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  • Offer Profile
  • 全球客户信任我们的卓越可靠性
    Products "Made in Germany"

    Our quality standards have been shaped byover 80 years of experience in pump manufacturing and engine and plant engineering.
Product Portfolio

  • Solutions for nearly all liquids

    With our diverse standard and high performance pumps we are able to
    Our rotative displacement pumps are robust, self-priming and have running
    • 压力最多120 bar
    • Flowrates from 1,5 l/h to 300m3/h
    • 粘度高达1.400.000 mpas
    • 温度高达450°C
    • Efficiency up to 92%
    • Suction lift up to 8m
    • 固体最多90%
      • 齿轮泵

      • 借助我们多样化的标准和高性能齿轮泵系列,我们能够满足您的所有需求并应对任何挑战。我们的齿轮泵强大,自我播放,专为您的特定应用而设计。

        按需,我们可以提供API,ATEX,GOST-R,TR CU和TA LUFT的外部齿轮泵

        Zeilfelder gear pumps are specially designed for*:

        • 复杂和困难的挑战
        • 压力高达120 bar
        • 吸力升至8 m
        • 流速从1,5 l/h到260m3/h。
        • viscosity up to 150.000 mPas
        • temperature from -60°C to 450°C
        • dosing (repeat accuracy > 99 %)
        • 爆炸性的毒物质
        • 含有固体的液体(最多90%)
        • 含有剪切敏感材料的液体(用于典型的水果)
        • polymerizing or coagulating liquids

          • 齿轮泵: ZK BLUE Series

          • For high end applications, high process efficiency and quality

            The ZK BLUE Series representes the low volume high precision part of our gear pump range. The ZK Blue Series are mainly milled from any type of steal, but can as well be maode out of Titan and Ceramics.

            On demand, we can provide external gear pumps which areAPI,ATEX,TR-CU 10,TR-CU 12和TA LUFT合规.

            • Pressure: standard 25 bar (optional up to 120 bar)
            • Viscosity: up to 150.000 mPas
            • Flow rates: 0,4 up to 300 l/min (0,025 to 18 m³/h)
            • 速度:最多3000 rpm
            • 吸力升降机:最多6 m
            • 温度:-60至450°C
            • 材料:所有可用材料
            • Seals: lip seals, packing, single or double mechanical seals, magnetic coupling
          • 齿轮泵:PQ绿色系列

          • For standard applications


            • Pressure: up to 20 bar
            • Viscosity: up to 150.000 mPas
            • 流速:10至4.120 L/min(0,1至250m³/h)
            • Speed: up to 1.780 rpm
            • Suction lift: up to 4 m
            • 温度:-20至250°C
            • 材料:所有可用材料
            • Seals: lip seals, packing, single or double mechanical seals, magnetic coupling
          • 齿轮泵:ZH/ZV蓝色系列

          • For high end applications, high process efficiency and quality

            The ZH/ZV BLUE Series represent our heavy duty, high flow and high quality gear pump range. The casing is made out of casting steel materials.

            On demand, we can provide external gear pumps which areAPI,ATEX,TR-CU 10,TR-CU 12和TA LUFT合规

            • Pressure: standard 25 bar (optional up to 120 bar)
            • Viscosity: up to 150.000 mPas
            • Flow rates: 1 up to 4.350 l/min (0,03 to 260 m³/h)
            • 速度:最多3000 rpm
            • 吸力升降机:最多6 m
            • 温度:-60至450°C
            • 材料:所有可用材料
            • Seals: lip seals, packing, single or double mechanical seals, magnetic coupling
          • INTERNAL GEAR PUMPS: ZI Green Series

          • 内部齿轮泵 - 经济解决方案


            • 压力:最多14 bar
            • Efficiency: up to 90%
            • Viscosity: 1 to 55.000 mPas (higher value upon request)
            • 流量:10至4.120 L/min(0,1至250m³/h)
            • Suction lift: up to 4 m
            • 温度:-40至300°C
        • 旋转叶泵

        • 借助我们多样化的标准和高性能泵,我们能够满足您的所有需求,并应对任何挑战。

          On demand, we provide as well pumps which areAPI,ATEX和TA LUFT符合


          • 复杂和困难的挑战
          • 含有多达90%固体的液体
          • 含有剪切敏感材料的液体(例如水果)
          • polymerizing or coagulating liquids
          • liquids containing cristals or fibers
          • dosing (repeat accuracy > 99 %)
          • 压力高达64 bar
          • 吸力高达8 m
          • 流速从0.03到28.500 l/min。
          • 粘度从0.3至1.4 MPA
          • temperature from -60°C to 450°C
          • 爆炸性的毒物质

            • 旋转叶泵: KE & KD BLUE Series

            • For high end applications, high process efficiency and quality

              Our rotary lobe pumps are self-priming, dry-run capable and reversible pumps designed for highly viscous liquids containing solid particles. Two non-contacting rotary lobes work together to transfer the liquid, while the shafts are driven by timing gears outside the process liquid.

              Because of the very large internal cavities, rotary lobe pumps are able to handle extremely viscous liquids and large abrasive particles.

              按需,我们可以提供旋转叶泵API, ATEX, TR-CU 10, TR-CU 12 and TA Luft合规.

              • 压力:最多40 bar
              • 粘度:最多3.400.000 mpas
              • Flow rates: 1 up to 5.000 l/min (0,06 to 300 m³/h)
              • RPM:最多3000 rpm
              • Suction lift: up to 8 m
              • 粒度:最大80毫米
              • 温度:-60至450°C
              • 材料:所有可用材料
              • Seals: lip seals, packing, single or double mechanical seals
            • 旋转叶泵: KS & KDS BLUE Series

            • Hardened design for heavy duty applications

              Our KS & KDS Blue Series are specialy designed for heavy duty applications and liquides with highly abrasive particles.

              按需,我们可以提供旋转叶泵API, ATEX, TR-CU 10, TR-CU 12 and TA Luft合规.

              • Pressure: up to 70 bar
              • 粘度:最多3.400.000 mpas
              • Flow rates: 2 up to 2.474 l/min (0,12 to 148 m³/h)
              • Particle size: max 50 mm
              • Suction lift: up to 4 m
              • 温度:-60至450°C
              • 材料:所有可用材料
              • Seals: lip seals, packing, single or double mechanical seals
            • MULTI-WING LOBE PUMPS: KM BLUE Series

            • For high end applications, high prozess efficiency and quality



              On demand, we can provide multi-wing lobe pumps whichAPI, ATEX, TR-CU 10, TR-CU 12 and TA Luft合规.

              • Pressure: up to 70 bar
              • 粘度:最多3.400.000 mpas
              • Flow rates: 2 to 3.875 l/min (0,15 to 233 m³/h)
              • RPM:最多750 rpm
              • 粒度:最大50毫米效率:75%至92%
              • 吸力升降机:最多6 m
              • 温度:-20至250°C
              • 材料:所有可用材料
              • Seals: lip seals, packing, single or double mechanical seals
          • INDUSTRIES

          • We offer Solutions for all industries in all requested certifications.
            按需我们提供的泵包括API,ATEX和TA LUFT

              • 化学工业

              • 为了满足化学工业的需求,除了传统的泵系列外,我们还提供了由高性能涂料,加热和冷却夹克制造的特殊泵和定制泵。
              • Petrochemistry

              • We offer self-priming rotary lobe pumps with heating or cooling jacket and seals such as ATEX, “TA-Luft” or API compliant to deliver crude oil and all types of bitumen including those containing solids.
              • Pharmaceutical industry

              • To respond to the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry we have designed pumps with reduced surface roughness down to 4μ, CIP (cleaning in place) cleaning connections and aseptic connections.
              • 沥青行业

              • 我们提供特殊的低速旋转叶泵,配以加热夹克,以在高达450°C的工作温度下提供沥青和沥青含钡铁矿。这些泵以低磨损的速度运行,由于革命速度低和特殊覆盖而持久。
              • 汽车行业

              • We build pumps to deliver solid emulsion and drilling liquids containing aluminium swarf and chips as well as wax, glue, paintings and modern paintings containing solid color pigments and nanoparticles in accordance with the requirements of the automotive industry.
              • Regenerative energy

              • 我们的T-Rex泵系列旨在满足电源和再生能源领域的要求。他们提供油或酸,其设计使它们高度耐用。我们的泵用于沼气植物以输送生物量。
              • 运输和近海行业

              • 我们提供海上旋转叶泵,用于离岸应用,以提供重油和机器润滑油。
                We offer rotary lobe pumps to load and unload liquide chemicals, oil and bitumen filled with solids.
              • 建筑业

              • 我们的泵为建筑行业提供主要材料,防护剂,白水泥,胶水,硅胶,废水和填充沥青。我们为加热夹克提供高温应用的泵。
              • 食品和糖果行业

              • 我们的不锈钢CIP旋转叶泵系列符合FDA,特别适合Meet and Animal Feed行业。我们提供特殊的活塞,以避免将糖基产品作为巧克力。我们具有低逆转速度的高体积泵可以将剪切敏感的固体作为草莓和螺母泵送,同时将剪裁低于5%。
              • 纤维行业

              • We offer pumps with high systemic pressure and high dosing precision (optional with heating jacket) to deliver synthetic fibers, finishing agent, pigments loaded paints and dyestuffs.
              • Delivering solids

              • Our rotary lobe pumps are specially designed to pump liquids with high concentration of solid particles or abrasive products as well as cuttings with cooling lubricant.
              • 冶金

              • Rotary lobe pumps with heating jacket dispatch furan resins and refractory finishings in foundries, mercury, gallium, zinc alloy and stibium alloy up to 450°C.