- 75 to 150 kW
- 平坦消化器
- 强劲的气奥托引擎
- 施工时间短
- farm and agriculture
Liquid manure brings money!
用牛或猪粪便从100 gV起,最多可达到20%的产量。
通过实施新的EEG 2014,将获得75千瓦工厂的报酬,以每千瓦时23.72美分的电力报酬。
您继续照顾动物 - 肥料可确保您的额外收益率!
Miniferm Miogas植物适合每个谷仓
由utilizing feed residues from livestock farming, the economic efficiency is increased.
Miniferm Miogas植物保证独立于波动的基材或租赁价格。
- 250 kW - 2 MW
- 平坦消化器
- long-term proven
- 向上兼容
- 高效率
- robust technology
- agriculture
UniFerm systems are based on fermentation tanks made of concrete, stainless steel or coated steel with diameters between 16 and 36 meters and heights between 5 and 10 meters. Large tank volumes and thus long residence times guarantee you a very high gas yield from the input materials used.
- from 500 kW
- 全球经验
- high digester
- highest dry matter intake
- 嗜嗜和嗜热过程
- very low energy consumption
- Agriculture and industry
大型植物的一个特殊特征是用钢筋混凝土或搪瓷钢制成的发酵罐,其固定天花板高达24 m。量高达7,625立方米的“纤细”高水箱允许使用大型输入体积,并具有最佳的搅拌器效率。多亏了中央搅拌器技术,即使是非常困难的底物也可以发酵,内部功率要求低
Because the input materials are constantly mixed, the tank volume is optimally utilized, thus enabling higher digester loads and shorter residence times. Since no floating layers are formed, gas production is quasi-continuous with constant gas quality.