

自1979年创立以来,在过去的20年里,电波一直是悬挂式滑翔和滑翔伞的领导者。Airwave最初是一个悬挂式滑翔机制造商,其早期的成功是在Magic系列的悬挂式滑翔机上,拥有一支由英国顶尖飞行员组成的强大团队,他们主导了世界悬挂式滑翔机比赛超过十年。1989年,布鲁斯·戈德史密斯(Bruce Goldsmith)建立了Airwave滑翔伞项目,该项目以安全、高质量的滑翔伞而闻名。1997年,John Pendry驾驶Airwave滑翔伞赢得了世界滑翔伞锦标赛。1999年11月,马库斯·维林格(Markus Villinger)接管了Airwave,公司搬到了他位于奥地利阿尔卑斯山高处的家乡斯图拜。Markus在20世纪90年代早期非常成功地经营Wills Wing Europe很多年。他不仅在欧洲销售威利斯翼滑翔机,还参与设计并拥有自己的竞赛团队。在几年的成功之后,Markus卖掉了他在公司的股份,开始从事房地产开发。他在这方面也取得了成功,但他总是渴望回到飞行的世界。他看到了电波的可用性,正是他正在寻找的机会。 Markus has now set up the impressive and modern Airwave factory in his hometown of Fulpmes in a lush green valley high in the Ausrtian Alps. Markus develops the Hang Gliders himself in this new factory backed up by a team of enthusiastic pilots from Austria, northern Italy and Southern Germany. Hang Gliders are made in the new Airwave factory, whilst paragliders are manufactured by subcontract manufacturers carefully selected for their quality of production. Airwave\'s new home in Austria Bruce Goldsmith joined Markus at Airwave in May 2000 and is again designing Airwave\'s paragliders from his home in Greolieres, France. Bruce has chosen Greolieres to do his design as the flying conditions are the consisantly flyable throughout the whole year, enabling him to thoughly test gliders all year round.


  • 悬挂式滑翔机
  • 滑翔伞
  • 刚性翼