

Antares有限责任公司位于阿拉斯加丘吉亚克的Birchwood机场的Arctic Sparrow Aircraft, Inc.。北极麻雀是一个全面服务的飞行学校,提供飞行和地面学校训练由迈克·雅各布。雅各布和安塔瑞斯设计师谢尔盖·佐祖里亚密切合作,为柔性机翼社区提供优质产品。Antares三轮车诞生于渴望飞行的乌克兰设计师Sergey Zozulya在其航空活动组合中有许多航空成就。安塔瑞斯的第一辆原型车在1980年后期建造用于体育比赛,MA-30的第一辆型号在1991年制造。1992年,Zozulya和其他三架三轮车一起,由来自捷克共和国、俄罗斯和乌克兰的飞行员驾驶,从楚科奇的Uelen起飞,降落在阿拉斯加的威尔士。这次长途跋涉使他们成为第一个成功驾驶超轻型飞机从欧亚大陆穿越白令海峡飞往北美的人。1992年4月1日,两辆安塔瑞斯和另外两辆三轮车穿越海峡,飞越被寒冷的北冰洋洋流打破的冰冻浮冰,冒着大风将威尔士亲王角山上的积雪吹向东开普省。第二年5月,迈克·雅各布和乔尔·华莱士决定从塔尔基特纳飞往阿拉斯加20320英尺高的麦金利山的大本营。雅各布一时兴起,决定在他的MA-31三轮车上飞到“德纳里”山顶上,那是一个伟大的地方。 By flying over the peaks summit at an altitude of 20.500 feet equipped with oxygen Jacober went on record as the first to fly over the mountain in an Ultralight. But the \"firsts\" don\'t stop there. The Antares designed and built for strength offers titanium parts such as the front forks and wheel hub assemblies, as well as anodized parts, and powder coated tubing to thwart wear and tear and corrosion. Antares with its triangular engineering, distinctive fairing and landing gear is a durable aircraft capable of flying on wheels, tundra tires, skis or floats anyplace in the world. Today over 250 Antares are flying in the sky above our planet. Currently there are many more being built in Alaska from homebuilt kits. With dealerships in Alaska, Germany, and South Africa Antares trikes are not just another choice, but a way of life for safe, fun recreational flying!


  • 三轮车
  • 减重飞机