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  • intralogistics systems
    SIVAplan - for over 40 years a specialist for complete logistics solutions. As a developer, manufacturer and service provider, SIVAplan implements fully automated solutions for a safe and efficient material flow.
Product Portfolio
  • 高湾仓库

  • Whether single-deep, double-deep or in the variant as channel storage: When designing our systems, the engineers at SIVAplan mainly rely on the economical silo construction method, in which the roof and wall elements are supported by the shelf steel construction.

    我们的高湾仓库 - 一目了然

    From compact channel storage to temperature-controlled deep-freeze or fresh food storage to highly dynamic high-speed storage: All high-bay warehouses from SIVAplan offer numerous advantages.

    • High Bay仓库,用于Soltau的Harry Bread。
    • High Bay仓库,用于Soltau的Harry Bread。
    • 空间和空间的最佳使用
    • Can be used in three-shift operation with low personnel requirements
    • Problem-free connection of existing ERP systems and versatile networking
    • with other areas such as production and shipping possibleSafe material flow without forklift trucks or other transport systems
    • High throughput for storage and retrieval
    • 出色的采摘功能
    • Fast access to all stored goods
      • Single-deep telescopic bearing with 6 RBGs

        • Direct access to every single pallet
        • High turnover rates
        • Fast access to picking warehouses
        • Optimal for storing many different articles in small quantities
      • Double-deep telescopic warehouse with 4 RBGs

        • 33% higher storage capacity than 1-place systems
        • 快速访问每个托盘
        • Storage and retrieval speed in the middle range
        • Optimal for storage of a medium number of articles and high turnover rate
      • Channel storage with 2 RBG and one SAT device each

        • 58% higher storage capacity than 1-place systems
        • 较低的投资要求
        • Simple connection to the conveyor system
        • 最佳地存储大量文章
    • Channel storage

    • Maximum storage density in the tightest of spaces

      For a fast material flow: SAT device from SIVAplan in the channel storage.

      Instead of many, the channel storage system relies on only a few storage and retrieval machines. With the help of SAT devices, the pallets are stored one behind the other in the racks.


      The decisive question when planning a plant is: Which storage concept is the right solution? Compared to single or double-deep storage, channel storage with multiple-deep storage (e.g. up to 20 pallets) can be the more economical solution in many cases.


      Particularly in the area of temperature-controlled warehouses, our customers appreciate the advantages of our compact warehouses, whose concept has proven itself in countless projects in recent years.

      A special feature of our channel warehouses is the use of channel reverse technology, which enables the satellites used for pallet transport to be used in both directions in the channel.

      Advantages of channel storage

      • Reduced space requirement and very high bearing density
      • Storage both transverse and longitudinal possible
      • Channels can be operated from several storage and retrieval machines
      • Increased redundancy through channel reverse technology
      • 动态通道深度分配
      • 传送带技术直接以一个或多个存储水平安装在仓库中(例如,供应车道,存储缓冲区)
      • Simple integration of picking areas into the warehouse area
      • 低投资要求(与常规的1和2位系统相比)
        • 标准SAT设备

        • 标准SAT设备for the transverse storage of pallets with two-point support
        • 特殊的SAT设备

        • 特殊的SAT设备,用于带有三点支撑的托盘的横向存储
        • 特殊的SAT设备

        • 特殊的SAT设备,用于带有三点支撑的托盘纵向存储
      • Storage and retrieval machines

      • Fully automatic transport of goods

        As one of the pioneers of modern warehouse technology, SIVAplan develops, manufactures and installs robust and reliable storage and retrieval machines at its main plant in Troisdorf near Cologne.

        Thanks to the possibility of individual equipment, these can also transport special loading units in addition to standard transport media such as Euro pallets, Düsseldorfer pallets or industrial pallets.

        Storage and retrieval machines are the workhorses in a high-bay warehouse. Loads must be stored and retrieved quickly but safely - often around the clock.

        SIVAplan is familiar with these requirements and offers fully automatic storage and retrieval machines tailored to them. Whether in production, trade or logistics - SIVAplan's storage and retrieval machines have been trusted by customers throughout Europe for more than 40 years.

        The basis of the extensive portfolio is the multivariable standard range "RBG Vario", which impresses with its diverse possibilities for customised system solutions over 30 metres in height and payloads from 0.75 kN to well over 20 kN.


        Storage and retrieval machines in the warehouse of Coppenrath & Wiese.
        Storage and retrieval machines in the warehouse of Coppenrath & Wiese.
        All storage and retrieval machines share the high quality levels and safety standards typical of SIVAplan. The robust design, powerful drive motors and precise controls ensure an uninterrupted and reliable material flow.

        因此,难怪Sivaplan操作员界面已经完美地执行了许多年,即使在最艰难的条件下 - 例如,在铸造厂的尘土飞扬或在深冻仓库中的-30°C下。

        SIVAplan storage and retrieval machines achieve optimum values for storage and retrieval by means of dynamic drive technologies with high acceleration values. State-of-the-art control components ensure exact positioning in the warehouse aisle - within the shortest possible time.


          • The SAT-Mobil® from SIVAplan - The solution for the warehouses of the future

          • The SAT-Mobil® revolutionizes the material flow in large warehouses

            SAT-Mobile® from SIVAplan - Innovative material flow solutions from intralogistics experts
            SIVAplan further developed the already successfully introduced SAT technology as a future-proof solution for ever larger bearings.

            The starting point is the channel storage technology, which is particularly suitable for stored goods with a smaller variety of articles. Through the combination of SAT devices, which are brought to the various levels of the warehouse by means of vertical conveyors, where they store and retrieve pallets.

            高湾仓库are reaching ever larger dimensions; 50,000, sometimes even more than 100,000 pallet spaces are no longer a rarity. At the same time, the demands on speed, goods turnover and flexibility are increasing and can hardly be met with conventional technology. Warehouses with 80,000 pallet storage locations with material flow values of 800 to 1,200 pallets per hour for storage and retrieval will be standard in the future.

            The SIVAplan concept breaks away from the previously used stacker cranes and instead relies on a combination of several SAT-Mobiles® and a few vertical conveyors. SIVAplan pursues the idea that fast moving masses must be kept to a minimum. The SAT-Mobil® and the vertical conveyor therefore move less than 10 percent of a conventional storage and retrieval machine as "dead weight".

              • The SAT-Mobil® - innovative and economical

              • SAT-MOBILE®是转移货车,可在高湾仓库的一个级别运行,并携带一两个通道车辆(所谓的SAT设备),每种设备都将托盘运输到通道深处。SAT-MOBIL®本身通过特殊的垂直输送机在水平之间运输。这样,可以在不同级别上使用SAT-MOBILE®。但是,为了获得最大的性能,每个级别都位于每个级别上。

                • Vertical pallet transport is carried out with vertical conveyors, each of which transports several pallets.
                • Storage and retrieval is carried out using standard conveyor technology in conjunction with accumulation functions.
                • The vertical conveyors can be positioned in the middle of the rack to optimise performance.
              • Flexibility for fastest goods turnover

              • Due to its compact and robust design, the SAT-Mobil® meets the increased requirements for reliability and flexibility. In addition, it allows applications that cannot be realized with traditional storage and retrieval machines:

                • 如果进行维护或故障,其他SAT-MOBIL®单位接管了“表示”或提高仓库另一部分的性能。
                • 高湾仓库with SAT technology are significantly more compact, as the floor and roof areas as well as all side walls are smaller.
                • The structure of a warehouse can be extended modularly: For example, you can start with 10 levels and 4 SAT-Mobil® and add more mobile units later for higher performance.
                • 无论是在正常温度下还是在-30°C的冷冻存储区域中 - 西瓦普兰的SAT技术在所有应用领域都成功地证明了自己。
              • Deep-freeze and fresh food warehouses

              • 坚韧:Sat-Mobil®可以轻松地用于深冰和新鲜食品仓库。
            • Conveying technology

            • 传达技术是我们的职业

              SIVAplan: Robust and reliable intralogistics components for smooth material flow
              SIVAplan designs and implements conveyor systems tailored to requirements for all common pallets and numerous special loading units.


              Reliable intralogistics components from SIVAplan


              Powerful control systems and computer systems as well as state-of-the-art drive technology ensure extraordinarily high availability. Low wear and tear and a maintenance-friendly design ensure trouble-free operation - with minimum maintenance costs.

              从SIVAplan起重装置与滚筒输送机。Lifters with roller conveyors from SIVAplan.


              • 滚子输送机和链条输送机
              • Pallets and other transport containers
              • Integrated accumulation conveyor systems
              • Turntables and corner transfer units
              • 转移汽车,起重器和垂直输送机
              • Loading and unloading systems for trucks
              • 托盘测试系统
              • Stacking systems and destacking systems for pallets
                • Roller conveyors

                • Customer-specific production (length, width and roll pitch), individually adapted to specified loading aids. Sturdy, height-adjustable supporting structure, high-quality roller design with solid roller floors, powerful drives. The steel construction is powder-coated as standard, the rollers are galvanised.

                • Chain conveyors

                • Generously dimensioned support chains and powerful drives ensure continuous operation. Highest quality standards and maximum loads are also a matter of course for the chain conveyors.
                • 转移手推车

                • 当必须将装载装置从一个传送带线转移到另一个传送带,在长距离运输或由几个编组码提供时,使用这些移动货车。稳定的框架结构可以配备各种输送机元件,例如链条输送机或滚筒输送机,转盘和转角传输单元,或者使用望远镜或SAT设备。
                • Corner converter

                • 使用Sivaplan转移系统,加载单元被移动90°并进一步运输。滚子输送机和链条输送机的组合成为角传输单元。滚子或链条输送机可以选择配备起重机系统。
                • Rotary tables

                • If loading units have to be rotated by 90° and conveyed in the same direction, rotary tables equipped with roller or chain conveyors are used. The high-speed version of SIVAplan can even handle 200 pallets per hour!
                • 垂直输送机

                • The transport between several levels is carried out by powerful vertical conveyors. Variable speeds, frequency-controlled lifting drives and compact lift trucks with mounted chain conveyors or roller conveyors (also with turntable or corner transfer unit) are available. Type-tested safety gears guarantee maximum safety. A conveyor level of 80 mm can also be directly operated without a pit.
              • 托盘测试系统

              • 托盘检查系统最小化故障率

                Fast and safe inspection of load carriers: The pallet inspection systems from SIVAplan
                Complex pallet warehouses with fully automatic conveyor and storage technology only work with faultless pallets.


                Pallet inspection systems - for a smooth material flow


                Broken top or bottom boards, protruding nails or missing blocks illustrate why pallets must be checked for integrity.

                In addition, pallets often have to be soiled and cleaned before use.

                SIVAplan offers modular and expandable systems for optical, pneumatic and electromechanical quality inspection of pallets.


                Individual solutions - maximum performance


                SIVAplan develops and manufactures testing systems that meet all individual requirements, depending on pallet throughput, space conditions and technical requirements. These can be easily integrated into existing transport systems and conveyor systems.

                另外,独立操作a continuous process is possible, for example for pallet sorting in forwarding companies or larger trading companies.


                  • Stainless steel components for the food industry

                  • 苏SIVAplan制造intralogistics组件ch as rotary tables and roller conveyors made of high-quality V2A to meet the high hygienic requirements of the food industry. Particularly in the food industry, in addition to the robustness of roller conveyors, corner transfer units and rotary tables, the possibilities for simple and efficient cleaning of intralogistics components are also important.