult-in monitoring function allows “visualization” of laser processing that is deal for setting processing conditions and for checking reproducibility.
                  • Solid state lasers

                  • 固态激光产品通过合并我们的光学设计技术,光学薄膜技术,MEMS(微型机械系统)和光学纳米级技术和其他尖端技术开发。
                        • 脉冲固态激光器

                        • 这种脉冲固态激光器由于其出色的稳定性和可维护性而适用于工业应用。
                    • Featured products & technologies

                        • Immunochromato阅读器C10066-60

                        • Here at Hamamatsu Photonics we have developed a new “Immunochromato Reader C10066-60” that gives precise readouts of fluorescence in immunochromatographic reagents. Its measurement sensitivity has been boosted more than 10 times higher than currently available products by applying our own advanced signal processing technology and optical design technology.

                          This new immunochromato reader (lateral flow reader) does high-sensitivity detection of reagent reactions occurring with antigens such as viruses and hormones or antibodies reacting with viruses, etc. It is a promising tool for streamlining R&D work on immunochromatographic reagents including those for novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We start accepting product orders from domestic and overseas reagent manufacturers on October 1st (Thu), 2020. We will also be supplying this immunochromato reader as a commercially available OEM (original equipment manufacturer) product that matches the reagents produced by each manufacturer.

                        • 较高的紫外线灵敏度和紫外线抗性

                        • The S15289-33 is a back-illuminated Si photodiode that combines the features of current UV photodiodes (highly UV-sensitive S1337 series and highly UV-resistant S12698 series) with a compact CSP (chip size package) structure.


                          Compared to the current products, it is more compact, enabling it to be mounted in tight spaces and mounted on small and thin light monitoring devices.

                        • 专门设计用于检测紫外光(λ= 266 nm)

                        • The S14124-20 is a Si APD with high sensitivity to 266 nm UV light.

                          In order to improve accuracy for detecting such defects, short-wavelength light sources and detectors with high sensitivity to UV light are used in optical-based semiconductor inspection equipment.

                          哈马马松’s new product, the S14124-20, offers a high quantum efficiency of 87% for 266 nm light, which is the fourth harmonic of YAG lasers used as light sources for semiconductor inspection equipment.
                          This product can be used as a detector for semiconductor inspection equipment, laser processing equipment, and photomask defect inspection equipment.
                        • Si photodiode with bandpass filter S12742 series

                        • The S12742 series uses an interference filter for its window and is sensitive only to monochromatic light.
                          The series consists of three types with different center sensitivity wavelengths: 220 nm, 254 nm, and 275 nm.
                          光谱响应的半宽度(FWHM)在10 nm(典型)时非常狭窄,可以使光度法精确,几乎没有流浪光。
                          The S12742 series can be customized to support other peak sensitivity wavelengths such as 340 nm and 560 nm.
                        • 3D TOF传感器

                        • 3D TOF传感器contribute to touchless machinery operation and labor-saving autonomous robots


                          The distance image sensor is designed to measure the distance to an object by an indirect TOF (time-of-flight) method. It can be used for people/object detection and shape recognition in various situations requiring touchless (non-contact) or labor-saving technology.

                          We have recently added three back-thinned sensors (64 pixels, 256 pixels, and 96 × 72 pixels) to our lineup.


                        • ORCA-Fusion BT sCMOS camera.

                        • The true beauty of the ORCA-Fusion BT is what the combination of exceptional photon detection and collection can do for you. See the dimmest whisper of signal, acquire visually stunning, high signal-to-noise images from the fewest photons, capture previously unresolved temporal events, and perform computational methods with confidence.

                          The ORCA-Fusion BT is consciously designed from the ground up for the most challenging imaging experiments, but it will also excel in any application that requires the combination of uniformity, high quantum efficiency, and high signal-to-noise ratio.
                        • Offering world class UV sensitivity and UV resistance

                        • 结合TDI-CCD和CMOS读数电路的新型图像传感器
                          TDI-CCD image sensors S14810/S14813

                          哈马马松has developed an image sensor that combines the advantages of TDI-CCD, which can ensure adequate brightness for images even during high-speed imaging, with the merits of a CMOS readout circuit for high-speed line rate and digital output.

                          While conventional TDI-CCD image sensors are capable of high sensitivity, high speed imaging, the fact that they use analog output makes it necessary for the customer to add a signal processing circuit. Our newly developed S14810 and S14813 use a CMOS readout circuit for digital output, simplifying design of external circuits and making the products easier to use.

                          We also offer custom designs, such as increasing the number of TDI-CCD pixels, or increasing the number of columns for column parallel readout in order to improve the line rate.

                        • Application examples of compact spectrometers

                        • 哈马马松has released videos of various spectrum measurements using “compact spectrometers (mini-spectrometer, MEMS-FPI spectrum sensor, spectroscopy module)”.
                        • Pinhole inspection unit

                        • 哈马马松Photonics has developed a new pinhole inspection unit that quickly finds tiny pinhole defects in sheet workpieces down to a diameter of only 1 micron.

                          By making use of a photomultiplier tube with a large photosensitive area and a noise-suppression signal processing technique, Hamamatsu Photonics has developed a new pinhole inspection unit, the model C15477 that quickly finds pinhole defects as small as 1 micron (millionth of a meter or μm hereafter) in diameter in sheet workpieces. This new product can detect tiny pinhole defects only a quarter of the size of pinholes detectable up to now, and so will improve inspection accuracy for tasks such as inspecting pinhole defects in fuel cell separators for fuel cell vehicles and aluminum laminate films for pouch rechargeable batteries. This product is available as a set with a light source unit and a light collector unit optimized for inspecting pinhole defects in sheet workpieces such as large thin metal sheets measuring 480 mm wide by 180 mm deep. Sales begin Monday, March 2nd, 2020 chiefly for domestic and overseas automotive-related manufacturers.

                        • 棕榈大小的FTIR引擎

                        • 哈马马松Photonics has developed a palm-sized FTIR engine capable of highly sensitive detection of near-infrared light at wavelengths ranging from 1.1 to 2.5 micrometers.

                          By applying our own unique microelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology, we have successfully developed a palm-sized “Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) engine C15511-01” offering high sensitivity to near-infrared light at wavelengths from 1.1 to 2.5 micrometers (abbreviated to μm: μ is one millionth). This FT-IR engine will assist in creating portable handheld FTIR spectrophotometers for analytical applications including real-time monitoring of chemicals on production lines and ingredient analysis of agricultural products in the field. We start accepting product orders from domestic and overseas analytical instrument manufacturers from Monday, February 3rd, 2020.

                          这个红外光谱引擎将展览展出ion running in parallel to the International Conference “SPIE Photonics West 2020” held in San Francisco, California, United States, for 3 days from February 4th (Tue) to 6th (Thu).

                        • New InGaAs line scan camera for inline SWIR inspection

                        • SWIR (short-wavelength infrared) imaging is a great solution for nondestructive inspection. It sees under the surface, differentiates materials based on their SWIR spectral signatures, and offers a safe and convenient way to ensure product quality. Example applications include checking liquid volumes in packages, inspecting contents of sealed containers, and detecting damages and contaminants in agricultural products. In addition, applications in the semiconductor industry include Si wafer pattern inspection and solar cell defect detection.

                          将SWIR成像整合到生产线上需要快速的线路速率,高敏性摄像机,例如Hamamatsu的新的C15333-10E INGAAS线扫描摄像头。

                          C15333-10E INGAAS系列扫描摄像机于11月1日发行,加入了Hamamatsu长期建立的SWIR和NIR(近红外)成像技术线,其中包括INGAAS区域摄像机进行高质量检查。这款新相机是使用SWIR成像实时,内联无损检查的理想选择,并具有以下功能:

                          • High SWIR sensitivity
                          • Fast line rate
                          • 1024像素线性阵列
                          • GigE Vision
                        • Compact, high performance Electromagnetically driven MEMS mirror for two-dimensional laser scanning S13989-01H

                        • The S13989-01H is an electromagnetically driven MEMS mirror produced by applying Hamamatsu unique MEMS*1 technology. Two-axis operation (X-axis and Y-axis operation) enables two-dimensional scanning (raster scanning)*2 using reflections of laser light or the like.

                          Typically, electromagnetic mirrors have a configuration in which magnets are placed around the mirror chip. However, our MEMS mirrors have powerful compact magnets placed under the mirror chip. Even though they are compact, they achieve a wide optical deflection angle (fast axis: ±20°, slow axis: ±12°).
                          他们也特性与密封的可靠性高ally sealed package, low voltage drive, and linear operation*3 that allows the optical deflection angle to be set arbitrarily.

                          They can be applied to various scanning mechanisms for obtaining 2D or 3D information. Some applications include shape recognition using machine vision, laser ranging, obstacle detection for automated guided vehicles and the like, and laser scanning microscopes.

                          *1: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
                          *2: A scanning method that composes a two-dimensional image. First, a line is obtained by one-dimensional scanning, and then the line is scanned in the perpendicular direction to compose an image.
                        • Near-infrared SC (supercontinuum) light source

                        • Hamamatsu的近红外SC光源是一种紧凑的激光源,具有广泛的光谱和激光特性,例如高相干性和亮度。
                        • 新的微型PMT封装在塑料包装中

                        • 哈马马松Photonics introduces a new micro PMT encapsulated in a plastic package ideal for downsizing medical diagnostic devices and environmental analyzers.

                          哈马马松Photonics now offers a new micro PMT “R12900U” housing the world’s smallest photomultiplier tube in a miniature plastic package designed to easily mount on electronic circuit boards. Installing this new micro PMT to serve as a photodetector means environmental analyzers, portable medical diagnostic devices and so on can now be drastically downsized for convenient use anywhere needed including patient bedsides.

                        • 光 - 轴导剂检测到中红外光的波长为14.3 µm

                        • Hamamatsu是世界上第一个成功批量产生化合物光学流动导体的人,该复合光轴导致在不使用ROHS指令受到限制的有害物质的情况下检测到14.3μm的波长。

                          通过利用多年来内部开发的化合物光 - 肺导能制造技术,我们是世界上第一个成功地批量生产复合光学型(II型超级晶格红外探测器)*不包含有害汞(HG)的人。和镉(CD),但能够检测到14.3微米的波长(缩略为缩写为μm)的波长是一百万米的三分之一)。汞和镉是用于中红外探测器的常见材料,但在欧盟发布的ROHS指令下是受限的物质,禁止在欧盟市场出售的电气和电子产品中使用某些危险物质。因此,我们的新产品可能会替换当前可用的中红外探测器,该检测器包含受限物质。我们的新产品将被证明是依靠中红外光来识别空气,食物和药物中包含的物质的分析仪器的理想选择。

                        • 3D fluorescence scanning method called "Zyncscan™"

                        • 哈马马松has developed a novel 3D fluorescence scanning method called "Zyncscan™" with a light-sheet for cell-based fluorescence assays in microplates

                          哈马马松Photonics K.K. has developed a novel 3D fluorescence scanning method called "Zyncscan™" that performs x-z plane scans using a light-sheet for cell-based fluorescence assays in microplates. This technology provides an x-z plane scan using a light-sheet for a whole 96/384/1536-well microplate, allowing users to obtain 3D fluorescence images of whole wells in xy: 2–3 μm and z: 6–7 μm voxel resolution for ≤ 300 μm thickness from the well bottom within a few minutes per color. This technology also allows for ultra-high level separation of cell fluorescence signals from the background, which makes it possible to obtain cell fluorescence images in the cell culture mediums containing serum and with fluorescent dyes (i.e., no need to wash out fluorescent dyes).

                        • InGaAs area image sensor for hyperspectral cameras

                        • Hamamatsu Photonics开发了一个INGAAS区域图像传感器,用于高光谱摄像机,能够检测到2.55 µm的短波长边红外光,这是通过这种类型的区域图像传感器检测到的世界最长波长。

                          By applying compound opto-semiconductor manufacturing technology fostered in-house over many years, we designed and developed a new area image sensor G14674-0808W made of indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) capable of detecting short-wavelength-infrared light up to 2.55 µm which is the world’s longest wavelength detectable by this type of area image sensor. Installing this new InGaAs image sensor into hyperspectral cameras for plastic recycling will boost the plastic recycling rate since hyperspectral cameras can screen and sort plastics containing flame-retardant resin to separate them out from other plastics, which has been extremely difficult up till now.

                        • 近红外增强的Si APD适合LIDAR

                        • 我们很高兴介绍我们的新型S14643/S14644/S14645系列,NIR增强了为LIDAR和工业设备设计的SI APD探测器。
                          A previous limitation with Silicon based APD’s was the variation in breakdown voltage between individual parts. This has been resolved with our new series which reduces the variation of part to part from approximately ±50 V, down to ±20 V or less.
                          Other very important improvements include a reduction in noise causing dark current of less than half. Additionally the operating temperature range has been expanded.
                          All of these characteristics have been improved without changing the shape or size from previous products (S10341 series, S12427 series, and S12926 series), which means no product redesign.
                        • World’s tiniest grating spectrometer

                        • Hamamatsu Photonics已新开发了世界上最细的光谱仪,具有高灵敏度,紧凑的尺寸,轻巧的重量和低成本。

                          Hamamatsu Photonics已新开发了世界上最小的(内部调查),光谱光谱仪“ SMD系列小光谱计C14384MA”,具有高近红外的灵敏度,紧凑的尺寸,轻巧的重量和低成本。我们的C14384MA的立方大小约为1/40,重量约为1/30,在同一近红外范围内具有灵敏度的MS系列迷你光谱仪的重量约为1/30,但灵敏度高约50倍。这使得C14384MA非常适合需要实时测量的应用,例如对食物或农作物的质量检查,甚至是四轮驱动器或无人机的环境分析。

                        • Si photodiode S12915 Series

                        • We have released the Si photodiode S12915 series for general photometry in the visible range to the infrared region.
                          We recommend the S12915 series for customers who have previously used the S2387 series.
                        • Enabling real-time spectroscopic measurements

                        • Enabling real-time spectroscopic measurements at the workplace and at home Ultra-compact spectrum sensor

                          The new C14273 sensor has more sensitivity in the long-wavelength band than the 2 current types. The spectral response range is between 1.75 and 2.15 μm.

                        • Ionization-assisting substrates

                        • Hamamatsu光子学已获得新开发的电离辅助底物,可大大减少成像质谱的预处理时间。

                          Hamamatsu Photonics已将新开发的电离辅助底物称为Diuthame系列。Diuthame是使用通过孔氧化铝膜进行解吸电离的首字母缩写,该膜利用多孔氧化铝大大减少了通过成像质谱法分析样品或分析物所需的预处理时间。为了完成质谱的样品预测,所有要做的就是将Diuthame底物放在样品上。这将预处理时间缩短到了基质辅助激光解吸/电离或MALDI的十分之一,这是质谱法的主流电离技术。Diuthame也适用于现有的MALDI-TOF-MS测量。

                        • High-speed readout 100 kline/s max.

                        • High-speed readout 100 kline/s max.

                          The S13774 is a CMOS linear image sensor developed for industrial cameras that require high-speed scanning. The column-parallel readout system, which has a readout amplifier and an A/D converter for each pixel, allows high-speed readout. For the A/D converter resolution, either 10-bit (high-speed mode: 100 klines/s max.) or 12-bit (low-speed mode: 25 klines/s max.) can be selected. Image data is output serially in 180 MHz LVDS format.

                        • 紧凑和低成本的1D INGAAS图像传感器,

                        • 紧凑和低成本的1D INGAAS图像传感器,allowing installation in a portable equipment

                          哈马马松has developed the low cost 1D InGaAs image sensor G13913 series by employing a small size LCC (Leadless Chip-Carrier) package. 1D InGAs image sensors have been used widely for near infrared spectroscopy. There is growing demand on a sensor for downsizing and current consumption reduction.

                          G13913系列采用了128 CH或256 CH的后刷结构INGAAS阵列芯片,意识到小尺寸和低成本。与传统的1D INGAAS图像传感器不同,主要用于大型仪器,G13913系列的新功能将使在便携式设备中进行安装。

                        • Low-cost setup developed for C12880MA micro-spectrometer

                        • Researchers at Food + Future CoLab — a collaboration among Target, design firm Ideo, and the MIT Media Lab — created an extremely inexpensive "fit for purpose" spectroscopy system with the C12880MA micro-spectrometer. This was done by using open source software to integrate the C12880MA with a low-cost Arduino microcontroller, and also by selecting inexpensive options for their sample container and light source. These components are housed in an enclosure that was fabricated with a 3D printer.