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- Rethink Robotics符合德国工程
作为协作机器人解决方案领域的先驱,Rethink Robotics GmbH是一个强大而可靠的合作伙伴,可支持各个规模和每个行业的制造商,并使用硬件和软件的创新和先进的组合来自动化其价值链。索耶(Sawyer)是一种灵活,易于使用,高性能的轻型机器人,该机器人专门为使用嵌入式Cognex Vision System接管精确任务。它由其专门设计的软件和操作系统Intera控制,同时在版本5中可用,并继续进行更新。由于他的安全设计和教他的直观方式,索耶被员工高度接受。
Product Portfolio

- 在黑色版本中,索耶仍然是易于使用,灵活且高度接受的协作机器人。
哈恩集团收购资产一年后,Rethink Robotics提出了Sawyer Black Edition。改进的硬件是基于德国工程能力和多年申请经验的结合。Cobot Sawyer现在更安静,更耐用,产品质量更高。
Sawyer Black Edition的使用有助于更安静的工作环境,并使友好面孔在员工中更受欢迎。由于其机器人臂具有7度的自由度和1,260毫米的射程,因此在没有人类员工空间的地方也可以使用索耶。可能的应用领域包括对人类危险或单调的任务,例如CNC机器组件,电路板组件,金属加工,注塑成型,包装,装载和卸载以及测试和检查。配备解决方案可以在交付后立即使用,并配备了功能强大的Intera软件和两个相机系统。

Easy application
- Software Driven Hardware: Easy application
一家协作机器人制造商,为配备解决方案提供了一个功能强大,易于使用的软件 - Intera软件 - 不断更新并实时提供生产指标。硬件和软件的组合以及ClickSmart Gripper技术使Sawyer在更多的任务和应用程序中更快,更容易地部署,并且无需耗时的自定义。可以通过简单地演示移动其手臂的过程来训练机器人。机器人正在启动并运行以在几分钟之内执行任务,并且易于使用。这就是重新考虑的差异 - Intera使Sawyer快速而易于部署。

- 真空泡沫夹具套件(VFG):专为需要采摘不同尺寸零件或表面不均匀的应用而设计。该套件包括:1个用于智能行为的泡沫真空吸尘器和模拟真空传感器。泡沫抓手直径为80毫米

Highly accepted
- 高分辨率控制:员工高度接受
尽管必须将传统的工业机器人保存在笼子后面,但索耶本质上是安全的,旨在与人一起工作,并证明它符合TüvRheinland的ISO要求(ISO 10218-1:2011:2011和PLDCat。3)。结合他友好的眼睛的安全性使索耶不仅接受了热情的接受,而且在员工中也受欢迎。
Thanks to sensitive torque sensors embedded into every joint, Sawyer’s built in force-sensing allows constant force control where delicate part insertion is critical, or to use force feedback in tasks where verification of properly seated parts is needed. By controlling both force and position, Saywer controls the amount of force it applies to different directions, the same way people do when performing tasks, eliminating the need for additional sensors or hardware.

- 工业自动化可以解决劳动问题,提高生产力并提高质量。但是您应该自动化哪个制造过程?下面的工业应用程序利用了索耶(Sawyer)的独特配乐功能,并已被证明可以快速投资回报。在下面的指南中阅读有关如何使用协作机器人自动化任务的更多信息,并学习如何使Sawyer工作。

Pick & Place
- Almost every plant in the world operates some form of line loading and unloading. Rethink Robotics’ smart, collaborative robot Sawyer provides a great solution for the monotonous, yet critically important jobs of moving parts to/from tables, conveyors, and fixtures. The ability to maintain counts, re-orient parts and place them into position makes Sawyer a natural fit.

- With growing customer demand for product customization, Sawyer, the smart collaborative robot, delivers a cost-effective, high performance factory automation tool for injection molders seeking machine tending, product inspection, and material handling capabilities – all in one, adaptable system.

- PCB处理和ICT历来都适合ations that were difficult to automate due to the delicate nature of parts and the frequency of line changeovers. Sawyer, the high performance, easy to use, flexible and popular collaborative robot, was designed specifically to handle these types of tasks. With its rapid redeployment capabilities, Sawyer can drop into a customer’s existing environment without having to significantly re-configure the existing infrastructure. In addition, the ability to “feel” its way into position makes the cobot ideal for these applications.

- Testing systems have historically been found only on high volume production lines. Now, Rethink Robotics’ collaborative robot delivers the complete package that includes multi-point inspection using a single camera, full digital traceability of results, and error-proof processing.

- 使用金属形成和冲压机可以是肮脏,沉闷且危险的工作。而且许多过程仍然需要“人类触摸”。但是,索耶(Sawyer)是易于使用的,灵活的,协作的机器人,在这些任务中是一个高性能的人,可以适应不断变化的线配置,精确加载和卸载零件以及趋向复杂的机械。

CNC Machine Tending
- 机器趋势是任何工厂中最无聊的工作之一。易于使用和灵活的Sawyer与CNC机器集成的能力,使得配备器成为协调各种周期时间,零件的加载和卸载,支撑饰面操作以及其他机器交互的绝佳解决方案。

- 易于使用和灵活的协作机器人Sawyer非常适合各种包装应用程序。从案例包装的重复需求到3PL提供商的高可变性要求,Rethink Robotics的机器人在工作包装的原材料,成品和多包壳体上都适用于许多不同类型的产品和容器。

- TheIntera 5软件平台为工业自动化提供了一种易于动力的方法。该软件创新推动了全球制造生产力,并使您的员工新机器人同事高度接受。重新考虑机器人GmbH通过频繁的软件版本提供增加功能和功能。直到今天,开发用于控制Sawyer的Intera 5软件平台仍然是协作机器人技术中最具创新性的操作系统。

- Many vendors call their robots easy to use, but our Intera software platform has a graphical user interface that lets you train the robot, even if you have never written a line of code or programmed a robot before. Using our industry leading train-by-demonstration capabilities, anyone can interact directly with the robot’s arm to easily train tasks.

Intera Studio
- Intera具有功能强大的用户界面,称为Intera Studio,该界面使用户可以访问机器人任务并从笔记本电脑中微调任务的详细信息。Intera Studio使您能够快速创建,修改和监视任务,同时获得控制机器人的高级功能。

Intera Insights
- Intera Insights直接在机器人上提供关键的生产指标,并可以在生产异常之前识别出问题。关键性能指标(例如周期时间和零件计数)可以实时在工厂的地板上访问。相同的可自定义数据也被馈送到Intera Studio,向其他团队成员提供可见性。

Vision: Inside and Out
- Sawyer在手臂中有一个嵌入式的Cognex视觉系统,可让机器人找到对象或检查部分是否存在。该视觉系统使机器人定位系统(RPS)可以在机器人环境中寻找变化并自动响应工作单元的变化。您还可以在几分钟内无缝地集成外部摄像头,并大大降低典型的机器视觉集成成本。

Rapid Return on Investment
- Rethink提供了一个完全集成的配件解决方案:机器人组,Intera软件平台,ClickSmart Gripper技术,嵌入式视觉,力传感和生产水平指标实时。这种综合方法可以快速部署,并提供快速的投资回报。
Industries for Collaborative Robots

- Rethink易于使用和快速部署协作机器人Sawyer可以为无数行业提供灵活和可靠的工业自动化。这里只是一些示例,展示了工作中的Sawyercot。

- Traditional industrial robots have been utilized by automotive and auto part manufacturers for many years, doing high speed operations behind cages. Our smart, collaborative robots (cobots) can join workers on the line with flexibility – whether it’s handling materials, machine tending, performing test and inspection, packing finished goods – wherever there is a monotonous, repetitive task.

- 与其他协作机器人不同,带有内置力传感的Rethink Robotics配乐非常适合处理电子组件,保护脆弱的零件和昂贵的固定装置的精致工作。Sawyeris易于进入现有环境并快速部署,使其成为用于PCB处理和ICT(电路测试)的经济高效,高性能自动化工具。

- Many manufacturers are affected by seasonal activity and variability in customer demand. Ramping labor up and down is not unusual, but it can be hard to staff and even harder to remain competitive. Rethink Robotic´s smart, collaborative robots (cobots) are flexible and very easy to deploy, they can manage demand peaks, third shifts and seasonal requirements across many different lines. If you are interested in renting your cobot in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, HAHN RobShare within the robotics division of the HAHN Group, is your partner for robot rental solutions.

- 在金属制造中工作通常涉及肮脏,沉闷和危险的工作。重新考虑机器人的智能,协作机器人(Cobot)从不抱怨这些类型的工作,非常适合承担大多数人类喜欢避开的任务,使人们可以在更安全的环境中工作并承担更多增值任务。同时,索耶(Sawyer)这样的家伙非常适合自动化重复的金属晶圆厂任务,例如机器趋势,加载和卸载零件。这使Sawyer在员工中非常受欢迎。

Packaging and Co-Packing
- Contract-driven production, promotional packaging, seasonal demand, shorter product life cycles. Companies handling these challenges value flexibility – and flexibility is where the smart, collaborative robot (cobot) Sawyer excels. The ability to be deployed easily, flexibly and quickly makes Sawyer ideal for adapting to short runs and for switching from product to product as needed.

Plastics Factory Automation
- Injected molded plastics are in so many products we use every day. The lightweight nature of parts makes them a great fit for Rethink Robotic´s smart, collaborative robot (cobot). From loading and unloading injection molding machines, to kitting plastic components, to packaging finished parts into blister packs, to packing containers for shipping, one thing is certain – Sawyergives customers the ability to automate almost anything.