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  • 智能移动4.0


    Friendly Innovation

    我们完全致力于创新的offering user-friendly solutions that set trends in our Industry 4.0 work environment.

    100% Kivnon Experience

    Kivnonoffers highly innovative, intuitive AGVs/AMRs that act as reliable, safe and easy-to-use working partners

Product Portfolio
  • Kivnon友好的创新

  • 自动化行业内凝学过程的关键工具4.0



      • K03 Twister

      • 紧凑的自动导向车辆AGV/AMR旨在举起负载。


        请与我们联系以获取有关K03 Twister的更多信息。

        • 运动:旋转,360º在其轴上移动
        • Load: On-board load capacity of up to 400kg
        • 指导:磁引导或映射导航
        • Connectivity: Can be adapted to connect to fleet management systems, including those based on VDA 5050
        • 高精度:完全准确地进行精确停止
      • K05 Twister

      • 旋转容量的小型自动引导车辆



        • 运动:旋转,360º在其轴上移动
        • Load: On-board load capacity of up to 500kg and towing capacity of up to 1,000kg on a wheeled trolley
        • 指导:磁引导导航
        • Connectivity: Can be adapted to connect to fleet management systems, including those based on VDA 5050
        • 高精度:完全准确地进行精确停止
        • Transport type:Lifting and towing
        • Maximum speed: Up to 1m/s
        • 电池:AGM或锂以及集成电路中的在线充电
        • 安全措施:激光扫描仪和安全性PLC
        • Status: Frontal status, error, and circuit control display
      • K10单向

      • 小型自动导向车辆设计用于沿单个旅行方向拖动手推车



        • 运动:旋转,360º在其轴上移动
        • Load: On-board load capacity of up to 500kg and towing capacity of up to 1,000kg on a wheeled trolley
        • 指导:磁引导导航
        • Connectivity: Can be adapted to connect to fleet management systems, including those based on VDA 5050
        • 高精度:完全准确地进行精确停止
        • Battery:AGM or lithium and online charging in integrated circuit
        • 安全措施:激光扫描仪和安全性PLC
        • Status: Frontal status, error, and circuit control display
      • K11 TWO-WAY

      • Small, automated guided vehicle (AGV/AMR) designed to transport loads on trolleys in both directions of travel.

        This AGV/AMR model is the perfect solution for automating the transport of large loads over long distances in processes that need maneuvers to be performed in both directions of travel.

        • 运动:双向运动
        • 负载:牵引能力高达3,000公斤的手推车
        • 指导:磁引导或映射导航
        • Connectivity: Can be adapted to connect to fleet management systems, including those based on VDA 5050
        • 高精度:完全准确地进行精确停止
        • 运输类型:牵引
        • 最大速度:1 m/s
        • 电池:AGM或锂,在集成电路中可交换和在线充电
        • 安全措施:两次激光扫描仪,超声传感器,安全性PLC和Bluespot
        • 状态:状态,错误和电路控制显示在每个正面
      • K41 Slim

      • 低矮的自动导向车辆(AGV/AMR)旨在运输船上负载。



        • 运动:全向运动
        • 负载:高达800公斤的负载能力
        • 指南:映射导航
        • Connectivity: Can be adapted to connect to fleet management systems, including those based on VDA 5050
        • 高精度:完全准确地进行精确停止
        • 运输类型:举重
        • 最大速度:: 1 m/s
        • 电池::集成电路中的锂和在线充电
        • 安全措施:通过激光扫描仪,安全性PLC和LED信令的360º安全
        • Status: Status, error, and circuit control touch display on each front side
    • AGVS拖拉机

    • Tractor vehicles capable of dragging one or more trolleys in convoy mode up to 6.000kg.
      • 自动化的导向车辆旨在将手推车拖动朝一个旅行方向拖动。
      • Vehicle able to follow cyclic fixed or conditional routes and interact with other AGVs, machines and people.
      • Magnetic guidance or mapping navigation.
      • The integrated security systems allow them to share spaces and routes with people and other vehicles (Directive 2006/42/CE).
      • User friendly. For implementation and start-up there is no need to hire an AGV specialist.
      • 容易诊断。额叶显示信息有关警报或警报,电池状态和AGV目的地的信息。
      • 集成的环内充电系统,允许总自治为24/7。
      • No central control system is required for their operation
      • AGV可以连接到上层维护控制和过程系统。
        • K32 Tractor

        • 自动导向车辆(AGV/AMR)旨在以车队牵引模式运输负载。


          This AGV/AMR model is the perfect solution for automating the transport of large loads in internal logistics processes.

          • 运动:单向运动
          • Load: Towing capacity of up to 2,000kg on a wheeled trolley
          • 指导:磁引导或映射导航
          • Connectivity: Can be adapted to connect to fleet management systems, including those based on VDA 5050
          • 高精度:完全准确地进行精确停止
          • 运输类型:牵引
          • 最大速度:1 m/s
          • 电池:AGM或锂以及集成电路中的在线充电
          • 安全措施:激光扫描仪,超声传感器,安全性PLC和Bluespot
          • Status: Frontal status, error, and circuit control display
        • K20拖拉机

        • 自动导向车辆(AGV/AMR)旨在运输车辆本身或手推车上的大量负载。



          • 运动:单向运动
          • 负载:牵引能力高达6,000公斤的手推车
          • 指导:磁引导导航
          • Connectivity: Can be adapted to connect to fleet management systems, including those based on VDA 5050
          • 高精度:完全准确地进行精确停止
          • 运输类型:牵引
          • 最大速度:1 m/s
          • 电池:AGM或锂以及集成电路中的在线充电
          • 安全措施:通过激光扫描仪,超声传感器,安全性PLC和Bluespot的360º安全
          • Status: Frontal status, error, and circuit control display

      • 叉车车辆能够举起和堆叠高达1.000kg的载荷。
        • 自动化的导向车辆旨在将手推车拖动朝一个旅行方向拖动。
        • Vehicle able to follow cyclic fixed or conditional routes and interact with other AGVs, machines and people.
        • Magnetic guidance or mapping navigation.
        • The integrated security systems allow them to share spaces and routes with people and other vehicles (Directive 2006/42/CE).
        • User friendly. For implementation and start-up there is no need to hire an AGV specialist.
        • 容易诊断。额叶显示信息有关警报或警报,电池状态和AGV目的地的信息。
        • 集成的环内充电系统,允许总自治为24/7。
        • No central control system is required for their operation
        • AGV可以连接到上层维护控制和过程系统。
          • K50托盘卡车

          • 自动导向车辆(AGV/AMR)旨在移动和堆叠低高度的载荷。


            Please contact us for further information on the K55 Pallet Stacker.

            • Movement: Two-way movemen
            • Load: Load capacity of up to 1,000 kg
            • Elevation: Lifting capacity of up to 1,000 mm
            • 指导:磁引导或映射导航
            • Connectivity: Can be adapted to connect to fleet management systems, including those based on VDA 5050
            • 高精度:完全准确地进行精确停止
          • K55 Pallet Stacker

          • 自动导向车辆(AGV/AMR)旨在移动和堆叠低高度的载荷。


            Please contact us for further information on the K55 Pallet Stacker.

            • Movement: Two-way movemen
            • Load: Load capacity of up to 1,000 kg
            • Elevation: Lifting capacity of up to 1,000 mm
            • 指导:磁引导或映射导航
            • Connectivity: Can be adapted to connect to fleet management systems, including those based on VDA 5050
            • 高精度:完全准确地进行精确停止
        • 导航

        • We develop the latest navigation system technologies for AGVs/AMRs adapted to any environment and industry
            • 磁导航

            • AGV沿着由磁带或地下导向的磁导管形成的电路行驶,其中RFID标签位于位置。这些标签包含车辆必须在电路上执行的订单。当AGV在RFID标签上行驶时,它会读取其包含的信息并执行指示功能(停止,带有现场元素的通信,电池充电等)。

              • Flextag应用程序:Kivnon开发的工具,用户可以创建,配置和修改自己的磁性导航电路
              • Easy to install and adjust the circuit’s design using the magnetic tape
              • Full versatility and flexibility to modify circuits
              • Simple configuration and modification of functions within the circuit
            • Mapping navigation

            • The AGV/AMR freely navigates around the environment based on SLAM technology. This means no elements, like tape or tags, need to be installed on the floor. The vehicle can construct a map of the plant that facilitates its orientation and positioning at all times.

              • FlexMAP管理系统:由Kivnon设计的软件,用户可以创建,配置和修改自己的映射导航电路
              • 如果周期和电路发生变化,生产区域的完全多功能性和灵活性
              • 生成动态,不断变化的环境的地图
              • 获得有关AGV/AMR运动的未来信息
          • 移动机器人技术解决方案适合每个行业

          • Kivnon提供了全球解决方案,用于自动化和优化不同部门和行业多个应用程序中的流程。我们的AGVS/AMR已成为行业4.0中的关键工具。我们拥有大量的移动机器人组合,可以用来开发个性化应用程序来优化任何工业环境。
              • 汽车

              • Kivnon拥有为汽车行业提供工业自动化解决方案的丰富经验,无论是为汽车制造商(OEM)还是零部件供应商(TIERS)


              • Logistics, warehousing, and distribution

              • 物流行业是一个通过自动导向车辆(AGVS/AMR)选择其流程自动化的行业。


              • 健康和制药

              • 近年来,自动导向车辆(AGVS/AMR)在整个卫生行业都在医院设施和制药公司中弹出。Kivnon提供的解决方案特别旨在响应该领域的自动化需求

                With the aim of automating light load transport in small spaces, our product portfolio includes the AGV Pharma, which has been devised for use in clean rooms, although not exclusively. Our automated guided vehicles can also be used to perform routine tasks in hospitals, whether to transport medication and documentation, to deliver food and towels, or even to clean communal areas.

              • 食品与饮品

              • 食品部门对自动化其生产过程的兴趣越来越多,以提高其竞争力。

                With our automated guided vehicles (AGVs/AMRs), air transport of cages for the drying of charcuterie products and meats can be automated, as can the transport of pallets to palletization lines, from palletization lines to baling lines, and from baling lines to shipment.

              • 航空

              • The aeronautic industry is one of the industries with the highest levels of demand in terms of technological innovation, quality, and safety. The aim of production process automation in this industry is to increase its production efficiency and provide greater traceability and control in terms of components and products as well as processes.

                Our automated guided vehicles (AGVs/AMRs) meet all requirements necessary to cover a wide range of applications: from transporting raw materials to moving large and delicate components, or a collaborative robot to perform tasks, such as component assembly. In addition, our vehicles are used in aircraft maintenance and repair processes.

              • 一般行业

              • There is an ongoing search for solutions in the industrial sector as it strives to improve productivity, increase profitability, and achieve greater control of manufacturing processes.


              • 塑料

              • The plastic industry is undergoing a transformation towards automation and industrial robotics. A growing number of plastic component manufacturing processes use automated guided vehicles (AGVs/AMRs) to automate repetitive tasks that, until now, were performed manually.
