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  • Offer Profile
  • BTS Biogas is one of the most important providers of biogas plants and considered a pioneer in this sector. The core expertise of our company lies in planning, producing and constructing the plants. For over 20 years our qualified team of engineers, biologists, chemists, agronomists, engineers, designers and marketing experts has gained experience in the design, construction and operation of biogas power plants and thus offers expertise in service, consultation and biological support.
Product Portfolio
  • Technology and Products

  • Our technical and biological know how and the extensive experience in the management of biogas power plants has led to the development of countless products and solutions that have become part of the standards of our plants. We are referring to the systems for plant production, management and control, the pre and post treatments of the substrates and technologies for biomethane production.
      • Pretreatment

      • We have developed different technologies for the pre-treatment, so that every type of biomass can be used efficiently.

        • Maximum possible increase in the biogas yield
        • Biomass reduction and a more cost-effective operation of the biogas power plant
        • Shortening of digester retention time and increase in the organic product loading factor
        • Reducing container volume as well as investment costs
        • Avoidance of floating layers and deposit formation in tanks
        • Avoidance of harmful substances being introduced into the fermenter
        • Reduction of the stirring rate and the plant power consumption
          • BIOacceleratorZ

          • The BIOacceleratorz is an Impact-Crusher optimally using the biogas potential of the input substrate and enabling substrates to be fermented which would otherwise be difficult or impossible to ferment. During this process, the input material is split and broken up mechanically by hammers and crusher plates at the bottom of the container.
          • BIOacceleratorS

          • The BIOaccelerators is an extruder which optimizes the input substrate breakdown through defibration in order to achieve a higher biogas yield. New substrate can thus be added faster to the fermentation process. Through a thermo-mechanical treatment of the substrate by means of two juxtaposed, interlocking screws, the input material is subject to an increased temperature, thus reducing power consumption.
          • BIOseperatorW

          • The raw material passes from a feeder through a lateral auger into a worm gear, which fills the BIOseparatorw. The unpacked biomass, freed from its impurities, is crushed and shredded by grinding mills and a grinding sieve, and flows into a pump receiver tank, from where it either flows directly into a storage tank or can be pumped out. Impurities (glass, metals, plastic, etc.) are ejected through a discharge chute. A drainage screw press, integrated in the discharge chute, squeezes out the fluids still present in the impurities and pumps them back into the process again.
        • Control

        • The BTS Biogas plants are designed to be managed by an integrated control system capable of operating in a centralised manner on all the functional elements. The technical and information technology infrastructure, working in total synergy, reduces times and management costs, but above all maximises the efficiency and reliability of the system.

          • Complete control of the plant
          • Complete system
          • Simple management
          • Very stable system
          • Entire system developed by BTS Biogas
          • Remote control and remote maintenance
          • Web-based
          • 24/7 service
            • METANload

            • The METANload system is a development by BTS Biogas. A clever calculation software with integrated hardware components, which helps the operator to implement optimal biogas plant feeding. METANload is a system for the display and control of the feeder filling. The operator receives real-time and precise information regarding what has already been fed into the plant and which substrates are still missing to achieve the optimal mixing ratio.

              The system’s strengths:

              • Efficient, easy and precise filling
              • Very easily controlled by the operator
              • Simplifies layer feeding in the feeder
              • Universal standard design for new plants and simple retrofitting for existing plants
              • Early warning system when biomass runs low
              • METANload is suitable for plants with and without mixing vehicles
            • dinaMETAN

            • What is dinaMETAN?
     operating and optimization software for the substrate mixtures used in biogas power plants

              What can dinaMETAN do?
              …save costs on every KWh – by optimizing the INPUT-OUTPUT ratio
              …determine optimum biological efficiency and substrate residence time for maximum energy production

              How does dinaMETAN do all that?
              … by calculating the key biological and technical data such as substrate degradation rate and energy consumption of the bacteria during fermentation

              What are the advantages of working with dinaMETAN?
              … intuitive handling with simple interfaces
              … online support
              … continuously updated database
            • INFOmodule

            • Thanks to our INFOmodule, entirely developed in house, the management staff can verify and intervene on the plant at any time and remotely. In the event of anomalies, the system sends voice alerts by telephone, classified by priority.

              • The use of a microcontroller guarantees the stability and the functionality of the alarm system
              • The module allows for the storage of an unlimited number of phone numbers
              • Day/night operation
              • Capacity to store up to 1,600 events / alarms
              • No information is lost
            • PLUG&produce

            • The technical module developed by BTS Biogas acts as a technical centre for biogas power plants, it is compact and modular, with standard measurements and requires less investments compared to the common installation inside the building. This technology also leads to cost savings in terms of installation times and therefore assembly costs. The module is designed and tested in-house, thus ensuring greater reliability and it comes in several customisable sizes, both for new plants and for existing plants. The module is fitted with the gas measurement instruments, the desulphurisation blowers, the system for the distribution of heating and pumps, the air conditioning system, the running water distribution system and, possibly, even a heat exchanger fitted on the roof. The start-up and control instruments are located in another separate room.
            • serviceBOX & servicePLATFORM

            • Thanks to the BTS Biogas serviceBOX, maintenance and repair work can be performed rapidly and effectively starting from the fermenter's stirring device.

              • Safe operation and maximum workplace safety during maintenance
              • Prevents biogas release to atmosphere thanks to the stainless steel skirt inside the tank
              • No requirement to empty the tank or halt biogas production during maintenance
              • The height and direction of the agitator can be regulated to allow precise agitation and prevent crust formations
              • Inspection porthole with light located inside the tank
              • 监控摄像头与cleaning nozzles for checking inside
          • Biology

          • As supplier of innovative Biogas power plants we are continuously working on improvements to our products and services. The years of experience, the ability to offer tailor-made solutions to each customer group, as well as the close contact we are maintaining with environmental institutions, raw material specialists and marketing experts support our efforts in this.

            The objectives of our research and development department are:

            • the use of state-of-the-art technology
            • the consideration of environmental protection requirements
            • the guarantee of a safe and profitable operation of our plants
            • the realisation of an optimal production method

            In our own laboratory, we have experienced employees working on improving our products and plants on a daily basis.
              • METANmax

              • The best thing to manage a biogas power plant is to get advice from experts with years of experience in biological and economic optimisation. For every single situation, BTS Biogas offers the package best suited to the specifications of the biogas power plants.
              • METANmaxN

                • Reduction of odours;
                • Total nitrogen content in the fermenter also over 10 kg/m3;
                • Use of dry chicken manure in high quantities;
                • Automatic delivery system of the product is controlled by the PLC;
                • Certified storage systems, even for high quantities;
                • Introduction through manure pipeline, slurry tank or direct entry into the biogas power plant fermenter;
                • Binding hydrogen sulfide and ammonia gases into the fermenting substrates;
                • Generating an optimum environment for anaerobic bacteria. The result is a high efficiency for the biogas power plant;
                • Increasing the digestate values of the fermented substrate with sulfur and ammonium compounds;
                • Fulfilling the EU Organic Regulation (EWG) 2092 / 91;
                • Extending the oil drain intervals for the CHP and the unit service life;
                • Reducing the ammonia gas values to 0 - 5 ppm NH3/m3
              • METANmax+

              • The product METANmax+ is composed of microelements and aids the enzymes and bacteria contained in the liquid of the biogas power plant fermenter to balance out a possible lack of such elements.

                • Elimination of possible disturbances in the anaerobic process
                • Reduction of floating layers
                • Stabilization of digestion processes
                • Reduction of a high concentration of fatty acids by means of better functioning of the digestive process
                • Improvement in the quality of the biogas by means of an increase in the methane concentration
                • Savings in resource materials (raw materials), thus economical saving
              • NIRS

              • The latest generation of NIR spectrometers (NIR stands for Nearly Infrared), by using infrared rays, it carries out fast and precise analyses of the chemical and physical properties of silage and hay. When doing so, the measurement results are used for the quantitative determination of organic ingredients and ingredient groups.

                • From a single measurement, multiple components as well as up to 22 parameters can be determined simultaneously.
                • Reliable and precise measurement results
                • Creation of calibration curves by the METANlab team
                • 分析筒仓玉米和其它青贮饲料,草(e.g. straw or hay) and dry feed
                • Analysis of liquid digestate
            • Post-treatment

            • Ingenious post-treatment methods allow our clients to make use of the digestate in the most diverse ways.
                • BIOdry

                • Drying is the most efficient method for using the excess heat from the biogas plant and for transforming slurry into a precious fertiliser. This process produces a solid product and a liquid product: the dry matter (BIOdry) and ammoniumsulphate. The drying process optimises the biogas power plant by giving the plant an additional source of income. Thanks to the high organic content of the fertiliser the soil quality is improved and there is a lasting effect on the components.
                • BIOpellet

                • The technology provided by BTS Biogas for digestate pelleting is an important step to make the most of all energy and agricultural resources of the biogas power plant system. The resulting material from the anaerobic digestion process can in fact be pelleted with considerable advantages in economic, management and agronomic terms. The process involves loading the hopper with the material previously dried with BIOdry; after a route that involves a mill, various stages of filtering, pressing, sieving and fortifying. The pellets can be packed in Big-Bags or 15/25 kg sacks.
              • Biomethane

              • Biogas generated by BTS biogas power plants can be used not only to produce electricity, heat and cold but also biomethane. Through biogas upgrading (biogas processing), methane is separated from all other gases, chiefly CO2. This upgraded gas discloses two new possible applications, on the one hand the typical supply into the existing methane network, on the other the use of biomethane as fuel for vehicles. Moreover 100% pure CO2 (bioMETANm) can be produced, a gas which can be used especially in the food industry.
                    • bioMETANm

                    • 在这个过程中首先净化沼气hydrogen sulfide and then brought to higher pressure with a compressor. The methane is then separated from CO2 by means of membranes. A clever sequence of separation stages combined with CO2 recovery allows to separate 100% of the methane.
                      The recovery of CO2 facilitates the 100% methane separation from biogas and subsequently provides food-safe CO2.
                      To achieve these goals, after going through the membrane separation the part containing CO2 is further compressed. The CO2 is subsequently liquified, while non-condensable gases are separated within a downstream separator and conveyed again to the membrane unit. This process guarantees 100% pure CO2 for use in the food industry.

                      • Low maintenance
                      • Production of 100% methane from raw biogas
                      • Methane slip < 0,1 %
                      • Food grade carbon dioxide (CO2) as a further source of income
                • Plants

                • BTS Biogas offers an extensive product range of biogas power plants comprising modules from 25 kW to 1.5 MW+ which can flexibly be combined and multiplied. In addition, various types of biomass can be used, from the manure to energy crops and agricultural residues. There are also plant types that exclusively burn organic wastes. This allows us to respond to the needs of the most diverse customer Groups, from the farmer with less land to the industrial agronomist to communities and investors in many countries with diverse construction possibilities.
                  All components of a biogas plant are provided by the system supplier BTS Biogas from a single source. Strategic partnerships with professionals in the concrete and container construction fields or with gas motor suppliers exist so that BTS Biogas can offer turnkey biogas power plants.
                  Thanks to the self-contained container solutions, the smooth transportation of all needed components for the operation of a biogas power plant is possible.
                    • lineaFARMYARD

                    • lineaFARMYARD: 25KW - 100KW

                      FARMYARD plants with installed power from 25 to 100 kW are specifically designed for small farms.The opportunity offered is to lucratively make the most of manure (liquid and solid) and any small quantities of agricultural organic material or waste materials. The main feature of these plants is their quick, simple and economic installation.
                    • lineaFARMER

                    • lineaFARMER: 100KW - 300KW

                      The small plant FARMER is especially designed for the use of manure from agriculture. The plant size is matched to the average quantities produced.

                      For this purpose, the technology in the large plants is as much as possible simplified and transferred to small variants. Therefore, in the 100 – 300 kW range, the FARMER represents an opportunity allowing smaller and average-sized farms to exploit efficiently and profitably the accumulating quantities of liquid and solid manure.

                      To keep the temperature constantly warm in the fermenter of the FARMER plant, a heat exchanger for liquid manure has been unparalleledly fitted to this type of plant. The warm liquid manure from the fermenter releases warmth in the heat exchanger and heats the cold liquid manure from the slurry store via an s-shaped line. The overall efficiency of the system is thus increased.
                    • lineaEVOLUTION

                    • lineaEVOLUTION: 190KW - 1,5MW+

                      BTS Biogas EVOLUTION plants are designed to increase biogas plant biological efficiency levels, thereby saving on raw materials. EVOLUTION plants allow you to use even materials that until now were difficult to ferment like straw, corn stalks or grass cuttings. There can also be used seasonal products like tomato skins, olive pomace, citrus pulp, bran, fruits and vegetables.


                      With BIOaccelerator, the biological yield [η BIO] is brought to more than 80%
                      The 1 MW EVOLUTION plant saves up to 5.000 metric tons of silage corn per year
                      Materials such as cornstalks, straw and cut grass are also used
                    • waste to POWER

                    • WASTE TO POWER: 250KW - 1,5MW+

                      Our "waste to POWER" series was especially designed for the use of 100% organic waste. While designing this series, it was especially important to be able to use unpackaged as well as packaged organic waste. With its size of 250kW - 1.5MW+, this series is an opportunity to recycle organic waste of any kind efficiently and profitably.
                    • N [ETA]max

                    • N [ETA]max: 250KW - 1,5MW+

                      Our technicians and experts have developed the most advanced system of biogas power plants, integrating different technology that allow you to achieve the absolute maximum efficiency. In the past, attention was focused mainly on electricity production. Instead, BTS Biogas has always considered it fundamental to optimise the entire enhancement process of delivered products and by-products: from incoming biomass cultivation and management to its fermentation, from thermal and electric power production to digestate use. There are four fundamental factors that determine the absolute yield of a biogas plant:

                      η - AGRONOMIC: optimising cultivation and material management in general, ideal ensiling and desiling; with BTS Biogas consulting, you can reach a 95% agronomic yield
                      η - BIOLOGICAL: biomass pre-treatment (BIOaccelerator), ideal dosing, correct mixing times: with our METANmax program, fermenters reach maximum level yields
                      η - ELECTRIC: with high methane content biogas, and choosing the most suitable and effi cient CHP unit, you can reach signifi cant increases in electricity yields
                      η - THERMAL: the thermal power produced by the CHP units must also be evaluated; BTS offers various solutions such as, BIOdry and BIOpellett technology
                    • ruminoPOWER

                    • ruminoPOWER: 500KW - 1,5MW+

                      With our "ruminoPOWER" series, we have been able to significantly increase the biogas production and biological performance (η – biol) compared to traditional plants, using a two-stage fermentation process. The two-stage process enables the biomass to fully split the biomass and subsequently to achieve the complete fermentation of cellulose and hemicellulose. This allows us to use larger quantities of lingo-cellulosic biomass (e.g. landscaping material, straw). In addition, the two-stage process can achieve higher spatial loading in the fermenter, creating a reduction in the fermenter volume and in facilities costs.

                      The "ruminoPOWER" plant series therefore increases the digestibility of the biomass through a two-stage process.
                    • chickenPOWER

                    • chickenPOWER: 500KW - 1,5MW+

                      The chickenPOWER plant type by BTS Biogas offers the ideal solution to the dry chicken manure problem. While conventional systems can only ferment 20%, chickenPOWER can be operated by the fermentation of 70% dry chicken manure. The plant is equipped with an innovative treatment system and designed for an output of 500kW - 1.5MW+. A high-quality fertilizer is the end product of the process, created by drying the digestate.

                      BTS Biogas has various methods of approach to resolve the problems of chicken droppings:

                      20% chicken droppings: without the use of additives
                      20-70% chicken droppings: with the chickenPOWER plant and with the help of METANmax+
                    • strawPOWER

                    • strawPOWER: 500KW - 1,5MW+

                      Using by-products like straw and chicken droppings in percentages up to 100% is a goal that the BTS Biogas strawPOWER plant is able to meet with its technology. In fact, managing this complex technical and biological process to produce biogas is only possible with a system including BIOacceleratorz pre-treatment with appropriately integrated automation and dinaMETAN software.
                  • Service

                  • In order to ensure the continuous and smooth operation of our high-tech biogas plants, we have set a particularly high value on service – and we keep on investing in the ongoing development support offerings. A team of experts is at the service of our customers on a 24/7 basis, 365 days a year. Full support – either biological, technical or automation assistance – maximises the profit while ensuring reliability and optimal technical and operating conditions. Customers can count on a highly specialised team with guaranteed and extremely quick intervention times wherever our service packages are offered.

                    The services offered include:
                    • Substrate and raw materials management
                    • Quality management: recurring inspections, commissioning and repairs
                    • Complete biological support, including the acquisition of fermentation auxiliaries
                    • Property management
                    • Maximizing profitability through maximum availability
                    • Monitoring process biology
                    • Cost security through contractual relationships
                    • Calculations for adjustments when changing the ingredients
                      • Repowering

                      • 我们提供定制的解决方案最大的技术,biological and economic efficiency in existing plants - also with standards that differ from those of BTS Biogas plants. Through a standardised assessment and design programme, (check-up) all the options for improvement are presented, so that the most suitable repowering process can be selected and the maximum efficiency of the biogas power plant achieved.

                        Steps towards a more efficient plant

                        1. Survey performed by our technicians and biologists:
                        • Detection of all the significant system data
                        • Evaluation of the efficiency of the main operating elements
                        • Analysis of substrates with portable NIRS device
                        • Samples taken from all the tanks
                        2. Presentation of the reports:
                        • Biological results
                        • Proposals to ensure the maximum biological and economic performance of the supply
                        • Technical proposal to optimize the efficiency and profitability of the system

                        3. Technical and biological analysis of the system:

                        • Performance of lab tests
                        • Evaluation of opportunities to optimize the supply with dinaMETAN
                        • Evaluation of any technical modifications required
                      • CERTIFIED Biogas

                      • “经核证的沼气”中,我们添加了另一个元素the technical and biological assistance services. We offer (within preselected regions) a total certification that protects the plant manager in the event of checks relating to plant operation and supply.

                        The certification relates to:

                        1. Technology:

                        All the technical aspects of the plant are checked and certified by the TÜV institute, in close collaboration with us. This certification increases the value of the plant, stating its operational safety and compliance with the local regulations.

                        2. Biomass:

                        We constantly monitor specific biomass grown for powering the biogas power plant, ensuring the traceability of the origin and the amount used. The same traceability system is also applied to by-products present in the company and/or provided by third parties for the operation and production of the biogas power plant.