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  • Offer Profile
  • As an industrial service provider, we have been closely associated with the manufacturing industry since 1991 and count among our customers as a trusted partner in the areas of quality assurance, manufacturing, assembly, warehousing, picking,packaging and shipping.
  • 专业人士通过profilift有效地计划

    • Profilift产品线抬起盒子,托盘和手推车,总负载量高达1000 kg至所需的工作高度,并且可无限可调。

      Your advantages with ProfiLift
      人绝不是降级ground. Manual production is also of great importance for Industry 4.0. Such work in particular is known for being physically demanding. However, in view of the increasing integration of workers into digital contexts, the transparency of ergonomics at the workplace is also increasing. If key figures (body size, ideal gripping space, etc.) are available on all employees, this ultimately also ensures that they are used optimally and as ergonomically as possible.

        • Lifting technology

          • 人体工程学在工作场所的重要性不断增长。为了使病假最小化,应保持对员工的身体压力。
              • profilift的全球AGV

              • profilift的全球AGV- a unique standard product for your driverless pallet transports!

                profilift的全球AGV- automation in the simplest way! As the only one on the market we offer an outstanding standard product for your simple pallet transports from A to B. Through flexible route changes of the driverless transport systems, you can easily and super fast integrate the Global AGV by ProfiLift into your work flow. What was previously a project for larger companies has now become a standard product for both small and medium sized businesses. With an extremely short payback period, your company has an economical driverless transport system with proven technology at an absolutely competitive price.

                • easiest installation and commissioning (in only 2-3 days) easy integration into existing environment
                • optimal use of the valuable human resource - Global AGV by ProfiLift is the new revolution in the age of Industry 4.0
                • 灵活,简单的路线设置和修改
                • 自动或手动操作
                • transport of Euro pallets, load capacity up to 1400kg
                • highest safety standards with proven, state-of-the-art technology
                • 日常运营中节省60%的成本(对您的公司来说是真正的好处)
              • 用吸气设备涂抹e

              • 用用户要求使用吸气设备提升,降低,无限可变旋转的涂鸦E,并带有涂鸦电子设备,以进行更多的人体工程学。
                • Precise control possible
                • 360` steplessly rotatable/ and lockable
                • Lifting height as required
                • Lifting load as required
                • Connection 400 V /50 Hz
              • ProfiLift E-Basic barrel rotator

              • The ProfiLift E-Basic, drum rotator, lifting, lowering, steplessly rotatable as required by the user Precise control possible

                • 360` steplessly rotatable/ and lockable
                • Lifting height as required
                • Lifting load as required
                • Connection 400 V /50 Hz
              • ProfiLift PN-BASIC

              • 作为固定模型,Profilift Basic是一种提升设备 - 用于在工作场所集成到完美的机器连锁和缓解助手。


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • ProfiLift PN-BASIC Teilmobil

              • 作为部分移动模型,Profilift基本往复机可以在没有负载的情况下移动。由于负载下的托架降低而引起的稳定性更高。


                • Test workplaces / platform workplaces
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • profilift pn-duo

              • Profilift Duo提升设备提供了基本的所有优点。双倍的!


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • Profilift PN-Mobil

              • 在所有工作场所都可以灵活 - 这是Mobil提升设备具有横穿性和各种举重高度的profilift fileflift设备。


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • ProfiLift PN-TWIST

              • Turning and lifting exactly as the user needs it - with the ProfiLift Twist for even more ergonomics.


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • ProfiLift PN-JUNIOR

              • Profilift Junior适合任何工作台,以节省空间并确保作为起重设备的最佳处理。


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • ProfiLift PN-CLEAN

              • The ProfiLift Clean in stainless steel design, V4A, matt brushed, for clean rooms and food areas - a clean thing.


                • Clean rooms
                • 食品生产
                • Laboratories
                • Test workplaces
                • 组装工作站
                • Hospitals

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • Profilift -E 15 Paletten仓库

              • 电的

                Your advantages:

                • Higher productivity due to time savings.
                • 由于符合人体工程学的工作,没有人员丧失。
                • 减少缺陷托盘。

                The Profi-Pallet Depot offers the following benefits:

                • 操作也可能手动
                • Safe stacking and storage of pallets
                • 可以用手托盘卡车从Profi-Palletdepot中轻松从Profi-PalletDepot中取出托盘
                • 更高的生产率和效率
                • Better organization and order in the work area
                • 托盘有缺陷
                • No staff absences due to back problems
                • 木质碎片或突出指甲不再受伤
                • 没有直接与托盘接触,因此增加了操作卫生
                • 3面安全性屏障
              • Sicherheitsabschaltautomatik sia

              • 如果在所有Profilift模型上进行操作不当,则主动安全装置可提供可靠的保护。

                When the SIA is triggered, the lowering of the lifting load is stopped immediately and the lifting fork is automatically raised again by a defined distance.

                • Depending on the variant, the SIA can be integrated on the lifting fork or on the chassis.
                • You can retrofit your existing lifting equipment - including other makes - with our sIA safety package.
              • Profilift E-Duo(Sonderanfertigung)

              • - 带旋转驱动。

                • workpiece holders are mounted on the slewing ring as required.
                • Pro Lift E-Duo在两侧都受到控制。
              • ProfiLift Gitterboxenkipper (Sonderanfertigung)

              • The lattice box is a frequently used load carrier, whereby unfavorable body postures always occur during filling and emptying. With this PN lattice box tipper, the gibo can be tilted up to 30° towards the worker.

                The base frame is height-adjustable and can thus be preset to the worker's height and loaded with a forklift or walking stacker.

                The Gibo is additionally held by a safety bar (anti-tipper).

              • Profilift Basic -der etagenlift

                • Short distances, for parts supply and removal.
                • 举起容器,最多可容纳6个大KLT,请参阅照片。
                • Operation from level 1 or level 2 possible.
              • ProfiLift E-BASIC

              • 作为固定模型,Profilift Basic是一种提升设备 - 用于在工作场所集成到完美的机器连锁和缓解助手。


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • ProfiLift E-BASIC Teilmobil

              • 作为部分移动模型,Profilift基本往复机可以在没有负载的情况下移动。由于负载下的托架降低而引起的稳定性更高。


                • Test workplaces / platform workplaces
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • ProfiLift E-DUO

              • Profilift Duo提升设备提供了基本的所有优点。双倍的!


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • Profilift E-Mobil

              • 在所有工作场所都可以灵活 - 这是Mobil提升设备具有横穿性和各种举重高度的profilift fileflift设备。


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • ProfiLift E-TWIST

              • Turning and lifting exactly as the user needs it - with the ProfiLift Twist for even more ergonomics.


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • Profilift E-Junior

              • Profilift Junior适合任何工作台,以节省空间并确保作为起重设备的最佳处理。


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • ProfiLift E-BASIC 1000 kg

              • 特殊版本中的Pro Lift e-Basic:

                • 提起和转弯1000公斤
                • 最多1200mm交付
                • 也有大众偏离中心的转弯
                • 无步360°转弯

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • ProfiLift SPS

              • The ProfiLift with PLC control for rapid and ergonomically ideal provision of materials.


                我们的完整Pro Lift产品线可提供针对您的应用程序量身定制的控件,例如:

                • pre-programmed sPs control
                • freely selectable program sequences
                • 通过传感器提起高度检测
                • other variants

                Reduce your deployment costs by using the Pro Lift product line with sPs control.

              • Profilift e-Basic(Sonderanfertigung)

              • Rotate and turn workpieces as you like.

                Pro Lift E-BASIC带有转弯和旋转单元。


              • profilift e-duo扭曲

              • 在所有工作场所都可以灵活 - 这是Mobil提升设备具有横穿性和各种举重高度的profilift fileflift设备。


                • 测试工作站/平台工作站
                • 组装工作站
                • FiFo station systems with floor rollers, KLT and other containers
                • 也可以作为托盘举重器

                We deliver to your ProfiLift

                • 标准地板辊600 x 400毫米(其他尺寸可用)
                • KLT, plastic containers in all sizes
                • FIFO火车站系统
              • Profilift Routenzug(Sonderanfertigung)

              • 该拖车是针对空间非常有限的应用开发的。特殊功能是地板辊(750 x 750毫米)的大小,四轮转向的转向半径很小,并且可能会从两侧耦合拖车列车。

                The tugger is particularly suitable for handling heavy weights.

              • Profilift E-Basic Mit Dreheinheit

              • Automatic and manual assembly operations in perfection (Industry 4.0)

                • Lifting and turning of 1500kg
                • 最多1200mm交付
                • 也有大众偏离中心的转弯
                • Stepless 360° rotation