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  • Offer Profile
  • Dalmine Logistic Solutions realizes high quality industrial warehousing systems, combining experience and technological vanguard at the service of logistics.

    More and more companies are choosing the competence and reliability of Dalmine Logistic Solutions for the creation of safe and efficient logistics spaces.

Product Portfolio
  • Warehousing Solutions

  • 用于存储和材料处理不同负载单元的完整解决方案。量身定制的物流系统,以满足随着时间的推移,适应性和可实施的一切需求。

          • 托盘架

          • The托盘rackinguntil today is the system more common in the logistic field. One of the best benefits is the possibility to be used with most widespread叉车s

            Flexible configurations, fordifferent kinds of pallet: for several weights and dimensions, short and long side handling. This system is adaptable to any space and alwaysimplementableand open to newconfigurations

            托盘架系统允许访问每个托盘,并且非常easy stock control,适合一个庞大的参考号,带有low economic impact

            According to the forklift in use, aisles can be designed customized.

            The system could be also a high-bay storage solution, with different levels of automation, till stacker cranes. AlsoLgvmachinecould be used.


            • 直接的accessto every handling unit
            • differentkinds of托盘
            • tailor-made解决方案
          • 移动托盘架

          • The移动托盘架is a high-density storage system made by racks mounted on mobile bases, that slide on floor rails.

            The system allows to节省空间reducing the number of aisles for handling: the space could be nearly doubled. Aisles can be opened time-to-time, in order toincreasehandlingunita lot and their width can be adjusted according the forklift in use.

            The control of the storage system is always possible by using the软件control
            This is the perfect solution for冷藏


            • highdensistystorage
            • easy access to all the units
            • storage软件management

          • Drive-in racking

          • Drive-in rackingsystem is the storage solution that combines huge numbers of pallets withhigh-density storage

            Depth pallet storage allows空间increase: only few aisles are necessary. Goods are stored following the Li-Fo (Last In-First Out) mode, but also the modeFi-Foordrive通过可以实现。Patented向导are used to store pallets and forklifts are driven inside the structure.



            • intensivestorageof small items
            • Li-foorFi-Fomode
            • 更高空间保存

          • 托盘现场存放

          • 托盘现场存放are racking structures designed withroller conveyor lanes。Lanes have a slope that allows pallet sliding from loading aisle to picking position.Brakerollers确保完美安全的托盘流。适当地进行大量存储,只有两个过道,该系统被认为是空间-saving solutions

            Operations time is reduced because loading and picking moving are more rational and do not cross each others:productivityimproves很多。加载时间大大减少,将项目分组为toghether并随时准备采摘。

            The system is useful for storing and picking, for goods withhighandmedium回转频率,尊重Fi-Foorganization. The system could be adapted alsoLi-fo(最后一台)库存,在这种情况下,只有一个过道。

            The system could be adapted also Li-Fo (Last In-First Out) stock, in this caseonly one aisleis necessary.

            Loading and picking are normally done by forklifts, but it is possible combine the system with堆叠起重机orlaser guided vehicles


            • high ntensitystorage
            • 时间保存system
            • Fi-Fo原则

          • Shuttle system

          • The rackingShuttle Systemis provided with deep lane with支持向导for pallet, where shuttle runs.
            Pallets are moved with叉车, they are positioned at the beginning of the lane and the shuttle provides to move them to the back in store position. Shuttle is relocated from one lane to another one by forklift. When pallets are selected for picking, shuttle provides to carry them to the front of the lane.
            BothLi-fo(类似去年先出)Fi-Fo(First In-First Out) are applicable.
            Shuttle activity is done by远程control。A special remind is sent when shuttle battery is going down.
            优势是mappingof股票and the reduction of cycle times of warehouse management.
            Best advantages are stock under control, time-saving for handling, staff travel routes reduce a lot compared to classic pallet racking system. This solution can be implemented also with自动化handlingsystem.


            • intensive storage
            • 减少时间
            • stockcontrolin every moment

        • 小物品的解决方案

            • Manual order picking

            • The手动订单选择系统是用于存储和采摘需求的小型和散装商品,纸箱和垃圾箱的多功能方便的解决方案。

              大量differentconfigurationsare possible in order to be suitable for many handling units.

              The system could be improved with additional levels: maximum use of floor surface and building height. Orderspickerstrucksare used for reaching high levels.



              • shelvingsystem用于小型商品
              • high level order pickers
              • huge variety ofaccessories

            • Multi-tier shelvings with walkway decking

            • Multi-tiers shelving with walkway decking是小型和笨重的商品的功能和便捷解决方案。

              员工操作是按照原则手动完成的man-to-goods。The system allows floor surface to increase according to the levels.

              Inner areas could be useful fordifferentpurposes: assembling, receiving goods, picking, preparing orders and much more. Stairs or lifts connect the walkways on different tiers. Different kinds of floor are available in order to answer to different needs.

              This kind of solution isadaptable对于很多different申请


              • solution forfloor增加
              • useful fornon-palletized goods并直接访问处理单元
              • protectedwalkways对于安全的环境

            • Carton live storage system

            • Carton live storage systemcould be implemented by shelves for manual picking made by plastic roller tracks. These racking are really useful for intensive storage of bins, cartons, eventually bulky goods.

              This system is very useful for the massive storage of small packages. Operation follows theFi-Fo(首先要出口)原理和存储解决方案是有效的,因为它允许加载和检索过道和库存监控之间的分离。

              Loading times and order preparation are significantly reduced thanks to the明确的安排of materials on the shelf, which leads torationalizingthe内部的路线, increasing the use of storage space.

              Different purposescould be reached in the meantime: goods batch, picking, packaging returns.

              Is possible also to automate picking and loading or implement functionality withpick-to-light systems,都与仓库集成management software

              The carton live storage is also useful for the edge of the line, allowing the creation ofergonomicworkstations, with the consequent increase in the productivity of the operators.


              • suitable solution用于挑选供应链组件
              • stock level and expiring datesunder control
              • flow-shelf withbuffer在顶端

            • Cantilever

            • Cantilever系统允许存储杆,试管,板,线圈。


              Forlight goodsthere is a practical solution, with 3 meters column height. Heavy solutions allow storage of goods with very硬重量

              It is possible create长架子using drop on panels for arms, avoid uprights interruption. This solution combines the storage of long and small, non-pallettized goods.

              Racking could be implemented bymobile根据or自动化systemfor an optimize use.


              • useful forlong goods
              • arms spacingadjustable
              • 可以创建continuos long shelving

            • Mezzanines

            • There are trade fields needs special solutions, for example fashion world. Thegarments rails hangers systemallow to vertical handling of garments.

              These systems could havedifferent automation levelsand large reference numbers can be managed.


              • perfect solution for时尚仓库
              • different kinds ofautomation
              • combined solutionsfor GOH (Garments On Hangers) and flat-packed garments

              There are different applications formezzaninesystem:通往多层空间的方式。

              柱和梁的特殊构造允许在柱之间进行长跨度高容量负载。Floor and levels can beeasilyaccessible。可以设计结构以满足地震法规

              Floor levels are adaptable todifferent handling systems,例如光栅,波纹金属板,树林。

              Stairs, ladders, handing rails and gates are developed in order to create asafeand高效的working environment for staff people.


              • 地面表面繁殖
              • 也是heavy loads
              • 伟大的variety of floor类型

          • Automated Systems

          • Automated and self-supporting systems are the cutting edge of the logistics sector. They guarantee the perfect flow of goods, time optimisation, low costs and zero errors.
              • Automated system for pallet

              • Best space optimization, no mistakes on time: these are just some advantages that自动化system for palletcan give.

                These systems guarantee安全操作,good performance在负载和采摘活动方面,无论是木材,塑料或金属类型,电线盒,以及每个负载的钣金容器,它们都可以管理托盘。

                Manydifferentconfigurationsare possible: single, double deep storage and multi-position system, according to customer needs. Reference numbers, pallet loads, picking activities desired are some of the relevant factors.

                单个深层存储建议在有大量参考号的情况下使用解决方案,每个托盘保持直接访问。Double deep storageallows the increase of storage density, aisle number is halved. In multi-position system aisles are few compared with other solutions and operations are optimized duly to item codes and not unit loads.

              • Miniload

              • Miniloadsystemsis a perfect solution to current market needs requires high and higher picking performances:huge orders number几乎没有代码,时间短用于处理。在过去的几年中,电子商务朝这个方向发展了很多,并且改变了很多存储活动。

                Automatic systemscan work 24 hours and all items in-out are recorded. Strength points is: processing time scheduledwithout mistakes

                Miniloadsystems manage cartons, bins, trays, made of cardboard, plastic and metal. All unit loads can be divided internally. These systems are integrated bypicking stationsfor order preparations.

                根据单位负载类型,Miniload算法可以由货架倾斜的跑步者orcontinuous shelvings

              • 自支持的仓库

              • Self-supportingstructuresare the most representative expression of Dalmine Logistic Solutions’ project and realization capabilities:just one partnerto build-up impressive structures, nowadays protagonist in logistics.

                These systems allows an excellent use ofvertical space。货架支撑自己的负载,单位负载,风和雪等风化。

                Self-supporting structures are围绕存储需求而设计尽管建筑物的结构限制。

                建筑规则在建造和自支撑结构方面是不同的,这些规则像设备一样被视为。关于建筑区域本身也有不同的规则。有了这个系统,有可能实现自动化systemfor pallet or miniload.

                From the environmental viewpoint, a self-supporting structure allows a better use of the soil because it develops in height. Furthermore roof and wall coverage could be implemented byphotovoltaicpanels,为了喂养存储本身。使用的材料可以是totallyrecycled, once the structure would be dismissed.

                我们所有的构造均设计了地震法规。Dalmine Logistic解决方案是所有的partner, from design till implementation, its references are its best credential.

            • 产品范围

            • A wide choice of industrial shelving to simplify storage and picking operations. Adaptable products designed to support different load unit and satisfy any logistical need.
                • Bi-Bloc industrial racking

                • Bi-Blocindustrial metal racking suitable forearthquake-proof warehouses, pallet storage and varioushigh容量loading units.


                  • three types of uprights and different widths:80, 100, 120 mm
                  • standard shoulders with depthsfrom 600 to 1200 mm
                  • 容量per shoulder:from 9 to 29 tons


                  • seamless, heights从60到160毫米
                  • standard sizes:from 1300 to 3600 mm
                  • 容量per pair:从900到5400公斤
                  • 安全系统anti-release plug


                  • 瓷砖forpickingfloors
                  • parachutetransomsfor pallets
                  • upright and shoulderprotectorsin different solutions
                • 免下车的Bi-Bloc工业货架

                • The开车式货架系统, suitable for creatingearthquake-proof warehouses, allows the storage oflargequantitiesof pallets withhighstoragedensity

                  The accumulation of the loading units in the tunnels allows a great recovery of space, minimizing the number of corridors necessary for handling.
                  通常根据Li-fologic (Last In-First Out), but it can also be carried out according to theFi-Fo逻辑(首先要出门)或驾驶:托盘排列在特殊指南上,可以在架子内进行采摘手段。
                  The main component of thestoragesystem是配备适当支撑指南的Bibloc搁架系统。


                  • 双块搁架立柱
                  • height:max 12 m
                  • tunnel width:from 1350 to 1400 mm
                  • Capacity:max 2200 kg
                  • drive-in向导
                  • ground guides
                  • 托盘back-stop
                • 轻型宽跨架子架子

                • 轻型宽跨架子架子with large spans for containers, cartons and bulk goods. Useful for creating多层仓库系统with walkways.
                  The warehouses can be built according to反性法规


                  • 立柱width:55 mm
                  • Max capacity6500 kg
                  • max height8200毫米


                  • beams: h 65 mm; l 1200 and 2400 mm
                  • Max capacity800 kg


                  • 纵向和横向side separators
                  • side and backpanels
                • Errex Boltless Shelving

                • RREXis a registered trademark of Dalmine Logistic Solutions.

                  It is a unique, versatile and durable互锁的金属架子。The shelves are composed of panels and crossbars suitably sized to reach the required load capacities.
                  The Errex shelf allowsmany configurationsthanks to the richness of the range and the accessories available.Assemblyis quickandeasy得益于不需要使用专用工具的互锁系统。
                  Being able to support various load units, it is suitable forindustrial仓库,办公室,房屋and ideal for creating picking solutions.


                  • upright width:35.5 mm
                  • 肩高:from 2 to 5 m
                  • shoulder depth:from 200 to 800 mm
                  • Max. load capacity:3600 kg


                  • 架子长度:from 550 to 1300 mm
                  • panel depth:100, 200, 300 mm
                  • different configurations: max深度800 mm, max容量500 kg


                  • side and backpanels
                  • dividers, coat racks, drawers, hinged doors
                • Cantilever

                • The悬臂rackingsystem makes it easy to storelongbodies例如管道和板,可以轻巧和高性能版本可用,以满足不同的要求。


                  • 列高度:从2025年到6000毫米
                  • 深度of arms:from 400 to 1500 mm
                  • 单身的and双倍的-sidedconfigurations
                  • 经销ance between columns:from 750 to 2000 mm
                  • 可调节的音高高度:75或100毫米
                  • arms安全stop
                • Shelving Kit

                • Dalmine Logistic Solutions提供了Errex工业互锁架子也是domestic use as akit solution: a single package with everything needed for assembly.

                  对于那些寻找一个的人来说,这是理想的架子高质量product, which can also withstand大负载, in a practical format and易于组装


                  • span width:100厘米
                  • height180 cm
                  • 架子:5


                  • Errex Kit 1– shelves 40 cm deep with capacity 140 kg;
                  • Errex Kit 2- 30厘米深的架子,容量100公斤。