• Offer Profile
  • 3D MicroPrint GmbH is specialized in the production of micro metal parts by Micro Laser Sintering and the sale of the associated machines.

    由于EOS GmbH和3D-Micromac AG之间的合作,我们公司成立于2013年在德国Chemnitz(德国)。来自两家公司的专家一直在为自2006年以来的微型激光烧结过程的发展开发出色的开创性精神。

    Your requirements for micro metal parts are our inspiration. Thanks to the additive production technology, quality and costs can be optimized while simultaneously expanding the functionality of the specific products of our customers.
  • 技术

  • 微激光烧结首次结合了添加剂制造和微加工的优势。Micro metal parts of incredible accuracy, detail resolution and surface quality are manufactured this way. These advantages result in the ability to manufacture moveable parts and assemblies in a single step.


    Micro Laser Sintering is a powder bed based additive manufacturing technology, often called Selective Laser Sintering or Selective Laser Melting. Micro Laser Sintering is an industrial technology, providing micro metal parts to several industries.

    微激光烧结 - 功能原理
    A 3D-CAD model of the target geometry contains all details of the final part. This CAD model is split into several cross sections, called layers. During manufacturing, a thin layer of powder is applied to a build platform. The powder is selectively fused by a laser beam according to each cross section. After that the building platform is lowered, the procedure of powder coating, fusing and platform lowering is repeated layer by layer, until the part completed.

    Micro Laser Sintering for finer details

    The parts are used in any industry requesting small metal parts of high accuracy, smooth surface finish, outstanding detail resolution and complex shapes. Current main industries are Medical, Semiconductor, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace, Energy and Chemical as well as Jewelry and watchmaking.

    Micro Laser Sintering combines the advantages of Additive Manufacturing and Micro Machining, enabling the manufacturing of parts of incredible shapes. Expect micro parts of very good dimensional accuracy, incredible detail resolution and smooth surface finish even if they are very complex, with internal channels, complex 3D-structures or even complete assemblies manufactured in one shot. This works with thousands of parts as well as with just one customized part, as no tooling is required.
      • 实例探究

      • 加法制造技术提供独特的possibilities to create innovative products. By comparing conventional and additive manufacturing technologies, a function-driven redesign of products is often beneficial. In particular, the Micro Laser Sintering provides a high level of accuracy and detail resolution of the desired micro parts. The case studies of 3D MicroPrint GmbH illustrate innovative solutions for various applications which demonstrate the exceptional potential of the Micro Laser Sintering technology.
          • 案例研究流量测量探针

          • Small probe, big effect – Micro Laser Sintering makes tailor-made flow measurement technology possible

          • 案例研究晶格结构

          • Complex 3D lattice structures – Micro Laser Sintering enables maximum functionality by minimum material use

          • 案例研究抓手

          • Cost reduction by saving assembling – Functional module built at-once by Micro Laser Sintering

            Grabbers or manipulators are used in numerous branches from medical technology to aerospace. Using conventional technologies such a grabber has to be assembled at least of four single pieces. The smaller the parts become, the more difficult the secure assembling of the tiny components is.
          • Case study watch

          • Micro Laser Sintering for highest quality standards – The future at your wrist

          • Case study Frauenkirche

          • Miniaturization with highest complexity – Scaled architectural models

            The Frauenkirche located in Dresden (Germany) is a landmark of the city. Built in the 18th century and destroyed in the World War II, it was faithful reconstructed almost 60 years later. This war memorial became a symbol of peace and reconciliation. A miniature model of the building transmits the message to the world and illustrates the high accuracy of Micro Laser Sintering.

        • Services

        • 您有应用程序,我们确实有微激光烧结的经验。借助我们的工程服务,我们使您的零件3D可打印。


          Our design rules and knowledge transfer will enable you to optimize the part design on your own. This way you can take advantage of our technology for series production as well as for prototypes or individualized parts.

          Let’s discuss your ideas, we will find a solution together!

          3D Printing enables new solutions. Undercuts, customized or even individualized parts, lightweight design, assemblies in one piece quickly available without the need for additional tooling – 3D MicroPrint GmbH has opened these amazing advantages to the world of micro parts.

              • 从添加剂制造的优势中受益

                • Function-oriented design of parts
                • Combination and integration of multiple functions
                • Lightweight-design saves material
                • 打印一个组件
                • Immediate manufacturing without additional tools
                • 快速上市的时间
          • Parts

          • 3D MicroPrint GmbH provides the complete solution chain for the production of precisely printed metal parts. Experience high precision in 3D printing.

            印刷微金属零件的生产具有精细的细节,光滑的表面表面和高精度是3D Microprint GmbH的关键能力。借助我们的技术微激光烧结,我们提供了定制零件的经济高效,材料高效且经济的制造,直到微型金属零件的串联生产的原型,包括3D打印的所有优势。

            We offer several materials such as several stainless steels or high melting materials like Molybdenum or Tungsten. Do not hesitate to ask us for your specifically tailored material. Also post processing like electrical discharge machining (EDM), blasting, plasma polishing and others are available.

            Typical industries

            • Medical Industry
            • Automotive
            • 航天
            • 半导体和内存
            • 能量和化学
            • 珠宝和手表
            • Machines exlusively sold through 3D-Micromac AG

            • 3D Microprint的机器通过微激光烧结的细节分辨率,精度和表面表面效果提供最佳效果。

              Our solutions merge the abilities of micro manufacturing with the advantages of 3D printing for the first time. Inspired by and made for Industry and R&D our machines satisfy a big bandwidth of user requirements. Low running costs, availability of industrial standards like zero-point clamping system, inert gas atmosphere including gas cleaning and remote service support ensure best technical and commercial results.


              我们的机器通过3D-Micromac AG

                • DMP50 GP

                • The DMP50 GP is the right choice for your start into the world of additive manufacturing of micro metal parts.

                  自2013年以来,DMP50 GP服务于工业和研发需求。它处理不锈钢,钨和高反应性材料(例如钛)等材料。

                  高细节resolution and accuracy, very good surface finish, low running cost and ease of use are it’ s highlights. Process and work safety is ensured by an purified inert Argon atmosphere and air locks to make sure the powder particles up to 5 µm size are processed safely. The flexible DMP50 GP serves the requirements for R&D work as well as the requirements for stable series production

                  • 红外纤维激光50瓦
                  • Laser spot size ≤ 30 µm
                  • Building platform Ø57 x 30 mm³
                  • Layer thickness 1 µm to 5 µm
                  • Inert Argon atmosphere
                  • Gas tight design & gas cleaning – low running cost
                  • Air locks and Rapid Transfer Ports
                  • Processing of highly reactive materials
                • DMP60 series

                • The DMP60 series is the current machine generation for Micro Laser Sintering.

                  Choose the one that fits your needs best:

                  DMP60:The cost efficient machine for R&D and Universities. It processes nonreactive materials only.


                  DMP64:如果您需要较高的细节分辨率<15 µm,则DMP64是正确的选择。它以最佳的细节分辨率,准确性和表面饰面来设定步伐。它还配备了零点夹紧系统和反应性材料的过程。

                  • 红外纤维激光器
                  • Layer thickness 1 µm to 5 µm
                  • Inert Argon atmosphere
                  • Air locks and Rapid Transfer Ports
                  • Processing of highly reactive materials
              • Material

                    • Material

                    • The powder materials are tailored to satisfy the requirements of Micro Laser Sintering. We use powder with particle sizes smaller 5 µm to achieve a very good detail resolution. Together with selected partners from Industry and Universities we develop these high tech powders.