  • Offer Profile
  • Anaergia Inc.是为提供可再生能源以及将废物转化为资源的全球领导者。通过经过验证的专有技术解决方案的投资组合,Anaergia最大程度地发挥了可再生能源的产生,废物从垃圾填埋场转移到了为市政,工业,商业和农业领域的客户减少温室气体。通过其子公司,包括Anaergia Services和UTS Biogastechnick GmbH,Anaergia在全球超过1,600个可再生能源项目中被信任。
Product Portfolio
  • Product Portfolio

  • Anaergiais a global leader in the production of clean energy, fertilizer and recycled water from organic waste streams, and offers the widest range of anaerobic digestion technologies for municipal, industrial, commercial and agricultural markets. Anaergia delivers solutions globally through offices established across North America, Europe and Asia.
      • 废水回收

      • Anaergia提供了提高市政和工业废水处理设施效率的解决方案,将其转变为清洁电力,清洁水和肥料的净生产国的资产。我们的Omnivore™高固体厌氧消化酯技术提高了效率,实现共同消化,并降低了设施足迹和生命周期成本。我们的集成解决方案减少了生物固体的量,增加了可再生能源生产,实现A类优质生物固体以满足特定的处置要求并生产高质量的可销售肥料。
          • 可再生能源

          • Anaergia的天然气再气化解决方案利用一流的电力或可再生天然气(RNG)生产技术,包括沼气清洁,调理,热恢复系统以及热量和热量(CHP)。此外,我们为客户提供了一系列独特的服务,其中包括工厂运营以及融资到脱发植物的安装。我们提供持续的支持,以应对复杂而不断发展的法规和能源激励措施。使用标准化解决方案最大限度地节省成本,并利用我们与全球和本地行业领导者建立广泛的运营设施和战略合作伙伴关系网络。

            • 基本负载能量:与间歇性的风和太阳能不同,沼气可再生能源是恒定的(基本负荷),因此即使没有其他可再生资源,也可以预测,可靠且可用
            • 灵活:我们的设施生产该地区和客户所需的能量类型:电力,热,管道气或液体燃料

          • Omnivore™ is an advanced high solids approach to digestion which incorporates Anaergia’s intelligent mixing and robust thickening systems to triple the capacity of an existing digester (typically 2 to 3%) into a high-solids Omnivore™ digester (5 to 8%).


            Co-Digestion Made Easy: Omnivore™ enables co-digestion of local organic waste streams, generating additional revenue and making plants energy positive. Omnivore™ unlocks digestion capacity in existing digesters which can be used to co-digest not only fats, oils, and grease (FOG) but also local organic streams like food processing waste, Source Separated Organics (SSO), organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) which was prepared and treated by Anaergia’s Organic Extrusion Press (OREX™).

            Improved Performance: Omnivore™ offers operational control and flexibility. Easy maintenance includes the ability to adjust mixer position to break up floating layers and re-suspend grit, and access without taking the digesters out of service.

          • Anaergia子公司Fibracast开发了用于水再利用应用的超滤膜技术的突破。Fibreplate™混合膜技术是下一代混合膜,结合了空心纤维和平板膜的强度,并消除了每种膜的劣势。

          • 在历史上,厌氧消化后留下的生物固体被认为是要丢弃的废物流,这相当于巨大的成本和责任。最大化资源恢复意味着在每个阶段提取尽可能多的价值。对于Anaergia来说,生物固体是创造价值的重要机会。

            Our integrated nutrient recovery and biosolids management solutions recover up to 20% more renewable energy, extract nutrients as valuable fertilizer products using our proprietary Ammonia removal technology, and achieve Class A biosolids all while reducing biosolids volumes by up to 80%, minimizing disposal costs, and cleaning liquid effluent streams.
          • 纤维板膜

          • Anaergia提供了将工业废水处理设施转变为可再生能力和清洁水的净生产商的解决方案,以重新使用植物。Anaergia提供有效,具有成本效益和健壮的厌氧和有氧治疗技术。

            Anaergiaanaerobic treatment solutions are unique in their ability to handle industrial wastewater with high suspended solids, fats, oil, and greases where conventional high rate anaerobic technologies face difficulties. Anaergia can also handle in single anaerobic reactors, a combination of solid and liquid streams.

            Another distinguishing feature of Anaergia’s technology is its unique ability to handle and treat both liquid and solid industrial organic waste streams, reducing pre-treatment requirements, producing more power, and reducing disposal cost.

            Anaergia’s anaerobic treatment technology eliminates the disadvantages of conventional granular sludge industrial AD solutions by enhancing operational and feedstock flexibility and uptime of the digesters.

            Anaerobic Solution Benefits: enhanced operational reliability and flexibility, lower life cycle cost, higher uptime, and ability to handle variable loads and various type of industrial organic waste streams.

            Fibreplate™, from Anaergia’s subsidiary Fibracast, offers effective aerobic treatment to polish effluents from the anaerobic step. FibrePlate™ is a next generation hybrid membrane that integrates the strengths of both hollow fibre and flat plate membrane technologies while eliminating the weaknesses of each.


        • proprietar Anaergia带来创新y, cost effective, environmentally friendly, and proven solutions that are setting new global benchmarks. The Anaergia approach maximizes recovery and recycling of plastics, papers, and metals, before recovering biodegradable organic material for conversion to energy and fertilizer. A small portion of the reject material is transformed into a sustainable refuse derived fuel (RDF). Anaergia provides robust, cutting-edge, and economically viable solutions for organics recovery from diverse waste sources. Unlike traditional approaches, our solutions recover 90% of organics without limitations on in-feed contamination levels. The recovered organic material is a nutrient rich feed for anaerobic digestion, and can be used in co-digestion plants to increase biogas production.

            • 创建bioen Anaergia先进的消化系统ergy from feedstocks such as food processing waste, source separated organics (SSO), and the organic fraction of MSW which was prepared and treated by Anaergia’s Organic Extrusion Press (OREX™).

              Unlike other digestion technologies, our continuous process reliably accepts high solids organic feedstock which has been pre-processed to remove physical contaminants. Our systems, which maximize production of biogas and residuals from the process, are clean and appropriate for many uses. Our digestion systems are up to three times as efficient as conventional digesters, reducing construction costs, operating costs, and land requirements.
            • 交钥匙机械生物处理(MBT)

            • proprietar Anaergia带来创新y, cost effective, environmentally friendly, and proven solutions that are setting new global benchmarks. The Anaergia approach maximizes recovery and recycling of plastics, papers, and metals, before recovering biodegradable organic material for conversion to energy and fertilizer. A small portion of the reject material is transformed into a sustainable refuse derived fuel (RDF).

              Anaergiaprovides robust, cutting-edge, and economically viable solutions for organics recovery from any waste. Unlike traditional approaches, our solutions recover 90% of organics without limitations on in-feed contamination levels. The recovered organic material is a nutrient rich feed for anaerobic digestion, and can be used in co-digestion plants to increase biogas production.


            • Anaergia’s Organics Extrusion Press (OREX™) reliably and efficiently separates solid waste streams into wet organic and dry fractions, driving significant value through both resource recovery and diversion. The OREX™ recovers over 90% of putrescible organics from mixed waste streams and diverts material away from landfills.


              Residuals Diversion: Anaergia facilities maximize recovery of plastics, paper, and metal while transforming the non-degradable and non-recyclable rejects coming out of OREX™ into a dense Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) with increased calorific value and lower moisture content.
          • AGRI-FOOD

          • Anaergiaprovides long-term, leading-edge solutions for organic waste management and regulatory compliance to large agriculture operations and commercial food producers. Unlike traditional approaches, Anaergia’s solutions produce energy, heat, fuel, fertilizer, and clean water, all of which can be supplied back to clients or markets with predictable, long-term purchase agreements. The Anaergia group of companies has a long history in the agriculture and food production sectors with hundreds of turn-key anaerobic digestion projects delivered. Industry leaders trust Anaergia’s solutions because of their dependability, quality engineered parts, and service support to ensure optimized performance.

              • Anaergiahas built over 1,600 anaerobic digestion facilities treating different and varied agricultural, animal, and high strength wastewater/feedstocks. Agri-food feedstocks have high dry-matter contents. An efficient use of the mixing energy is especially important with high dry-matter contents. This efficient energy use is guaranteed by our AD technologies. The quick mixing of all substrates allows a higher volumetric loading going hand-in-hand with increased gas yields.

                Anaergiaoffers innovative solutions under one roof including effective solids feeding, efficient pre-treatment, High Solids Triton™ and Helios™ Digestion, High Solids PSM SMART Mixing, digestate and nutrient management including dewatering, biogas cleaning, CHP, biogas upgrading, wastewater treatment, and production of liquid and solid fertilizer/compost.


                The Triton™ digester is ideal for materials needing both primary and secondary fermentation such as energy crops. This double ring tank provides two stage digestion with compact footprint and reduced heat requirements.


              • 在历史上,厌氧消化后留下的生物固体被认为是要丢弃的废物流,这相当于巨大的成本和责任。最大化资源恢复意味着在每个阶段提取尽可能多的价值。对于Anaergia来说,生物固体是创造价值的重要机会。


                健康土壤 - 可持续的粮食生产也考虑:Anaergia的综合生物固体管理解决方案有助于将生物固体量减少多达80%(降低处置成本),增加可再生能源生产并实现A类优质的生物固体,以满足特定的处置规范。
              • RENEWABLE ENERGY

              • Anaergia’s solutions for gas revalorization utilize best-in-class electricity or renewable natural gas (RNG) production technologies including biogas cleaning, conditioning, heat recovery systems, and combined heat and power (CHP). Furthermore, we offer our clients a unique host of services which include plant operation as well as financing to de-risk plant installation. We provide ongoing support to cope with complex and constantly evolving regulations and energy incentives. Cost savings are maximized by using standardized solutions and leveraging our broad network of operating installations and strategic partnerships with global and local industry leaders.

                • 基本负载能量:与间歇性的风和太阳能不同,沼气可再生能源是恒定的(基本负荷),因此即使没有其他可再生资源,也可以预测,可靠且可用
                • 灵活:我们的设施生产该地区和客户所需的能量类型:电力,热,管道气或液体燃料