导航 :EXPO21XX>生物能21xx>H01: Biogas Plants>广告农业系统
  • 提供个人资料
  • AD Agro Systems GmbH&Co。KG(AD Agro)提供了一系列的服务,涵盖了全球沼气工厂的规划,交钥匙建设和随后的管理。从单独量身定制的小型农业工厂到当地情况,再到5兆瓦工业项目;无论是可再生资源还是废物厂;无论是发酵残留物分离还是干燥 - 作为农业和工业的合作伙伴的工作,AD Agro都可以利用将沼气用作未来能源的新机会。作为沼气植物建造者,我们还与经验丰富的强大合作伙伴合作。
Product Portfolio
  • 什么是沼气?

  • Biogas is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, as well as water vapour, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, and is the end-product of an anaerobic fermentation process. It can be obtained from manure and other organic substances. In a system known as a digester, which is heated and airtight, micro-organisms break down the biomass at a temperature of between 35°C and 55°C.

    The principle is quite simple. Biogas is produced in a digester and is then converted into electrical energy and heat in a CHP unit. Our latest developments allow refined raw biogas to be fed into local gas networks. The fermented residue can be utilised as a valuable fertiliser. The energy produced represents an important contribution to active environmental protection, because it is derived from renewable materials.

    Ten good reasons to choose biogas
    • 沼气意味着远离石油和天然气的独立性。
    • 沼气植物产生热能和电能。
    • Biogas plants can heat buildings but also process water.
    • Rural areas are made more economically viable.
    • Biogas slurry is a valuable agricultural fertiliser.
    • Biogas slurry can be a substitute for mineral fertilisers, and protects drinking water.
    • Biogas slurry has a high level of plant availability and can even be used as a top dressing.
    • 沼气是环保,经济和可靠的。
    • 产生能量而不是简单地扔掉有机残留物。
    • The fermentation process reduces weed seeds’ ability to germinate.
      • 沼气植物新建筑

      • 3 types of biogas plants for any size

          • Mini Ferm - 75kW yard system

          • - 75 to 150 kW
            - 平坦消化器
            - 强劲的气奥托引擎
            - 施工时间短
            - farm and agriculture


            Liquid manure brings money!
            用牛或猪粪便从100 gV起,最多可达到20%的产量。
            通过实施新的EEG 2014,将获得75千瓦工厂的报酬,以每千瓦时23.72美分的电力报酬。
            您继续照顾动物 - 肥料可确保您的额外收益率!

            Miniferm Miogas植物适合每个谷仓
            由utilizing feed residues from livestock farming, the economic efficiency is increased.
            Miniferm Miogas植物保证独立于波动的基材或租赁价格。

          • UniFerm- 250kW – 2MW Plant

          • - 250 kW - 2 MW
            - 平坦消化器
            - long-term proven
            - 向上兼容
            - 高效率
            - robust technology
            - agriculture


            UniFerm systems are based on fermentation tanks made of concrete, stainless steel or coated steel with diameters between 16 and 36 meters and heights between 5 and 10 meters. Large tank volumes and thus long residence times guarantee you a very high gas yield from the input materials used.

          • MegaFerm - Plants starting at 500kW

          • - from 500 kW
            - 全球经验
            - high digester
            - highest dry matter intake
            - 嗜嗜和嗜热过程
            - very low energy consumption
            - Agriculture and industry

            大型植物的一个特殊特征是用钢筋混凝土或搪瓷钢制成的发酵罐,其固定天花板高达24 m。量高达7,625立方米的“纤细”高水箱允许使用大型输入体积,并具有最佳的搅拌器效率。多亏了中央搅拌器技术,即使是非常困难的底物也可以发酵,内部功率要求低

            Because the input materials are constantly mixed, the tank volume is optimally utilized, thus enabling higher digester loads and shorter residence times. Since no floating layers are formed, gas production is quasi-continuous with constant gas quality.

        • Biogas existing plants

        • 再次盈利地运营现有的沼气植物?我们照顾您的沼气植物

            • 优化沼气植物屋顶

            • Modern foil roofs
              have large and flexible gas storage tanks. Can your roof also store 3,500 m³ of gas and more?
            • Biogas plants with flex CHP

            • 未来的沼气植物
            • Increase profitability of your biogas plant

            • "fit for future"
              the 3F program from AD AGRO.
              Tailor-made, sustainable and future-oriented solutions for your success!
            • 通过有效技术降低成本

            • 减少开支
              - 彼此协调。
          • References

          • 受益于10年的沼气工程经验,以及超过150个完成的项目。

                • rinderzuchtmã¼llergbr

                • Location: 28870 Ottersberg - Narthauen, Germany
                  输出:265 kwel
                  Heat usage: agricultural operations
                  Year built: under construction
                • Mecholupska zemedelska a.s.

                • Location: Predslav/Katovy, Czech Republic
                  Output: 1.200 kWel
                  Heat usage: agricultural operations
                  Year built: 2012
                • Zemedelska spolecnost Komorno a.s.

                • 地点:捷克共和国的莱尼/大玻璃
                  Output: 834 kWel
                  Heat usage: agricultural operations
                  Year built: 2012
                • EBB Sp. z o.o.

                • 地点:63-722BorzęCiczkiul,波兰
                  Output: 2 x 500 kWel
                  Heat usage: in planning
                  Year built: 2012
                • Engas-Systemtechnik GmbH

                • Location: 26607 Aurich, Germany
                  Output: 1.000 kWel
                  Year built: 2012
                • OOO ALTENERGO

                • Location: Belgorod / Russland
                  输出:2.400 kwel
                  输入材料:玉米青贮饲料,肥料, residual meet, stomach/intestinal contents, fur/hair residue, sewage sludge
                  Heat usage: -
                  Year built:

                • Bioenergie SA¼derwalsede GmbH & Co .公斤

                • 地点:27386圣德华尔斯德,德国
                  Output: 600 kWel
                  Input materials: maize silage, pig manure
                  Heat usage: shed (in planning)
                  Year built: 2011
                • 约瑟夫·库尔曼·沼气GBR

                • 地点:26219Bã¶sel,德国
                  输出:370 kwel
                  Heat usage: sheds
                  Year built: 2011
                • Brand Biogas GmbH & Co. KG

                • 地点:德国26197GROã²genkneten-sage
                  输出:250 kwel
                  Heat usage: sheds
                  Year built: 2011
                • horal a。s。Hlaska

                • 地点:捷克共和国51601 Liberk-Hlaska
                  Output: 600 kWel
                  Input materials: maize silage, grass silage, cow manure
                  Heat usage: -
                  Year built: 2011
                • EcoenergySocietaâAgricolaS. r。l。

                • 地点:42010意大利里约热内卢
                  输出:999 kwel
                  Input materials: maize silage, pig manure
                  Year built: 2011
                • Barrelmann Energy GmbH

                • 地点:21401德国Bavendorf
                  输出:250 kwel
                  Input materials: maize silage, pig manure
                  Year built: 2011
                • Rolnická a.s. Králiky

                • 地点:捷克共和国50401Novã½Bydzov
                  Output: 1.800 kWel
                  Year built: 2010
                • MP Biogas GmbH & Co. KG

                • Location: 27404 Wense, Germany
                  输出:340 kwel
                  Heat usage: housing, pig sheds
                  Year built: 2010
                • Weytec B. Weyhausen

                • Location: 26209 Großenkneten, Germany
                  Output: 2 x 250 kWel
                  Input materials: maize silage, cow manure, turkey droppings
                  Heat usage: turkey sheds
                  Year built: 2010
                • Biogas Altbarnim Betriebs GmbH & Co. KG

                • Location: 15320 Neu Trebbin, Germany
                  Output: 536 kWel
                  Input materials: maize silage, cow manure
                  Heat usage: cow and pig sheds
                  Year built: 2010
                • Vorm Placken Biogas Westrittum GmbH & Co. KG

                • Location: 26197 Großenkneten, Germany
                  输出:250 kwel
                  Input materials: maize silage, cow manure, turkey droppings
                  Heat usage: turkey sheds, private customers
                  Year built: 2009
                • TMZS Biogas GmbH

                • Location: 49326 Melle, Germany
                  Output: 536 kWel
                  Heat usage: chicken sheds, wood drying
                  Year built: 2008