Business Profile

hoisit VHT运作ng industry and proposes an innovative enterprise, involving the area of Varese and Lombardia in order to achieve a shared target of excellence and competitiveness in the global market.

Following an ambitious project, a group of entrepreneurs with consolidated experience in this field proposed a solution to Italian crisis, decentralization and outsourcing, rediscovering our enterprise's culture and focusing upon values such as tradition and knowledge of modern technology.

VHT designs, manufactures and distributes electromechanical serialized hoisting components (electric chain hoists, wire rope hoists, jib cranes, sliding components for bridge cranes).

Through the proposal of its serialized components, VHT is able to synthesize perfectly the specialization acquired in years with a modern know-how: that's a special synergy we realized through the direct transfer of "experience & knowledge" between generations.

Thanks to this expertise , VHT proposes a development’s project about products and technologies that yearn for representing a flagship in the local and national economic system.

The commitment and ability of management and workforce involved in the project help to ensure:

• High-quality product
• High level of professionalism in the customer relationship
• Competitive pricing
• Fast and efficient customer service