导航 :EXPO21XX>自动化21xx>H29:运动执行器> HohnerAutomáticos



Hohner Automaticos SL的中央总部位于西班牙西北部的吉罗纳省Breda,距法国边境仅几公里,距离巴塞罗那很近,位于该国最深入的工业网络之一。与大公司的共同冲动是对I+D+I的投资

HohnerAutomáticosSL成立于1983年。创始合作伙伴之一Juan Liarte仍然是该公司的主要股东,因此保证了将公司带入当前发展水平的战略计划的连续性和遵守,从而保证the basis of some fundamental, permanent and absolute values, such as integrity, respect for the individual person an the environmental responsibility and also on the basis of some of the firm’s values: client orientation, investment in investigation and development and all those tools that help us become better as a firm at service of a client and of a very demanding market.