  • 提供个人资料
  • Nowadays Hydrosila Group is the leading manufacturer of fluid power machines and hydraulic system components for agricultural, construction and road-building equipment in Eastern Europe.
Product Portfolio
  • Axial-piston units

      • Variable displacement axial piston pumps (Series S & H)

      • Variable displacement axial-piston pumps in swashplate design are intended for hydraulic actuators combined of pump and motor, operating in closed circuit systems. Operate in stroke of mobile machines – harvesters, concrete mixers, paving compactors and other.
      • 固定位移轴向活塞电动机(Sers S&H)

      • Swashplate设计中的固定位移轴向活塞电动机在封闭和开放式电路中均使用。

      • Fixed displacement bent axis axial-piston pumps (Series BF10)

      • 固定位移弯曲轴活塞泵在液压系统中隐含,以将驱动轴的机械功率转化为液压功率。
      • Fixed displacement bent axis axial-piston motors (Series BF10)

      • Fixed displacement bent axis piston motors are implied in hydraulic systems to transform the hydraulic power into the mechanical power of the drive shaft.
      • 可变位移轴向活塞电动机(BV10系列)

      • Variable displacement axial-piston motors in swashplate design are used to operate in closed circuit systems, where it is essential to widen the range of regulation of actuator rotation speed.
      • 固定位移弯曲轴轴向活塞泵(BF20系列)

      • 固定位移弯曲轴活塞泵在液压系统中隐含,以将驱动轴的机械功率转化为液压功率。
      • 固定位移弯曲轴轴向活塞电动机(BF20系列)

      • Fixed displacement bent axis piston motors are implied in hydraulic systems to transform the hydraulic power into the mechanical power of the drive shaft.
      • 具有LS控制的开放电路(系列C)的可变轴向活塞泵

      • Variable displacement axial-piston pump is used in open circuits. Pump is applied at tractors, agricultural, mobile machines and other equipment in temperate and tropical climate.Pump control is realized by supply and pressure adjuster, which limits maximum pressure level in pressure line and keeps pump supply at preset level regardless of load and speed. Axial-piston pump is easily controlled and relatively compact.
      • 可变的轴向活塞泵,用于具有LS控制的开路(系列C1)

      • 可变位移轴向活塞泵系列C1用于开放电路。泵用于拖拉机,农业和移动机以及其他设备。
        Features of Variable displacement axial-piston pumps Series C1
    • 齿轮泵

        • 齿轮泵Series «K»

        • 泵外壳由挤压铝制成,并用PTFE轴承使用。这些泵用于标称250 bar的液压系统。
          齿轮泵series ‘К’ are manufactured under the standard DIN, SAE and ISO.
        • 齿轮电动机系列«路»

        • The gear motor housing is made of extruded aluminum with the usage of PTFE bearings. The gear pumps are intended for hydraulic system with nominal pressure 250 bar.
        • 齿轮泵Series K Profit

        • 齿轮泵Series K Profit - The best solution for hydraulic power packs at a price of $ 15
          Gear Pumps系列“”是在标准DIN,SAE下制造的。

        • 多个泵系列«k»

        • 多泵系列K以1、2、2.5、3和4组表示。它们由滚动铝制的螺栓体系制造,使用高强度铝合金和PTFE轴承的实心袖子
          Multiple gear pumps series K are manufactured uner the standart DIN, SAE and ISO
        • 齿轮泵Series «T»

        • Gear Pumps系列“ T”由各种移动机器的驱动轴液压系统的左,右和可逆旋转制造:卡车,卡车安装的起重机,航空工作平台,市政车辆和其他类型的机器。

          16-150 cm3/rev
          最大限度。连续压力-290 bar
          最大限度。intermittent pressure - 315 bar
          最大限度。峰值压力-325 bar
          Rotational speed
      • 控制阀

      • 控制阀是液压系统的组成部分,其主要分配是控制液压线中的流量。

        Spool valves. In the spool type valves the flow direction is fulfilled by means of axial shift of spool control element. Hydrosila manufactures two types of control valves: monoblock and modular control valves.


        Modular control valves have几个细胞,使使用阀门控制液压系统的机会有不同的元素。模块化控制阀的主要优点 - 使用阀门仅使用阀门,如果它不订购,则可以更改单独的部分。
          • 单块控制阀

              • Tipping valve MR100.T1

              • Proportional pneumatic tipping valve with open center MR100.T1 suitable for medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
              • Tipping valve MR100.T2

              • 带有开放中心MR100.T2的比例气动倾斜阀适用于中型和重型卡车。
              • Tipping valve MR100.T4

              • 带有开放中心MR100.T4的比例气动小费阀旨在在带有多型液压系统的自卸车上使用,该系统允许使用转储拖车操作卡车。
            • Sectional control valves

                • MPC70.4

                • 阀门用于改变流体流量并保护拖拉机,农业,建筑和其他移动机器的液压系统,以免过载。
                • MRS120.B1

                • 方向控制阀MRS120系列是广泛应用的通用控制阀。MRS120串联控制阀用于挖掘机,起重机,装载机,卡车,钻井机和其他设备。
              • 液压缸

                  • Piston-type / Plunger-type

                      • 活塞型 - MC系列液压纤维纤维

                      • 活塞双作用液压缸。用于农业,道路建设,公用事业机和其他设备。
                      • 柱塞型 - MCP系列液压纤维蛋白

                      • 柱塞液压纤毛。用于农业,道路建设,公用事业机器和设备。
                    • 快速释放耦合

                    • Quick-release couplings are available in various sizes (from 1/4 "to 1") with interchangeability of the contact part of the socket and nipple according to ISO 7241-A, ISO 14541, ISO 16028 ("Flat Face").

                      1.耦合是用具有高质量的外部和内部电锌涂层的碳钢制成的高精度设备,从而确保其密封连接和长时间的使用寿命,并具有重复的连接 - 连接式 - 粘膜以及必要的耐腐蚀性。
                      2. The O-ring is made of high-strength rubber based on oil-and-petrol resistant rubber, which ensures optimum tightness of the coupling coupling and long service life of the quick-release coupling.
                      5.两个耦合halv的连接尺寸es correspond to the ISO 7241-A standard, which makes it possible to use the "HYROSILA" coupling half-couplings with the coupling halves of the world manufacturers of the same size.
                        • 快速发布耦合“ QR”

                        • 互换性根据ISO 7241系列A.半耦合的球夹紧。Poppet阀。Two-way "connection-disconnection" (the so-called "breakaway function" or "Push-pull" connection). Connection by pushing the male coupling. Disconnection by pulling the male part. Connectable with male part (ISO A) under pressure. Most often found on agricultural and communal machinery. Designed for light operating conditions, as well as where there are no ultra-high pressures.
                        • 快速释放耦合“ QS”

                        • 互换性根据ISO 7241系列A.半耦合的球夹紧。Poppet阀。单向“连接 - 签发”。最常在农业和公共机械上发现。专为轻型操作条件以及没有超高压力的地方而设计。
                        • 快速释放耦合“ QT”

                        • Interchangeability according to ISO 14541. Threaded locking half couplings. Poppet valve. They are used for high, as well as pulse pressure. It is most often used on agricultural, construction and road machinery, and machinery working in quarries.
                        • 快速发布耦合“ QF”

                        • 根据ISO 16028的互换性。半耦合的球夹紧。阀门是扁平的(“平面”)。锁的存在以防止自发脱离。在液压系统中使用,需要消除外部油泄漏的可能性,并且存在液体污染的风险。这种类型的连接使您可以成功处理脉冲负载,例如锤子。
                      • High pressure hoses

                            • High pressure hoses

                            • Under the TM Hydrosila there are manufactured several kinds of pressure hoses of different series:

                              系列“ Standart”。

                              For manufacturing of these series is used the high-quality 1-braided rubber and operation life - at least 250,000 cycles and 2-braided rubber and operation life - at least 350,000 cycles.

                              和高质量的4氧化橡胶。运营生活 - 不少于60万个周期。

                              The hoses are manufactured:
                              • 根据标准DIN,SAE;
                              • 或具有额定压力105 bar至420 bar的液压系统;
                              • 标称孔为6至32毫米;
                              • with straight and corner fitting (angles 0 to 900), standards DKM type (with spherical nipple) and DKO type (cone nipple and sealing), may be of light and hard series and other standards;
                              • with thread (metric and inch) and flange mounting;
                              • 根据客户要求的长度。
                        • 轴向活塞泵和电动机的备件

                        • 在商标下,“ Hydrosila”是为轴向活塞泵和下一个系列电动机生产的备件:
                          系列s– axial-piston units pumps and motors are produced since 1980 under the license of German company Sauer-Sundstrand.
                            • 可变位移轴向活塞泵系列PVS

                            • 额定压力,条:22,5
                              Rated flow, lpm:47,4-126,8

                            • 固定位移轴向活塞运动系列MFS

                            • 位移CCM:33,3 - 89
                              额定扭矩,n m:92,6 - 311,8
                          • Fan Drive

                              • 齿轮泵方案

                              • Hydraulic drive systems for engine cooling fans.

                              • 带有可变轴向活塞泵的方案

                              • Hydraulic drive systems for engine cooling fans.
