  • 提供个人资料
  • 几代工程师和技术人员的综合知识和经验构成了今天Schwelm Anlagentechnik Gmbh今天在SAT SAT。

    Schwelm Anlagentechnik GmbH (SAT) emerged from Schwelm Anlagenbau in 2003. Its production line boasts a range of equipment for chemical plants, natural gas service stations, and biogas conditioning and infeed systems. The ingredients for success at SAT are the knowledge and experience accumulated by our engineers and technicians during many years engineering components intended to handle flammable gases and liquids that could endanger groundwater. Working closely with experienced suppliers in compressor construction, it was possible to attain a leading position in the market for natural gas service stations in Germany.
Product Portfolio
  • 气体

      • 沼气

          • 沼气调节

          • Everyone talks about synergies. We capitalize on them!

            Years of experience in plant and equipment engineering, development leader in natural gas service stations, and manufacturer of fuel vapor recovery systems – all this, taken together, has put us in a position to become, in the shortest possible time, a highly competent partner in the field of biogas conditioning plants. Based on our experience in the fields mentioned above, we offer excellent craftsmanship, reliable adherence to standards, and efficient planning. This is demonstrated in the above-average quality of our systems, which are paired with services we provide to ensure the ideal cost-benefit ratio for your biogas conditioning system. We attach particular importance to reducing ongoing operating costs. With electrical consumption at less than 0.2 kWh/Nm³, referenced to the raw gas, we set standards here.
          • 沼气和甲烷喂养植物

          • 插头的电源 - 说那些拥护电动性的人!

            Sustainable, environment-friendly energy sources – those are the modules for the future of humanity – in the personal, industrial and mobility sectors. Since the surrounding conditions always vary, our ability to turn customer wishes into reality is of particular interest. Our in-depth experience in the natural gas sector makes it easy for us to satisfy both the stringent requirements of legal and technical regulations (DVGW G260, GasNZV) as well as the customer’s instrumentation, control, regulation and safety expectations. Especially worth mentioning is the ability to obtain from a single source both the biogas conditioning system and the biomethane feed system. That eliminates annoying interface matching problems for our customers.

          • 水不会燃烧。


        • 天然气加油站

        • The market leader is ready to help.
            • 我们成为市场领导者,因为我们能够在裁缝系统和特殊解决方案中最好地实现您的愿望和需求,并具有理想的成本效益比。我们的专家在项目的每个阶段就为您提供建议并为您提供支持。制造,交付和组装 - 全部来自一个来源。这使您的生活变得容易。而且,委托后我们也不会让您陷入困境。在全国各地的紧密服务承包商网络上,我们建立了服务能力,以确保响应时间最快。

            • 作为领先的制造商,我们提供压缩机站,CNG泵和配件。由于我们在天然气加油技术的发展中发挥了重要作用,因此我们拥有专有技术和能力,使您的项目准时,经济和最优质的质量。

              Our systems for refueling passenger cars, buses and utility vehicles with natural gas combine experience in conventional service station technology with the latest in process technologies. This results in fully automatic CNG fueling systems in full compliance with the state of the art.
              • Compressors with inlet pressures in a range from 0.02 to 70 bar
              • Delivery velocities of between 15 and 3,000 mS³/h
              • 钢筋混凝土建筑物(65 dB(a))或集装箱钢壳(50 dB(a))
              • Storage facilities in a three-section tank system, 300 bar technology
              • Siemens S7 PLC的调节,带有普通文本触摸屏和远程监视
              • Fully automatic (self-sufficient) dispensers, with one to four hoses meeting NGV1 / NGV2 standards

          • There aren’t many who can stand up to pressure. We can.


            简单和紧凑的系统是用来供应燃烧ers, heating and test beds (in the automotive industry, for instance). In combination with buffer storage similar to the configuration used in natural gas filling stations, a variety of pressure levels and volumetric flow rates can be realized.
              • 我们的供应和性能范围:
                • Compressor stations to boost the pressures of gases such as natural gas
                • Compact systems in sheet steel containers, attaining final pressures of up to 350 bar
                • 紧凑型系统的压缩机输出从15毫米/小时
                • 在多种歧管设计中的缓冲区存储以达到不同的压力水平,例如
                • 气压调节系统以及用于细压调节的单位,范围为±50 mbar
              • 此外,还可以将电台与天然气分配器泵组合在一起,这些泵可以被参数化,以加油,或用特殊气体加油或从储罐中提取气体。在这里,可以精确地预选和维持各种压力和填充量。我们提供量身定制的解决方案,用于压缩,存储和调节在独立电台和现有建筑物中的位置。
            • 气体混合植物

            • 气体are not always suitable by their very nature ... but we make them fit.

              The large selection of gases in industry is often not sufficient to find the optimal composition for production or a process. In particular, accompanying substances can cause problems and must be removed or minimized.

                  • 气体混合植物

                  • We have had this experience for decades. We can offer you the following services:
                    • Gas mixing plants for the molecularly accurate adjustment of gas qualities, e.g. for the supply of test benches, gas burners, heating systems/furnace plants or firing tables
                    • 气体处理/去除杂质,例如通过气体擦洗,膜技术,冷却和降水
                    • Drying of gases in all pressure ranges
                    • 剂量设备气体/气体或气体/液体
                    • 气体成分测量,例如通过PGC或连续分析,包括样品气体制备
                    • Generation of nitrogen or oxygen to adjust calorific values or Wobbe index or to carburize fuel gases
                    • 液化石油气(LPG)的添加
                    • further solutions for your special task
                    In combination with our versatile pressure boosting systems, tailor-made solutions can be flexibly developed in the field of gas-technical plant engineering and in the accustomed quality of our products. It goes without saying that our systems comply with the current state of the art such as technical regulations, BetrSichV, the pressure equipment directive PED 97/23/EG, UVV as well as the relevant DIN/ EN/ ISO standards and have all the necessary tests and approvals.
              • 固体/液体物质

                  • 坦克农场

                  • 安全不是巫术的问题。取而代之的是,这是数十年的经验,持续的员工培训,技术上正确的计划程序,直至到达和交钥匙的任何大小的储罐系统的储存和分配,以存放和分配易燃的和非易碎的气体和物质,这些气体和物质可能会危害地下水。为了确保始终维护此标准,我们经验丰富的服务团队可以提供您的支持。
                      • Schwelm Anlagentechnik GmbH的活动包括计划,交付和组装,所有这些都需要高度的运营安全。对于许多行业,包括化学品,能源,汽车,石油,油漆和搪瓷等,都是如此。


                        Right from the initial planning phases, you can draw upon our expertise to ensure a safe and profitable system design. The realization of the concept thus worked out includes detailed planning, including the documentation associated with applications for permits. Experienced engineers are on hand to execute this detailed planning. They render their planning services for all process-related and electrical aspects at the most modern CAD workstations.
                      • In addition to a selection of materials for the storage vessels suitable to hold a diversity of chemicals, the associated equipment – such as pumps, valves and piping systems – will have to be matched to the same needs. This is also true for the storage conditions. In some cases heated, insulated vessels are required; for other substances inside coatings may be required in order to prevent corrosion.

                        我们为所有安全设备建立了开关系统,包括功率输出部分和控制系统 - 从预防设备到照明设备。所有电气接线也是我们交付和服务范围的一部分。其他设备(例如阴极腐蚀系统)保证了数十年的令人满意的用途。我们的服务标准如下:
                        • Certification as a specialist company in the sense of § 62 AwS; certification as per DIN ISO 9001 ff.
                        • Our own assemblers with SCC (Safety Certified
                        • Contractor) training, with the appropriate certificates and license for all types of welding work guarantee technically correct completion
                        • Quick and reliable service carried out by trained repair and maintenance personnel
                    • 传输终端

                    • A full tank on its own is no help to you. The product has to get to the customers.
                        • Our transloading technology represents the link between the tank and the transport medium, regardless of what that might be: railway tank car, tank truck, containers or even inland and ocean-going tankers. None of this poses any problems for us. We are just as resourceful in transloading acids, caustic solutions, petroleum products, liquefied gas, solvents and other flowable substances – regardless of whether top or bottom loading is your preference. Since special regulations have to be observed when loading or unloading liquid and gaseous substances at vehicles equipped with tanks, these should be taken account of even in the initial planning phases. Later they could endanger both permit issuance, realization and approval.
                        • We would be happy to support you. With our tank terminals we offer you here, again, everything from a single source and naturally at excellent value for money:
                          • Versions for up to 150 mm I.D.
                          • 米aterials compatible with the substances being handled; PTFE linings also possible
                          • 用双臂或波纹软管恢复有害蒸气
                          • Telescoping fill pipe for bottom loading
                          • For operating temperatures from 40°C to +250°C and operating pressures of up to 40 bar
                          • Trace heating using steam, heat transfer oil or electricity
                          • Piggable versions for cleaning once transfer has been made
                          • 带安全耦合器或干耦合器的设备
                        • We supply not only the filling arms, but also the infrastructure required for terminal work, including:
                          • 钢平台接受终端设备
                          • Folding stairs for mounting the tank trucks
                          • 折叠安全楼梯,带有防护笼,用于安装坦克箱,并增强安全性
                          • Safety equipment to monitor loading and discharging
                          • Pumping stations for every delivery range
                          • 带有相应控件的泵送和计量系统
                          • Gravimetric or volumetric metering systems
                          • Versions suitable for calibration, with interfaces to company databases
                          • Utilization in areas subject to explosion hazard
                          In addition, we can offer auxiliary features such as the catchment sumps as per TRwS 786 (Technical Rules for Substances Hazardous to Groundwater), truck scales, marshalling systems, etc. We carry out this work in conjunction with highly competent partner companies.
                      • 计量,混合和生产技术

                      • 从一个来源中的一切。这包括从咨询和工程,到生产系统的交钥匙转移的所有内容 - 这是我们的指导概念。我们通过结合高质量技术的系统来为您提供支持。这种先进和创新的生产系统将有助于加强您的市场地位 - 安全,安全,与环境保持一致。我们的系统真正地说明了自己 - 在每个生产阶段,从原材料存储到生产到最终填充。
                          • 经验丰富且创意的项目团队提供咨询服务,并为根据您的需求和您的皮夹量身定制的流程技术准备概念。在实施我们共同实施的这些解决方案时,我们承担协调各个分包商的责任,从而保证项目执行顺利。


                          • Our best product: the individualized, all-round solution.

                            No matter whether it’s a question of new construction, rebuilding or modernization, we cover every area:
                            • Storage facilities for raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products in solid and liquid form
                            • Piping systems to supply production facilities, coating systems and test beds
                            • Gravimetric and volumetric metering plants in every size, from small volume metering for a few grams to large quantities in tank trucks
                            • 米etering systems set up for any concept from manual operation right through to recipe-controlled automatic stations
                            • 定制的混合和混合植物用于分散和均质化
                            • 交付材料,包括原料和半成品产品,以提供制造工艺
                            • 电气设备,从配电板到完整的,过程控制的生产工厂
                            • 各种设计中的搅拌器容器
                            • Dissolver plants in every capacity range
                            • 可视化系统,可在正在进行的生产过程中提供监视和立即干预
                        • LIQUEFIED GAS SYSTEMS

                        • One of the basic technologies employed by Schwelm Eisenwerke is alive and well in our operations today.

                          • 初步工作,例如制定计划,流程示意图和成本估算
                          • Planning work, determining the space and capital requirements, preparing schedules
                          • Preparing applications to be submitted to public authorities and coordination with the surveillance office (e.g. TÜV)
                          • Engineering for vessels and equipment in accordance with German and foreign regulations
                          • 整个项目的详细计划和执行
                              • LIQUEFIED GAS SYSTEMS

                              • 为每个存储目的和每个存储设施尺寸而制定了适当的解决方案,以存储每种材料。容量高达450平方米的压力容器适用于地下和地下存储。通过容器尺寸和数字的完美组合,可以实现实践中所需的每个存储容量。


                                Inherent to each individual project are decades of experience in the appropriate industry and that experience is applied in systematic fashion. Especially where propane and butane, the environment-friendly energy sources, are to be used for heating or to generate process heat, LPG equipment built by Schwelm Anlagentechnik GmbH has proven its value.